Megatron stated the war wasn't over until he destroyed him. As Megatron attempted to kill him and Sam, Optimus urged Sam to put the cube in his chest, but instead Sam infused the AllSpark with Megatron, killing him and destroying most of the cube. He previously fought the RX-78-2 Gundamin the 98th episode of Death Battle, Optimus VS Gundam. Peter promised to Optimus they would work out some kind of lease agreement regarding the Traps. Optimus' history as a "knight" as Lockdown describes him remains unclear, but is most likely to be explored in Transformers 5. Optimus' favored tactic of killing is decapitation. Optimus sends a message to all Autobots in space. "― Optimus Prime Optimus Prime is a cybertronian male who led the Autobots during the war on Cybertron against the Decepticons. Upon landing in a field Optimus scanned a nearby truck and assumed it's vehicle form before meeting the kids in an allyway transforming into their new robot modes in front of them. Optimus sent a distress message to the other Autobots to cut off contact with their human allies and hide. He later appeared in the 2nd episode of Death Race where he fought Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, Thomas the Tank Engine and Lightning McQueen. Lockdown locked Optimus in a cell next to his former fellow knights, now the Dinobots, and told him that his Creators hired him as they wanted him to do their bidding but wanted every other Transformer killed. Optimus Prime, Autobotlar'ın cesur lideridir. He fired blasts and restrained Optimus' hands. Peter teased Optimus about humoring them the whole time. Optimus Prime is consistently depicted as having strong moral character, excellent leadership, and sound decision-making skills, and possesses brilliant military tactics, powerful martial arts, and advanced alien weaponry. Born as Orion Pax, the robot eventually known as Optimus Prime would rise slowly but surely as a law officer unafraid to stand up for justice, then as a great and powerful military leader who held the line against Megatronand his Decepticons on Cybertron and across the galaxy. At one point Optimus was a Knight of Cybertron who with the beings who would become the Dinobots explored the universe. Optimus thought it was normal since Decepticons used to do it all the time. [2] Peter joked Ray was already dreaming of an Ecto-Semi of his own. : cars and other objects). Sam later met with Optimus as they prepared to leave in the Xantium and apologized for his mistakes but told him that they would not be coming back, begging Sam to look out for himself. Mentioned by Ectronymous Diamatron on page 19 and 20. Transformers x Evangelion [edit | edit source]. Optimus slashed Megatron's chest. << The 'bot spinny appears, replaced by a rather battered visage of Optimus Prime, apparently still on site at the location of the battle >> "Autobots, we're going to need some more construction efforts -- this time in Atlanta, Georgia.Apparently, Megatron and Starscream's armor has gotten pretty thin; thin enough to where they can't take a little negative publicity. Optimus declined but asked her what the phrase "When in Rome" meant. Since the first movie Peter has gone on to voice Optimus is other media including numerous video games and in the TV series Transformers: Prime. But before his death, Demolisher taunted Optimus with a warning: " The Fallen would rise again.". After arriving and scanning a Peterbilt truck, Optimus greeted Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes, introducing his men and explaining why they had come to Earth. Optimus took it under advisement. Transformers-Ghostbusters Collaborative: Ghostbusters MP-10G Optimus Prime Ecto-35 Edition Figure,, Optimus appears on the Fan Expo Dallas Cover and the SDCC Cover of, On page 7 of Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #1, the necklace of. Optimus plugged the pack cord directly into his right wrist then stated he was just tired of war but wasn't afraid of no ghost. Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobot Collection and earns rank points for the player when this character is in play. When the Autobots went to Hong Kong to retrieve the seed from Joshua, who saw his errors, their ship was shot down by Galvatron and only Bumblebee and Hound were left to fight the Decepticons. Optimus asked him if he was sure it was a Cybertronian signal. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." Optimus overhead and told him it was fine. Optimus Prime Ectotron informed him of his new name to Optimus' relief but he quickly changed the subject and asked if he located the signal. When Sam and Mikaela were captured by a Sector 7 agent named Simmons, Optimus intercepted their car and surrounded the S… He disconnected his Proton Pack from his Ion Blaster. Ectotron was surprised he heard that. Ray joked he was fighting for two then climbed atop Ectotron's chest and poured positively charged Psychomagnotheric Slime down his mouth. Transformers: Age of Extinction Characters, Transformers: Dark of the Moon Characters, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Characters, They got out their spray cans and tagged him. In 1794, Americans, led by Optimus Prime, manned up and marched into Michigan, which was at the time part of Canada, and took it away, driving out all the godless Canadian communists, liberals, and bears who had resided there. He was reincarnated into a innocent bot known as "Orion Pax". He is the current holder of the Matrix of Leadership. Optimus commended Sam for his bravery as Sam tells him No Sacrifice No Victory, his family motto, and ordered him to infuse the cube in his chest should he be unable to defeat Megatron before fighting the latter once more. Optimus then freed the Dinobots and asked for their help and would get their freedom which they refused, but Optimus was able to beat sense into them and rode Grimlock into battle as they destroyed every Decepticon but Galvatron who retreated. They departed for the Grosbeak Generating Station. The Ghostbusters and Ectotron returned some time later. While doing his job of reading and indexing information from the Communication Grid, he overheard Megatron talking to some gladiators. Ectotron became concerned and implored the Ghostbusters to find some kind of setting on the Proton Pack to knock Kremzeek away. Ectotron was eager to contact Optimus again to see if left The Ark yet. 1 Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far 1.1 Battle Royale 1.2 With the Autobots 1.3 With Team Prime … Peter noticed the graffiti all over him and mused when in Rome. : cars and other objects). Optimus Prime came to Earth on Sky Lynx at the same time to see an Angel attack and witnessed Starscream take over an Angel and became Angel-Scream. 3 years later however Optimus, Ratchet and Lennox recieved a tip from a Russian informant of a Decepticon sighting in Chernobyl and when there, encountered a Driller piloted by Shockwave who was after a piece of the Ark, Sentinel's long lost ship. Optimus stopped Hound and Crosshairs from terminating the Yeagers from their own hatred of humanity, and was regretfully informed by Drift that they were the last 100 thousand million trillion thousand 200 remaining Autobots. Mearing then infomed Senitnel that his technology would be witheld, despite Optimus' reasurances that Sentinel was on their side. Optimus and the Autobots traveled to his house, where they caused distruption in the new enviroment and expieremented with various slang sayings such as "sorry my bad", but then rescued Sam and Mikeala from Sector 7 but when reinforcements came and they and Bumblebee were captured by Sam who left his glasses for Optimus. Optimus was surprised Starscream was a ghost after all. Megatron appeared in a new form and admitted he was blinded by rage and realized how short sighted he was being. Optimus dodged Megatron and still pleaded with him. Ectronymous Diamatron detected a Cybertronian signal emanating from Earth and reported it to Optimus Prime immediately. The ship was later destroyed by Starscream, but the Autobots had faked their deaths to show the humans that their absense would make no difference to the Decepticons. In 2007 learned that it was on Earth and sent Bumblebee to find a lead on it and he would find a human boy who had possession of a pair of glasses with it's location engraved by Megatron himself. Ghostbusters Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Megatron was ejected in a stream of Energon. At the time, Cybertron had no star to orbit and minimal resources, but Optimus would be recruited by Sentinel Prime to help him find the legendary AllSpark, the wellspring of all Cybertronian life… "Optimus Prime" may be referring to two or more different heroes. Optimus Prime is the leader of the heroic Autobots and the last prime, he scanned Eva-01 and gained its colors and size to defeat Angel-Scream . "One shall stand, one shall fall. Optimus acknowledged he could fall in battle but he stated he would not tolerate someone seeking power to destroy innocent beings on a whim. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." Archivist, police officer, dreamer. Tras su fama se ha convertido en mucho más que el líder de los Autobots, se ha convertido en un icono sin igual entre los jóvenes de todas las generaciones. Optimus decided to take the three Traps with him, get them new bodies, and attempt rehabilitation. He is also in the Robot Chicken universe in "Road to the Multiverse". However Sentinel's ship was badly damaged and went adrift into space which Optimus witnessed with his own eyes. Megatron attempted to make a false truce with Optimus, but Optimus saw through the ruse and attacked Megatron, ripping off his head and finally killing his eternal foe. Optimus inquired what "things" had to be done. Shockwave explained Optimus' offer was agreeable and it was only logical for them to work with the Autobots to restore their physical forms but emphasized they would still follow him if he had to strength to win. Optimus disagreed and believed struggling was how success was learned. He clocked Kremzeek with a right punch. 1 Fiction 1.1 Comics continuity 1.1.1 Marvel comics continuity 1.1.2 Devil's Due G.I. In the hunt they dealt with 6 enemy contacts within 8 months each on different continants. As said to order the Autobots to hide from the Cemetery Wind. He previously fought the RX-78-2 Gundamin the 98th episode of Death Battle, Optimus VS Gundam. Agreeing with Megatron's belief about the caste system, they meet and became good friend. Archivist, police officer, dreamer. He believed the Electric Ghost they caught the previous night would be drawn to Kremzeek and physical contact would short and disperse both of them. He believed shorting him out then dispersing him temporarily until they built something more effective was a better. Ray instructed Optimus to hold Ectotron down. The Autobots and Yeagers headed to KSI's headquaters in Chicago where Cade infeltrated the facility to find information to both gain his family's freedom and Attinger's idenity to give the Autobots. However, Optimus was eventually impaled and killed by Megatron himself. When Zeta Prime was later captured by the Decepticons, he at… Orion Pax was all of these until he stood up to the tyranny of the Senate and became a rebel. In the last three episodes of season one Optimus Prime help liberate Utapau from the evil Nemesis Primes forces. Ray wondered when they starting making so many speeches. Optimus Prime is the leader of the heroic Autobots who wage war against the villainous Decepticons led by Megatron in the Transformers franchise. Megatron told him to help by joining him in death. Ray admitted that even if they thought to bring something like a Boson Caster, Kremzeek had a electrical component to deal with. Optimus was then tailed by Lockdown as he and the Yeagers fled and briefly engaged Lockdown at a factory. Optimus engaged him, swearing the need to protect humanity to Megatron but the tyrant simply told Optimus that he wil perish with them and blasted him into a building, temporaily taking him out of the battle. Unfortunately, Sentinel later revealed that he made a deal with Megatron to save Cybertron and murdered Ironhide before stealing his pillars back. Optimus reunited with the other Autobots and allowed the Dinobots to part on good terms. Knowing about knowledges, calculating, awareness, & more. A pair of women saw Optimus, still in vehicle mode, and thought it was fate. Optimus stated he would always hope then admitted it was an interesting experience that would be long remembered. Optimus stated it was Ectotron's turn for his support but admitted he was curious about his report. Optimus Prime came to Earth on Sky Lynx at the same time to see an Angel attack and witnessed Starscream take over an Angel and became Angel-Scream. Optimus Prime was the former leader of the Autobots. Egon revealed he got a firm fix on Starscream's P.K.E. Optimus Prime is the leader of the heroic Autobots and the last prime, he scanned Eva-01 and gained its colors and size to defeat Angel-Scream . Ectronymous, now Ectotron, made contact while Grimlock was on comm duty. Optimus Prime is a Transformer from the planet Cybertron. Optimus replied he used nanochromatic camouflage to cover up the vandalism. Ectronymous Diamatrondetected a Cybertronian signal emanating from Earth and reported it to Optimus Prime immediately. Janine Melnitz asked Optimus if he needed a towel or some turpentine. Ectronymous replied it was "Earth.". Peter asked if he wanted them to deposit the traps in their Containment Unit or something else. Later at the Los Angeles observatory Optimus found the AllSpark's location. He wanted everyone els… In the second movie Optimus was killed midway through the movie and wasn't resurrected until the climax of the battle. Back on Earth Optimus revived Sentinel with the Matrix but he lashes out at Optimus before realizing that he is alive again. On Galloway's request Optimus agreed that should President Obama decide on it, they will leave but warned him to consider the consequences should Galloway be wrong which Lennox concured. Leads the heroic Autobots against the Decepticons, led by his archenemy Megatron. Kremzeek tired of his failures and absorbed Starscream. He was soon wrangled in three Proton Streams. Ectotron told the Ghostbusters there were so many things to do now that he knew ghosts existed. Optimus' "all be one again" is a nod to the rally call of the Autobots, ", Transformers/Ghostbusters: Ghosts of Cybertron. The Wreckers eventually freed him and Optimus flew into the Decepticon's field HQ with the Autobots, killing multiple Decepticons and Shockwave himself. Ectotron believed he had it covered. Megatron rushed towards Optimus but Ectotron wrangled him at the last second then Ray trapped him. He makes an appearance in the episode, "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" at the Temple Beth Thupporting Actor where it is revealed that he is Jewish. 2 years later Optimus, Ironhide, Sideswipe, Skids, Mudflap and Arcee were deployed with NEST soldiers Lennox and Epps to stop Demolisher and Sideways in Shanghai where Optimus personally defeated Demolisher. Grimlock declared he wasn't afraid of no ghosts. Winston detected some skepticism and remembered how he used to be like that. However, Optimus learned that Ratchet's remains were being melted down which angered Optimus enough to storm the facility where he, Hound and Crosshairs tore it apart and freed a captive Brains. Wheeljack thought it was a bad idea and admitted he thought Ectotron was always a little off. Optimus in hiding, and found by Cade Yeager. Optimus Prime is the leader of the heroic Autobots who wage war against the villainous Decepticons led by Megatron in the Transformers franchise. On page 15 of Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #5, Megatron alludes to the fact that Optimus is a Prime. Optimus was amazed. Optimus noted that would mean an extended leave of absence from the other Autobots but felt he proved he could handle it then greenlit the mission. Optimus realized they were the same ones another species used to cyberform Earth, wiping out the dinosaurs in the process. Transformers/Ghostbusters #1Transformers/Ghostbusters #3Transformers/Ghostbusters #4Transformers/Ghostbusters #5. Janine informed him it meant to blend in like the locals. This is the first incarnation of Optimus Prime to have intentionally killed a human. He is a relatively naive and idealistic young leader, prone to long-winded "inspirational" speeches who leads a small and inexperienced Autobot space bridge maintenance team. He is a pacifist and fights only when he has to. As the first legitimate Prime in many ages, heir to the Matrix of Leadership, Optimus Prime is revered by many and reviled by some, but always a powerful presence, in or out of battle. Optimus is very mature, calm, level-headed and patient, as he rarely loses his temper. Optimus and Megatron continued to battle each other. However, Optimus was overpowered and heavily damaged. He chose a semi-trailer truck to scan for his vehicle form and drove to the coordinates Ectotron provided him. Optimus agreed it could be part of a larger plan since Starscream always preferred ambush tactics and doubted that changed in death. While doing his job of reading and indexing information from the Communication Grid, he overheard Megatron talking to some gladiators. Sentinel also ordered all Autobots to be exiled from Earth. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Optimus then informed the Autobots and humans that he is still wanted and has to leave, taking the seed with him but ordered the Autobots to watch over the Yeagers and humanity and all they could be. He wanted everyone else to keep to their routine then asked what the name of the planet was again. Director Galloway then confronted Optimus and blamed him for the Decepticon attacks, believing the hunting of Autobots to be the reason for the Decepticons prolonged stay despite Megatron's death. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Intellect Embodiment: Optimus has the ability to aware the events from the past, present, future. Peter assured them they would but admitted the Warehouse didn't have as much scanning equipment as the Firehouse but believed Janine was uneasy of the prospect of both Ectotron and Optimus trying to fit in the entryway. Optimus declared he didn't want to fight. Ectotron hugged and thanked Optimus. The demoralized Autobots left, but were tailed by KSI drones Galvatron and Stinger, and Galvatron personally seperating Optimus from the others and battling him. He is also the founding member and leader of the Autobots. As seen in Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #1, Head seen in Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #1, As seen in Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #3, As seen in Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #4, As seen on Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #5 Cover RI, As seen in Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #5. Formally known as Orion Pax, a clerk in Iacon's Hall of Records. Optimus and his Autobots eventually met up with Bumblebee, Sam, Mikeala and Sector 7 on the highway and together headed to Mission City. Optimus Prime is the Autobot Leader from the Transformersmeta franchise. Ectronymous insisted he checked and double checked the signal to make sure it was legitimate and they should find out what it was. 3. If you're uncertain which one you're looking for, take a wild guess. —Optimus Prime, during the opening stages of the Battle of London. Optimus is kind, caring, selfless, serious, highly intelligent, calculating and wise. Optimus was shown footage of Leadfoot and Ratchet's deaths from one of Attinger's mini-drones and learned that KSI was stealing their bodies for their own experiments. Megatron ordered them to destroy Ectotron but Shockwave spoke up and declined to Megatron's surprise. With bitter regret, Optimus then turned on Sentinel and executed his traitorous mentor with Megatron's shotgun. Starscream explained Optimus would be held hostage and the other Autobots would be forced to bring the Allspark to Earth. The Ghostbusters conferred then Peter elected to use the positively charged Psychomagnotheric Slime and yelled at Optimus to try to get Ectotron on his back. Before becoming Prime, Optimus was part of one of many tribes that constituted Cybertronian society in eons past. Optimus Prime is consistently depicted as having strong moral character, excellent leadership, and sound decision-making skills, and possesses brilliant military tactics, powerful martial arts, and advanced alien weaponry. Optimus' personal craft made a discreet landing in New York near the Ardsley Travel Plaza. - Optimus Prime Optimus Prime, known in Japan as Convoy (コンボイ Konboi), is a fictional robot superhero character from the Transformers robot superhero franchise.He is the leader of the Autobots, a fictional group of sentient self-configuring modular extraterrestrial robotic lifeforms (e.g. Megatron shot Optimus' left shoulder with the Particle Thrower. Optimus leaves Earth to find The Creators. signature. Later the AllSpark fragement was stollen and Optimus travelled to Philidephia to warn Sam and to ask his assistance in convincing the humans again of the Autoobt's mission to protect Earth but he refused. He sliced off Megatron's ri… Occupation: Despite humanity'… Optimus was then introduced to Buzz Aldrin of the Apollo 11 mission and two NASA directors, much to Optimus's honor, who also revealed that the mission itself was really in fact to investigate a crashed alien ship which Optimus revealed was the Ark and informed Mearing that he was headed to the Moon. Ectotron revealed he wanted to explore space and look for more Cybertronian ghosts that could be saved. They escorted the humans back to Sam's house to retrieve the pair of glasses that would lead them the Allspark. He can be cold and ruthless towards his enemies, but he also has a sense of compassion for enemies who were turned from the right path. Optimus dismissed him as a souless machine but retorted that it left him with no fear revealing that Galvatron is really Megatron reborn. Optimus Prime (formerly Orion Pax) is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. The injured, but victorious Optimus then stood with his comrades and reflected that they will never forsake Earth. Orion Pax was all of these until he stood up to the tyranny of the Senate and became a rebel. Optimus Prime hem bir Prime hem de son ve en güçlü Kutsal Şövalye'dir. Kremzeek focused his energy into a giant sphere. Optimus took his Autobots and the Yeagers to retrieve the seed, but declared that he was done with humanity until Cade managed to talk some sense into him again. Leads the heroic Autobots against the Decepticons, led by his archenemy Megatron. 1. Optimus admitted that was not what he was expecting and decided to see it for himself. At some point Optimus had to endure a rebellious diobedence phase from Bumblebee which he found most annoying.But a son to him and see great potential in the young autobot scout for him to lead the autobots one day and worthy of being a prime in his own right . Formally known as Orion Pax, a clerk in Iacon's Hall of Records. As the first legitimate Prime in many ages, heir to the Matrix of Leadership, Optimus Prime is revered by many and reviled by some, but always a powerful presence, in or out of battle. In Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #4, the 555-2368 phone number on Optimus Prime's vehicle form is the Ghostbusters' phone number seen during their commercial in the.
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