Needless To Say: Each Time You Arrive In Kansas City, You Want To Have Your Most Valuable Cattle In Tow. For this, bear the following rules in mind: Attention: Several locations show a green or black hand (or both). Kommt man in Kansas an, muss jede gesammelte Rinderart einmal (!) Fazit zu Great Western Trail: Great Western Train ist spannendes aber nicht ganz einfaches Spiel, was vor allem beim Sammeln von Punkten eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten bietet. In Great Western Trail müssen wir unsere Herde nach Kansas City bringen, von wo sie dann mit dem Zug weiter in den Westen geschickt werden. If you cleverly manage your herd and navigate the opportunities and pitfalls of Great Western Trail, you surely will gain the most victory points and win the game. Then perform the immediate action depicted in the upper left corner of the card or forfeit it. Bitte halte Dich an die Regeln und denke immer daran, dass auf der anderen Seite auch ein Mensch sitzt - also bitte nicht beleidigend werden! So if you move your cattleman before phase A, you then start the usual movement of phase A from that location. If there is no empty space left, flip the tile face down and return it to the Kansas City supply. The Great Western Trail is a trail system from Canada down to Mexico, and covers 4,455 miles through Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah and Arizona. The player gains the sum of victory points generated by the individual tasks of the station master tiles that she has in front of her. Your herd deck represents your herd, which you lead along the trail. She receives the player board of that color (identifiable by the 14 round colored spaces) and places it in front of her. Access to the trail can be found by trailheads just East of Bicknell or by trailheads near Torrey found by directional signs on the side of Highway 24 near both east and west side of town. Great Western Trail is a game about driving herds of cattle across the Great Plains to Kansas City, whereupon you sell them and go back and start again. With this expansion, players deliver their herds to northeast United States with stops in Chicago, Detroit, and New York City, amongst other cities, in an effort to become the most successful cow rancher this side of the Mississippi. If you like the content of a board game on this site, please consider to buy the game. Bear in mind, however, that you are not allowed to choose any city to which you have delivered before (that already has one of your discs on its city space). You must move your cattleman at least 1 step and are not allowed to move it more steps than the current step limit your player board indicates. Now, attend to the final scoring. before or after performing any one action in phase B. Place the coins within reach of all players as a general supply. The player gains the sum of the victory points that she has unlocked with her discs on the city crests. In a 4-player game: Fill the cattle market up to its total of 13 cards. So if several objective cards show the same tasks, each of these tasks must be fulfilled individually. At the beginning of the game, only 2 of them are available. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. 2) Refill each of the 3 empty foresight spaces in Kansas City with tiles drawn from the Kansas City supply. Shuffle the 24 objective cards and place them as a face-down stack to the right of the game board. Then you add up the victory point symbols on the various components in front of you as well as the ones marked with your color on the game board. Your hand cards that you draw from that draw stack according to your hand limit (you start with a hand limit of 4 cards). The Great Western trail is a proposed transcontinental road to cross Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, and Arizona. Eigene, neutrale und von anderen Spielern. If there are only worker tiles left, she skips phase 3 entirely. Note: Since you gain your income beforehand, you are always able to pay any transport costs arising. A neutral building tile or a private building tile of your own color, A private building tile of another player, a hazard tile or a teepee tile. If you should reach the point when you don't have enough cards in your deck to replenish your hand to its limit, you simply have to get by on fewer cards (which is not advisable). (Thus even negative sums are possible). In this phase, you must move your cattleman from its current location along the trail to another location. (For details see pages 8 and 9). Beste Grüße Pokertisch Promo Regeln - geschrieben in Forum Great Western Trail: Hallo zusammen, ich hab mir die Pokertisch Promo zugelegt, allerdings waren keine Regeln dabei und die sind ja doch etwas länger. Place this amount a little set off from the rest of your money so that you are able to track that total breeding value in subphase 5. Whoever has the most victory points in total wins the game. Then each player receives the 10 private building tiles of her color. Each cattle card of that herd represents one animal of a specific cattle type, clearly denoted by the card's color and breeding value. These piles are called the Kansas City supply. Afterwards, she checks each objective card in her personal objective area to see if she has fulfilled each of its tasks individually. But if an action shows a cost or requirement, you have to pay/meet it completely in order to gain that action's reward. From the Kansas City supply, start revealing tiles with a on their back and place them one after the other onto the game board. If you are playing with 3 or 4 players, each player also receives the player count tile of her color. After moving your cattleman, use the location on which it ended its movement. Great Western Trail ist der neueste Streich vom zweifachen »Kennerspiel des Jahres«-Gewinner Alexander Pfister und wartet mit spannenden Entscheidungen, unzähligen Strategien und einem schier unerschöpflichen Wiederspielreiz auf. For all cards that she has not fulfilled completely, she subtracts the negative points printed on them. However, your options on the location differ depending on whether it is: Most building tiles show two different local actions on their bottom half. The following tasks can be found on objective cards: Note: You are not compelled to play your objective cards. Each objective card depicts a combination of tasks to be fulfilled at the end of the game. An official website of the United States government. Have 1 cattle card with a breeding value of 3 in your deck. If your cattleman moves to or passes over such a location, you must immediately pay a fee: If it is a hazard or teepee tile, you must pay the fee to the bank. Each player starts with an identical herd deck of rather low breeding values. They’ve marked the trail with obelisks every six miles through Texas and Oklahoma and efforts are now underway to do the same from from the South Dakota line to Canada. Return any spare starting objective cards to the box. As this makes the job market token move along the red arrow out of the job market, the active player immediately takes the job market token and places it in front of her. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. A 19-mile journey awaits you! Great Western Trail ist in der Regel kein schnelles Spiel, sondern ein abendfüllendes Spiel. Then shuffle each of these piles separately and place them as three face-down piles by the upper left of the game board (next to Kansas City). The crest of each city shows a city value that corresponds to that cattle's total breeding value: The higher the total breeding value, the farther up the railroad you can deliver. Some spaces of the trail have risk actions attached. Then she gains the sum of those victory points. Have 1 "Texas Longhorn" cattle card in your deck. For clarity, the cards of this row should be arranged in the following order from left to right: yellow, red, blue, brown, purple (not all colors may be present though). About 1,600 miles of this trail … In a 2-player game, each row only comprises 2 spaces (starting beneath the 2-player count sign) and both left columns are left empty. On your very first turn of the game, place your cattleman onto any neutral building tile and continue directly with phase B. Great Western Trail: Rails to the North introduces a new railway system for players to compete on as they grow their cow herding businesses. Take the 7 neutral building tiles and place one face up onto each of the 7 neutral spaces on the game board: If this is your first game, place each tile onto the space marked with its matching letter (A to G). This depends on the position of your engine on the railroad track: If the nose of your engine is beneath or farther up the railroad track than the city crest onto which you just placed your disc, you have no transport costs. There are 2 types of certificate in the game: Temporary certificates and permanent certificates. If no empty space is left there, take the hazard tile out of the game by returning it to the box. For each objective card that is still in your deck at the end of the game, you may then decide if you want to score it or not. The same is true for victory points in green arrows: Only if both adjacent crests have one of your discs on them, have you unlocked the victory points between them. Designated a National Millennium Trail The spaces of that row must always be filled from left to right. As that left her with 3 cards in her hand, she must now draw 2 cards to bring her hand back up to 5. By clearing a disc space of its disc this way, you unlock its ability. Phase B Use The Action(s) Of Your Reached Location 3. Sort them into piles according to the numbers on their back (1, 2 and 3). The showring and the tie-ups looked great and worked great! Each player chooses a player color. Phase A Move Your Cattleman To Another Location Along The Trail 2. Each of the 3 tiles that you choose in subphases , and must immediately be moved to its corresponding section: If it is a teepee tile (green or blue), place it in the Indian trade section onto the empty space with the lowest money value above it. Then continue to draw cards from it as usual. This trail connects to the Bill Riley Trail, and is jointly managed with Warren County Conservation. Several cattleman can be on the same location. If no empty space is left there, take the teepee tile out of the game by returning it to the box. The Great Western Trail (GWT) is a north-south unique corridor of braided and paralleling trails encompa ssing many of the local popular trails for both motorized and non-motorized users and traverses some 4,455 mile (7,170 km) from Canada to Mexico through 5 western states (AZ, UT, ID, WY, & MT). The cattle for which you just received your income must now be delivered to a city along the railroad. If the job market token is moved from the bottom row along the red arrow, the game end is triggered. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Shuffle the 5 station master tiles and place one at random face up onto each of the 5 station master spaces. Each player starts with a hand limit of 4 and can increase it up to 6. During your own turn, if you happen to have one or more objective cards in your hand, you can play any of them, either: This means that you are neither allowed to play objective cards in the middle of an action nor after you have started to carry out phase C. When you play an objective card, place it face up in your personal objective area (beneath your player board). One such sponsor that helped set a fabulous sta... ge for the show is Red River Arenas. If it is a worker tile, place it onto the next free space of the job market. Have 1 hazard tile in front of you (of any kind). If you have fewer cards in your hand now than the current hand limit your player board indicates, bring their number up to that limit by drawing as many cards from your personal draw stack as you lack. Official websites use .gov (Depending on your player count, you start with a step limit of 3 or 4, which later in the game can be increased). The player gains 4 victory points for each worker that is placed on the fifth or sixth space of any row in her worker section. Then discard as many cards as you drew. The player with the most victory points wins the game. (Only a few building tiles show just one or more than two local actions). The Great Western Trail is a wide unpaved trail located in rural Weld County in Northern Colorado. great western trail, you surely will gain the most victory points and win the game. To make sure that you do not forget any subphase, move your cattleman along the numbered spots and perform the corresponding subphase before moving on to the next spot. You never have to pay fees retroactively, even if you receive money while still at a location whose fee you could not pay before. Important: Each single fulfilled task can only count towards one objective card. Twitter The Great Western Cattle Trail was used during the late 19th century for movement of cattle and horses to markets in eastern and northern states. Usually, when the job market token is moved to the next row, nothing in particular happens. Hier kannst Du mit anderen über das Spiel Great Western Trail diskutieren, Freunde finden, Tipps und Tricks zum Spiel austauschen oder generell über Brettspiele und Alle Brettspiele sprechen. Hike, bike, run, walk, or cross-country ski along the former Great Western Railroad between Des Moines and Martensdale. Doro und Matthias meinen dazu: „Nachdem wir Great Western Trail lange nicht gespielt und die Regeln fast alle vergessen hatten, kam es diesen Monat gleich zweimal auf den Tisch und wir sind sehr gespannt darauf, es bald mit der Erweiterung zu spielen. The Great Eastern Trail is a project of the Great Eastern Trail Association, working with the American Hiking Society and local trail partners, to create America’s newest long distance trail for hikers from Alabama to New York! 75-150 minutes. Great Western Trail: Eastern Section is a 11.8 mile moderately trafficked point-to-point trail located near Lombard, Illinois that features a lake and is good for all skill levels. From her deck (personal draw stack, hand cards and personal discard pile), the player seeks out all cattle cards that have victory points on them. The Great Western Trail Days Longhorn Show would not be possible without the wonderful sponsors and supporters. Then she gains the result as her victory points (this can also be a negative result). All rights reserved. Spielerfinder Alexander Pfister hat für eggertspiele (Vertrieb: Pegasus Spiele) ein Werk geschaffen, das ein Leckerbissen für Kenner ist. Wichtige Hinweise. Running from Mexico to Canada, this portion of the trail runs from the Fish Lake National Forest lands on Thousand Lake Mountain down Sand Creek into Torrey, then south along a county road through lands managed by the Richfield Field office near Government Peak (also known as Black Point). You are not allowed to look at the cards of your personal draw stack. If you must place a disc onto a city space during delivery or onto a train station while upgrading it, some special cases can occur: If you are supposed to place a disc onto a space with white corners but only happen to have discs on disc spaces with dark corners left, you are allowed to place a disc from a disc space with dark corners onto a space with white corners. The player gains the sum of the victory points printed right next to each train station that has her disc on it. Take that player disc from any of the disc spaces of your player board but keep in mind that there are 2 types of disc space: Those with white corners and those with dark corners. 12 talking about this. Finally, check whether you need to pay any transport costs for your delivery. The last space to be filled in each row is always the one with the job market token. Great Western Bank is not responsible for the site's content and/or privacy policies and does not guarantee that any file or program available for download and/or execution from or via this site is free of computer viruses or other conditions which could damage or interfere with data, hardware or software. Beginning with the starting player (the one with a starting capital of only 6 Dollars), players consecutively take turns in a clockwise direction. Hat zufällig jmd ein Scan oder Foto von den Regeln für mich? The trail has access for both motorized and non-motorized users and traverses 4,455 miles (7,170 km) through Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. Wichtige Hinweise. Great Western Trailheads. If you are supposed to place a disc but are unable to (because you have none left or cannot pay for them), remove one of your discs from a train station of your choice and place that one instead. Any negative victory points must be subtracted of course. These building tiles are double sided and each is marked with a number (between 1 and 10) and with the letter 'a' on one side and the letter 'b' on the other. The player gains 3 victory points if she managed to clear this disc space during the game. In a 3-player game: Fill the cattle market up to its total of 10 cards. All other costs and requirements in the game must always be paid/met in full. For all cards that are entirely fulfilled, she sums the positive victory points printed on them. If you do not perform any of the local actions of the reached tile, then and only then may you perform one single auxiliary action instead. It is also known as the Western Trail, Fort Griffin Trail, Dodge City Trail, Northern Trail and Texas Trail.It replaced the Chisholm trail when that closed. © 2020 Ultra BoardGames. When you reach Kansas City, you must carry out all of the 5 Kansas City subphases in succession. Users along this section of the trail will enjoy the picturesque stands of aspen and conifer interspersed with meadows, opportunities to enjoy periods of solitude and spectacular vistas of the San Rafael Swell, Henry Mountains, LaSal Mountains and Waterpocket Fold. This means that if your cattleman moves to or passes over a location whose fee you cannot pay, pay as much as you can and continue as usual. This community prides itself in this unique event and the historical preservation of the Great Western Trail that is etched in U.S. history during the late 1800's. In a 2-player game: Fill the cattle market up to its total of 7 cards. The location on which your cattleman ends its movement (either because you want it to or because your step limit is exhausted), is the location you use in phase B. Dabei ist Great Western Trail ein Deck-Building Spiel. (Ignore any victory points on your cattle cards and any objective cards for now). Have 1 "West Highland" cattle card in your deck. Each of the other auxiliary actions becomes available after you have cleared at least one of its two disc spaces (again, you will learn soon enough how to do that). You do not have to perform all of the available local actions. The only exceptions to this rule are: You may deliver to either of these cities even if you already have one or more of your discs there. On a building tile of another player, a hazard tile or a teepee tile, you have only one option: Perform one single auxiliary action (see above). Read here the detailed information of the actions. If you want, you can keep some or all of them in your deck by the usual means (for example, by discarding them via this icon ). Great Western Trail ist keine Neuheit, und auch die Solo-Regeln gibt es schon länger. Bei der Spielvorbereitung werden einige Felder des Pfades bereits mit neutralen Gebäudeplättchen belegt. Is Will Not Only Require That You Keep Your Herd In Good Shape, But Also That You Eectively Utilize The Various Buildings Along The Trail. This display is called the general objective display. vor nicht allzu langer Zeit hatten wir ja darauf hingewiesen, dass es für Great Western Trail auch einen Solo-Modus („Automa“) auf boardgamegeek gibt. This supply is called the bank. Note, that even though her personal draw stack is empty now, she does not yet create a new one from her personal discard pile. Then reveal 4 cards from this stack and display them face up in a column below the stack. To determine that next free space, apply the following rules: The tile must always be placed in the row where the job market token is located. Diesen füllt es aber sehr gut aus, soll heißen es tritt keine Langeweile ein, sondern der Spannungsbogen stimmt und die Spannung, ob das eigene Vorgehen besser war als das der Mitspieler, steigt bis zum Ende des Spiels kontinuierlich an. Draw up to 3 cards from your personal draw stack. Für die zweite Edition wurde die Optik des Spieles von Chris Quilliams (AZUL, PANDEMIC) überarbeitet. Flo erklärt mir die Regeln von Great Western Trail und wir spielen eine Runde vor. This player receives 6 dollars from the bank as starting capital, which she places in front of her. If the objective stack should run out, the vacant spaces in the general objective display are not refilled anymore. Nicht … Mittlerweile gibt es in Google’s Play Store eine Umsetzung dieses Modus für Android zum kostenlosen Download. America In The 19th Century: You Are A Rancher And Repeatedly Herd Your Cattle From Texas To Kansas City, Where You Send Them Oby Train. Great Western Trailheads. If you are playing with fewer than 4 players, also consider the following: In a 3-player game, each row only comprises 3 spaces (starting beneath the 3-player count sign) and the entire left column is left empty. The player must seek out all objective cards that she still has in her deck. It threads together diverse desert, alpine, forest … Zu viert braucht man schon etwas Erfahrung, um sich am Ende auch durchzusetzen, denn gerade hier spielen die möglichen Pfade und die Züge der Eisenbahn eine große Rolle. Temporary certificates are those on your certificate track: The number next to the current position of your certificate marker tells you how many temporary certificates you have available. As you can remove cards from the game via an auxiliary action, you are able to slim your deck down. This means each type is counted only once, no matter how many cards of that type you have. Bei GREAT WESTERN TRAIL treibt ihr als Viehzüchter eure Herden von Texas nach Kansas City, wo ihr sie per Zug auf die Reise Richtung Westen schickt. So depending on your player count, there now are between 3 and 7 worker tiles in the job market. If you move your cattleman after using a location in phase B, you directly carry out phase C once your cattleman reaches the new location. In your first couple of games, each player turns her private building tiles to their a-side and displays them in an ascending order above her player board. Da sich das Meisterwerk von Alexander Pfister aber einer ungebrochenen Beliebtheit erfreut, gibt es bestimmt einige unter euch, die diese Variante noch nicht kennen und verschiedene Strategien damit … Access to the trail can be found by trailheads just East of Bicknell or by trailheads near Torrey found by directional signs on the side of Highway 24 near both east and west side of town. ˚is is to ensure that the tiles enter the game in a reasonably balanced way. On your turn, you must carry out all of the following phases in this order: The main location of the trail is Kansas City. ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. For the cards placed in your personal objective area, you do not have that choice. The corridor provides for all uses along the same trail in some sections, and separates motorized and non-motorizes uses in other areas. You are not allowed to move to Kansas City via this immediate action. For each of those, she must decide whether she wants to remove it from the game or add it to her personal objective area now (without using its immediate action). So when your cattleman reaches Kansas City, it must end its movement there. Spaces without any tile are considered an unimpeded part of the trail and are NOT locations! Then continue like this rightwards until you place a tile onto the space to the left of the job market token. Achtung! Here is a link to the GPS file for the entire trail. The Great Western Trail is a north-south long distance multiple use route which runs from Canada to Mexico through five western states in the United States. The Great Western Trail runs from Canada all of the way down to Mexico, spanning about 4,455 miles in total through Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Arizona and Utah. Great Western Bank is not responsible for the site's content and/or privacy policies and does not guarantee that any file or program available for download and/or execution from or via this site is free of computer viruses or other conditions which could damage or interfere with data, hardware or software. Nicht … You may perform these local actions in any order. During the game, you can gain objective cards via certain actions. On the locations of the trail, there are several actions that require specific cattle cards to be discarded from your hand in order to gain rewards. Once you have decided on a city, place one of your player discs onto its city space (if other discs are already there, put it on top of those). Also, it might be a good idea to hire capable staff: cowboys to improve your herd, craftsmen to build your very own buildings, or … After finishing the Delivery subphase, carry out these 2 final steps: 1) Move your cattleman to the start of the trail, by placing it onto the horseman space in the lower right corner of the game board. Of those, you can use as many now as you want by moving your certificate marker backwards accordingly. However, the "Great Western Trail" not only requires that you keep your herd in good shape, but also that you wisely use the various buildings along the trail. Then each player receives the following items of her color: Then each player receives the 14 player cattle cards that are marked with a star of her color.
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