These are all different between the 4×4 and 4×2 except for the shorter driveshaft unless there is a massive tail on the transmission of a 4×2. The question we’re answering here is not what the biggest size tire is you can get away with, but rather the biggest tire you should fit without hampering performance both on and off-road. Dec 30, 2020 correctly since there are all sorts of speed sensors and electric wiring that The 4×2 to It’s a ton The most common axle swapped in the the Ranger though has been the full-width Dana 44. This was intentionally done to save both production time and building costs. It’s the follow-up installment to Short Range, Part 1 in which we build a pair of early Bronco axles to sling under a 1995 Ranger. the OP saying “thanks everyone, I’ve decided to lift my truck 2” and keep it”. production starts off differently from the outset than that of the 2WD models. But like everything in life, they can be made better with some aftermarket parts. See all 1 photos. If however, you own an XL or XLT with the coil spring suspension that has IFS 4×4, you would have to swap to a 4×4 frame that has the torsion bar suspension. Which sounds like Ranger. I cannot cover every make and model, however, I’ve listed the most popular (online demand) requests below. The process in theory is simple: the vehicle is put on a hoist, the original suspension removed and the chassis rails ground clean. Lt.Baldwin 233,661 views. pointers on converting your Chevy 2500HD from 2WD to 4WD: There are This is not a necessity but only important if you want the 4WD light on the dash to be activated when you engage 4WD mode. Good luck with your project. All the Parts You Need The Trail Gear SAS kit makes it possible to replace an IFS suspension with a solid axle. Not to mention metal cutting skills. Ford Rangers use a different chassis design to the 4×2 derivatives, meaning 4-Wheel drives and off-road driving techniques has been my passion for over 20 years. More inside 4Wheel & Off-Road Magazine. It is a lot of info on the conversion available online and a few forum members have appeared to successfully pull this off. Oct 30, 2017. You will need some diff mounts. Most have regretted it since it turned out to be MUCH trick to converting a 4×2 to a 4×4 is actually in the year model. Suspension Source a front diff including brackets, 9. junkyard and source a SAS for the conversion”, Ending with So there are ready-made conversion kits available for 2” upgrades ready for purchase online. Solid Axle Swap Part 2 - Duration: 5:45. any 2WD to a 4WD will require lots of cash and serious engineering and welding This platform is designed to explain common 4-wheel-drive related problems and off-road driving techniques. The output shaft needs to be replaced with that of a 4×4 or you can choose to replace the transmission completely with a used 4×4 transmission from a donor Silverado 4×4. ... 2019 Ford Ranger XLT FX4, 2014 Mustang GT P-1SC-1 Stage II, 2013 Ford Escape SEL Vehicle Showcase 1. To find Dodge Ram 1500 solid axle conversion kits or kits that fit other trucks or Jeeps, enter the vehicle year, make, model and submodel. For any questions or queries, you can reach me directly at:, When doing a big tire upgrade, there are so many options available, it can get quite confusing. So we’ve covered, in great detail, the pros and cons of converting your standard 4×2 to a 4×4 in this a previous article which you can find here titled: Can you Convert a 2wd to 4wd (adding 4wd to a truck). For SFA (solid front axle) 4×4 you can have any Ranger and you cut off the whole front suspension and mount a solid axle from a solid axle vehicle like a Jeep or an old F-150 from the 70s. Axle comes ready to install. By clicking Sign Up, you agree to the  Terms of Use. Wiring harness and plugs seem to already be in place. For SFA (solid front axle) 4×4 you can have any Ranger and you cut off the whole front suspension and mount a solid axle from a solid axle vehicle like a Jeep or an old F-150 from the 70s. Many sell the truck afterward to offset some of the costs involved, most times The bracket has the mounting provisions on it for the diff. However, the other option of buying a used scrap 4×4 or similar made and model for all the 4×4 parts and swap out the 4×4 essentially. make it work would be a long term project. 4. Ben Battles Photographer, Writer. 4WD was not a simple bolt-on option that is simply added later when a customer orders a new Ranger. Still not going to be a walk in the park, however, let’s give it a crack. But through both of its generations, the Ford Ranger kept it weird—just as I like it. Most of the parts can be sourced off craigslist or eBay from somebody parting a truck. frameworks. The Ford Dana 44: The Ford Dana 44 is probably the easiest to swap using coil springs and radius arms. There are differences in the frames in that 4WD has box frame up front and mountings for front axle suspensions where the 2WD version does not. If you go to a wrecking/scrap yard with a list of all your items needed they would put together a package deal at a much-reduced price. But if you really must, go to the The 4WheelDriveGuide domain is an affiliate program participant with Amazon and some other sites. First attempt at starting 1957 AUTOCAR truck ... 1983 Ford Ranger D30 Solid Axle Swap. Your parts availability should be easier. Track Bar Mounting hole is 3/4″, for use with heims & spacers or large bushings. Regular price $1,550 00 $1,550.00. Let’s dig in! There are 2 Bonus! Jared and his lifted Ford Ranger with a 351 and a solid front axle swap. The general consensus was that it’s not a financially feasible option versus selling your current 4×2 and purchasing a used 4×4. Now we’re actually hooking those axles up to the Ranger with a slick suspension from James Duff. For IFS (Independent front suspension) 4×4 you will either need to own a 2006 Ford Ranger Sport which means it has the torsion bar front suspension. Before I bought the truck I had a goal in mind to solid axle swap a new ranger. know-how required to successfully do it. Turns out the 4×4 Dakota is exactly the same as the 4×2. There are This domain,, currently participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. 2. Ford Ranger Solid Axle Swap (SAS) Over the years many Ranger enthusiasts have opted to swap out the TTB Dana 28 or Dana 35 front axle from their 4×4 Ranger for a 4×4 solid axle. Very possibly. Again, I Whenever you research this topic the first few responses are always the same and for good reason. Source a Transfer Case shifter, with linkage. Bret This means the site earns advertising fees through Amazon. 1998 Explorer XLT 4.0 sohc 5r55e 1354 manual 1982 Jeep Wagoneer Dana 44 front axle 4.88:1 Yukon gears Detroit Truetrac Passenger side flat top knuckle (73-76 Chevy) milled and drilled by Sky Mfg Passenger side Sky Mfg tall high steer arm Small bearing spindles (73-76 Chevy) 5x5.5 hubs, rotors and wheel bearings (Ford Dana 44 ttb) Stock rear axle 4.88:1 Yukon gears Detroit locker … 32 x 11.50's swampers worked real well with ifs 3 1/2 lift 3 body and cut outs before the axle swap. Broncos run on the Range. And now, owners of 1980-1996 Ford Bronco and Ford F-150 models can seriously beef up their suspension with a new straight axle conversion kit from Desolate Motorsports. There is, fortunately, one very brave and wise gentleman who owns a CHEV 06 LBZ was so kind as to share his experience with his 4×2 to 4×4 conversion process on his 06 LBZ Chevy truck with detailed pics. The good news is that parts from Chevy trucks between 01-07c all use the same parts. is also a major factor. I have done all the dirty work for you and trolled the entire internet to source what 2wd to 4wd conversion kits are available for the more popular 4WD manufacturers out there and added some insight on the dos and don’ts of each project. However, there seems to be a lot of inquiries about 4×2 to 4×4 conversion kits on almost all the popular 4×4 discussion forums and what kits are available out there. So the A used transfer case with a new rebuild kit will be a solid option to keep the operation simple and costs low. Tie rods I believe are the same but the pitman arm is different. With only 5 weeks until Ultimate Adventure, this 1997 Ford Ranger has a long way to go starting with a solid axle conversion. These axles also have larger 3.25 axle tubes. You will require a new rear driveshaft too. 1995 f-150 Dana 44 SAS - Solid Axle Swap: fbm1344t: Garage Talk: Solid Axle Swaps: 46: September 16th, 2014 08:10 PM: 1997 F350 4x4 Front Axle Swap to 1998 4x4 front axle: HARLEY589: New Member Introductions: 13: January 27th, 2012 10:52 AM: solid axle swap: The-LI-Redneck: Garage Talk: Solid Axle Swaps: 12: August 30th, 2010 12:00 PM This article isn’t going to be a step-by-step guide to swapping in a solid front axle, but more of an insight as to what’s involved. Rear Axles Used: All Ford Rangers came with a 7.5-Inch axle from 1983-1989. no welding required as pre-existing holes line up, 7. This will be the easiest, quickest and least frustrating approach. Converting Then either get a different tail housing/shaft for the ally and source a transfer case OR run a divorced transfer case. These trucks need a ton of lift to clear tires due to the fender well shape. The rear ... Maybe there are some compatible parts. He specifically mentions from the outset that it’s not a comprehensive guide, but rather a good place to start and highlights some important challenges to look out for. Big thank you to some really smart people online who were so kind as to share this valuable information with us. But because this vehicle height increase also results in the front axle having more travel, two important modifications must be made: 1. unfortunately no pre-assembled suspension conversion kits for the Chevy 2500HD. of work and money and even more downtime. just the basic components. Expenses involved with this project Thanks in advance guys!”, Followed by Ranger front suspensions are complex. earlier models that have little to no electronics and very basic structures and This Short Range Part 2: Solid Axle Swap on a Ford Ranger. 4×4 conversion can be done relatively “easy” if you go for the much At least that’s our thinking. a hundred responses like this: “sell the truck and buy a used 4×4. Remove and Replace control arms, springs and - Duration: 3:16. All bolt-on, mounts using stock motor mount holes, our 5261B Coil Tower bolts and two others drilled in engine cross member. But on the mechanical side, you will need a C205F IFS axle (matching gear ration preferably) with two CV half shaft assemblies (the 4×2 hubs will work as 4×4 if the splines aren’t rusted out). You’ll need to cut the top bracket off and welded it on the lower cross member on your 4×2. We carry all the top brands in Off Road parts and truck accessories including Fabtech, Procomp, Superlift, ORU, Warn, KMC, American Racing, Super Swamper, Daystar, AFE, Bestop, Fox, Hella, PIAA, Rancho, and 50 more at the lowest prices anywhere. cross members from a 4×4. This isn’t so it can use bigger tires; although that certainly is a desired side effect for many 4WD owners (a note on tire size later), but so the axle will fit below the engine and front crossmember. I can regear to 4.56, 4.88, and 5.13 for extra $250. recommend taking the transfer case to a professional garage to have it wired up Radius Arms: Either extensions from the radius arm ends from the frame or longer radius ar… 6. Solid Axle Swap Part 2 - Duration: 5:45. A live-axle conversion aims to fix both of these issues by physically replacing the complicated IFS set-up with a much simpler and stronger live axle. 2.9/4.0 tested. Your primary goal should be […], Big tire upgrades are one of the most popular upgrades done on almost all makes of pickups, so this article will clear up the most commonly asked question, what the biggest tire I can fit to my truck.Let’s find out what the maximum size tire you can fir to a Ram 2500 with and without […], link to Largest Tires on Stock Nissan Titan XD (W/WITHOUT A LIFT), link to Biggest Tires on Stock Ram 2500 (W/Without a Lift), Convert 4×2 to 4×4 Ford Ranger About Us (Web Page). is the home of Spyntec Industries LLC, the manufacturer of Solid Axle Industries products. Below is a walk-through of what is required to get you started on converting your 4×2 Silverado to a 4×4. The suspension components needed for a 4×2 to 4×4 conversions include but not limited to: Next, let’s look into the upgrade procedures per vehicle. 5:45. have attempted the swap. SpynTec Hub Conversion Kit For Ford 99-08 Superduty Axle to Jeep 07-17 JK Swap. would strongly advise that if you really need a 4×4 rather trade/sell your As for converting a 2500HD Chevy to 4×4 you need to keep a few things in mind. Remove your Silverado 4×2 transmission for modification/swap. Some very good pics to help you visualize the conversion as you go along. 1. I had an incentive to work fast as I had to ride my motorcycle to work in December, snow and ice was fun. Second would go to the early Ford Bronco Dana 44 followed by the Jeep Dana 30. 4×2 to 4×4 essential components include but are Conversion Kit, Make sure you get a manual-shift transfer case and stick with the same transmission type for the same reason. It’s always the same. The program allows this site to link and advertise with parts on the old Fords are all compatible right as far back as 84 models so There’s a lot more mechanical and engineering In 1990, Ford introduced a 4.0 liter V6 in the Ford Ranger. solid axle swap im thinkin of doin a SAS i found a dana 44 completly rebuilt with supposedly all necessary linkage for 650.00. does this sound to good to be true. From 1990-2011, all 4.0L Ford Rangers came equipped with a 8.8-Inch axle, but the Ford 7.5-Inch axle was still available in other Ranger models. I’ve done all the spadework for you by trolling the web through multiple forums and articles to find the most reliable info on this conversion. no bolt-on conversion kits available for 4×2 to 4×4 Ford Rangers. Unfortunately, no part numbers are listed. So really Bronco axles are a natural choice to go under a Ranger. requires a professional touch. Great project Travis ! 5:45. The third, fourth, and fifth-generation Ford Bronco and seventh, eighth, and ninth-generation Ford F-150 are already pretty rugged vehicles as-is. Hope the info helps. This avoids many electronic problems later, The 4×4 frame has front differential mounting brackets that the 2wd doesn’t. Here we strive to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, information about the functionality, common faults and latest technology built into most 4 Wheel Drives. Also do solid axle front conversions. project can be done however, the time to do it and engineering expertise to Pretty much done with my solid axle swap parts hunt so just finding a time to install is my only problem. Looking to swap in a straight/solid axle into your Ford Ranger (’83-’97)? Full Width Axle Swap FRONT Cage extended tubular radius arms 6 1/2" W/Winch BC Bronco springs F-250 front shock mount (with 3/16” 2”X4” tube spacer) bolted and welded to frame Rancho RS99261 shocks front Superlift Adjustable Trac-Bar for 76-79 F100-F150 (Modified) Superlift Extended brake lines for 89-97 RANGER, BRONCO II, 90-94 EXPLORER (Modified calipers) Warn Premium hubs … When we refer traffic and it results in business sales as a result of it, we are compensated by these companies. experience and skills. every single online 2wd to 4wd conversion inquiry starts like this: “Hey guys I have a 1998 Chevy c1500 sidestep w/ 2wd and I really don’t like it that way. Replace the extension housing with that from Some Almost Worth a look! The next part of this article will cover which 4×2 trucks stand the best chance of successfully carrying out the conversion from 4×2 to 4×2 and what to look out for. 3. opting to convert a Ford. You can have a look at that 2wd to 4wd Chevy conversion here. Short Range Part 2: Solid Axle Swap on a Ford Ranger Part 2: Suspension and all the rest. Here are a few things you’ll require when I took a 1980 Ford Courier (in 1980) and made it a 4x4 in 6 weeks time. Junk/scrapyard shopping is always your best option in these kinds of projects. If you shop around wisely you could source all Ford engineered the new Ranger as a rugged, sturdy, reliable pickup for a multitude of uses, but left a lot of room for improvement in its aesthetics and off-road capability. 4wd Factory was created in 2001. Application: - Truck: 80-96 F150/Bronco- Springs: 85-97 52" F … “Sell your 4×2 and buy a used 4×4”. Cool to resurrect a salvaged Ranger 5G I love doing that kind of work. Truth is if you really want to convert your 88-98 Chevy from 2WD to 4WD you need the following: These are Off Road Unlimited specializes in sales & fabrication of extreme off road vehicles & products, as well as our custom Solid Axle Conversion kits.
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