The sullen Chimeracon was able to re-enter his beast mode and retreat to the ocean. They failed, and ended up bound to Unicron's surface by energy-tendrils, giving them a front-row seat for Unicron/Megatron's battle with the giant-size, Primus-empowered Optimus Supreme. $20.92 + shipping. Megatron Resurrected After this, they returned to their base where Tidal Wave was assigned to guard the recently inducted Scorponok. 2 Mirage, Slugslinger, and Sharkticon then tracked down Kicker and the Omnicons to the shores of the Black Sea and attacked, intent on once more capturing the energon-detecting boy. Tidal Wave and Scorponok sent Starscream tumbling into a ore processor to be crushed, though Tidal Wave's leg was injured in the process. The impact created an explosion that utterly consumed both ships. This is a fan made page and have no association with Wizards or Hasbro. Go for Unicron! Megatron decided to recruit the unstable and dangerous Shockblast, who had been imprisoned by the Autobot/Decepticon coalition since Tidal Wave had last seen him. While he hesitated, Kicker used his energon-manipulating abilities to revive the Omnicons to full strength. Survival Instincts When Unicron had been sated, Megatron sent the surviving Decepticons to destroy Cybertron's energy grid with Shockblast in command; Tidal Wave chafed at this, but still obeyed his commander. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Hot Shot nailed Tidal Wave in the eye with his axle cannon but the powerful Tidal Wave recovered quickly and caused problems for Jet Optimus, who couldn't so much as scratch him. Mirage despaired at how Galvatron had left them to their own devices in a distinctly soap operatic manner. He began by attacking an energon-mining facility on Mars and managed to obtain a large amount of energon before being driven back by the Autobots. Then... the voice of the Decepticon leader was heard throughout the planet, declaring Megatron was no more: Unicron was now in command of the Decepticon's body! Imprisoned Inferno, When Scorponok went to harvest the energon from Jungle Planet, Mirage was among those who distracted the Autobots from this mission. Multiplicity Mirage dominated the Omnicons on the battlefield, easily beating down both Skyblast and Arcee simultaneously while his acolytes took care of the other enemy 'bots. Each One Fights... After this, Megatron rebuilt him as Mirage. Comments Add a Comment. Union Though Tidal Wave participated on the final assault on Unicron, his efforts proved unnecessary; once Galvatron sacrificed himself to the dark god, there was no longer enough hatred in the universe to sustain Unicron, and he vanished from existence. Megatron ordered the Decepticons to bring Shockblast to him and, his loyalty to Megatron being greater than his hatred of Shockblast, Tidal Wave reluctantly did so. The Autobots made their way inside him to take out the Decepticloneplatoons inside and destroy him, but discovered that Tidal Wave wasn't merely a transport… 4, Mirage fell in with Megatron after the Decepticon leader was resurrected, but was of the opinion that Megatron had "lost his edge." Tidal Wave later took part in the Decepticon mission to Ocean City, during which Demolishor returned to their ranks Megatron Raid for another raid on Earth's moon. ghosts called "Spirits". align the toy more closely to the cartoon's appearance, More information on Tidal Wave at, Optimus Prime vs Megatron: The Ultimate Battle. Foul-tempered, foul-mouthed and fourteen stories tall, Tidal Wave is a force to be reckoned with. Alliance After this, he combined with Galvatron in order to kill the traitorous Thrust, and then, with the similarly combined Optimus Prime and Jetfire, helped his commander penetrate deep into the core of Unicron, while he doubled back to keep the titan occupied. [1], On Cybertron, Tidal Wave rescued Galvatron when the Decepticon leader was being transported to prison. Condition is "New". He beat up Starscream in the sky, but lost him in a dust storm. Multiplicity, Pt. Discuss standards, starting point, and come to agreement on some uniformity among Transformers pages (the most complicated and obvious being a standardized format for a Transformer biography). Hound. However, Tidal Wave quickly recovered by transforming into his massively powerful robot mode and quickly sent the Autobots scrambling for cover. Megatron's Sword, Tidal Wave, Cyclonus, and Scorponok returned to Unicron's body where Tidal Wave showed Megatron's corpse to Cyclonus. He shared his thoughts on the matter with Shockblast, and though the other Decepticon rebuked him, he secretly agreed with Mirage. Tidal Wave is one of the largest Decepticon warriors with a weapons arsenal as menacing as his size. […] Spark When Galvatron flung himself into the energon sun to destroy Unicron's spark, Mirage loyally followed after him and seemingly ended his life. Inspiration This game is based on the series Transformers: Armada, the first series of the Unicron Trilogy. [1] Tidal Wave took part in a mission to Cybertron, wherein he linked with Thunderwing to unleash seismic storms against their foes. This alternate mouthplate design went on to be used by Tidal Wave's 3D model in the, The only time Tidal Wave splits into his three individual vehicle modes in the cartoon universe, is during the. Farewell Inferno When Planet Q was restored, Mirage was one of those sent to guard the palace in case Scorponok should get in and regain his memories, but was smashed out of the way by Ironhide. Tidal Wave doubted that Kicker was anything special, but Scorponok reminded him that he wasn't on his team to think. The new Autobots had a new enemy but the Autobot ship flew down and the other Autobots joined the fight. Tidal Wave explained to Scorponok that this slow procession would scare the humans much more than having the projectiles appear near their planet without warning. A Heroic Battle, Optimus used the new powers granted to him by his combination with Omega Supreme to toss Snowcat and Mirage around like rag dolls as he made his way towards Megatron's throne room. Armageddon Part 2, In one universe, Tidal Wave could combine with Galvatron and Dreadwind and Smokejumper to form Dark MegaWing Galvatron MegaWing Galvatron instructions using the Spark of Combination. Prowl delivered Tarantulas's Obtenteum to the battlefield where Guzzle force-fed it to Tidal Wave, causing him to go mad and destroy with impunity. Puppet He presumably took part in Galvatron's conquest of Cybertron Uprising and later tried, with only partial success, to prevent Hot Shot from getting close to Galvatron. 12; What was your reaction when you first saw Tidal Wave? also love the helicarrier idea design for him since he has always been the love child of a battleship carrier class warship enface on the carrier roll., While Tidal Wave's use of his own name as a battle cry is a trait shared in both versions of the, In the animated series, the big frowny expression and chin guard on Tidal Wave's toy is sometimes misinterpreted as a mouthplate. Six Shot managed to trap them and they were once again rescued by Starscream. They were again repelled after a fierce battle against the Autobots, but this time Cyclonus came with them, having seen that Scorponok possessed Megatron's sword and thus concluding that Megatron could be brought back to life with reasonable effort. Energon Grid Following this, Megatron ordered them to find Alpha Q, who would be the next potential target for retrieving a lot of energon. The plan quickly went awry and when Slugslinger called in Mirage for reinforcement, Mirage was swatted by Omega Supreme for his troubles. Seeing that Megatron's spark was causing trouble, Scorponok attempted to kill him outright but only succeeded in resurrecting him in a new body; at this, Tidal Wave was overjoyed and gleefully helped Megatron take control of Unicron's body from Alpha Q. When Stampy fled with the Aequitas data slug stolen from Verity Carlo, Stakeout followed the rabbit and was surprised when he fled into a whale's mouth. Megatron and Thrust arrived to help him at this point, but all three were forced back when the three Mini-Con weapons reacted to their close proximity, and unleashed a powerful wave of energy. Crack When Optimus Prime and Jetfire arrived to stop the Decepticon ship from unleashing the power of the Hydra Cannon against Earth, Tidal Wave was able to use cloaking technology to sneak up on the Autobot leader. Cybertron City After being attacked and abducted, Energon Stars he was brought to Scorponok and Alpha Quintesson's base of operations where they convinced him to side with them by promising to revive Megatron, a deal which Tidal Wave eagerly agreed to despite clearly disliking Scorponok. He is one of the most feared opponents of the Autobots, due to his massive size. They lost their very first match against Hot Shot and Rodimus, but stuck around to watch Superion Maximus get thrashed by Bruticus Maximus and Constructicon Maximus later in the tournament. Thirty years ago, a tidal wave that changed the world o What Lies Beneath, Part Four, Tidal Wave attacked Ironhide and Cliffjumper while they were overseeing the construction of a new base on Cybertron. The two combined, and their power was too much for Overload and Rollout to handle. Transformers TCG Card Tidal Wave - Dark Fleet Battleship StealthWhen your second character is KOd this game and you had Tidal Wave Dark Fleet Aircraft Carrier and Tidal Wave Dark Fleet Transport on your starting team Combine them with this into Tidal Wave Dark Fleet Regeneration. These damaged parts were eventually replaced with pure Energon, boosting Tidal Wave’s strength and making him nearly invincible. This starts the game with a Plane or Helicopter under it that has 4[STARS] or fewer. He then followed Megatron in another attack on Plains City, during which Hot Shot lost an arm. Just before trying to track him down, Tidal Wave and Starscream were responsible for seeing that Scorponok took all his energon back to Megatron and didn't try to skim any off the top for Alpha Q. Rodimus Friend or Foe? 375. Sins of the Wreckers #2, After fighting through more of Tidal Wave's animal comrades, Roadbuster managed to cow the beast Transformers by holding Claw Jaw hostage, and the squid allowed the Autobots to enter the portal in Tidal Wave that led to Prowl's prison. After allying with Tarantulas, he became a Chimeracon, a Transformer with biological components and a beast mode that was able to hide him from detection. During the ten-year period that followed, Tidal Wave somewhere along the line changed not only his color palette but also his occupation—instead of being a warrior, he was now a guardian of the energon mines in the Solar System's asteroid belt. The Omega Train After a while, Arcee and Kicker arrived on a rescue mission. he was the most difficult boss if you didn't have the right minicon loadout for the job. The Autobots made their way inside him to take out the Decepticlone platoons inside and destroy him, but discovered that Tidal Wave wasn't merely a transport. On this occasion, most of their efforts went to waste when the Autobots exploded the city to prevent the Decepticons from getting the energon, but the 'Cons still came out ahead. Tidal Wave (タイダルウェーブ, Taitaru Uēbu) is a colossal powerhouse, one of the largest Decepticons under Megatron's command. The four blasted their way into the control room, only to find Six Shot was long gone. Our Scorponok, He later took part in another defense of Unicron against the Autobots, and was this time defeated by the presence of Omega Supreme and the timely arrival of Inferno, now rebuilt as Roadblock, with a huge number of energon towers. These familiar spirits roams around the world, granting users to become Magos, a hero that fights against evil spirits. Gameplay video showing the Tidal Wave's head Easter egg. Tidal Wave and Insecticon began setting up Energon siphons when the humans retaliated by sending several fighter jets their way. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. The Mini-Cons used their powers to re-build the damaged Transformers (except Tidal Wave, who was combined with Megatron) with new colours and armour. When your second character is KO'd this game and you had Tidal Wave, Dark Fleet (Aircraft Carrier) and Tidal Wave, Dark Fleet (Transport) on your starting team -> Combine them with this into Tidal Wave… Then, thanks to Sally who had since infiltrated the Decepticons' control room, the Autobots arrived to take control of the Decepticon base. Tidal Wave, Decepticon Admiral. As part of Cannonball's master plan, the Tidal Wave went on a series of space adventures to gather the materials necessary to time travel to the year 2984, where they would attack the defenceless Cybertron of the time. The Legend of Rodimus, After this, he observed a force of Alpha Q's Terrorcons investigating Jungle City, and reasoned that there was probably energon to be had. Cyclonus liked the idea of reviving Megatron, but was skeptical that this goal could actually be achieved. The Autobots were able to extract information from Tidal Wave's computer that the Decepticons' main base was located in Northern Alaska, but the information was planted there by Megatron to lead the Autobots into a trap. The Return of Demolishor After that, he took part in a rather half-hearted attack on the Miranda II in deep space, and was again driven off. The four jailbirds were eventually released by Starscream. Transformers Trading Card Game Designer Scott Van Essen leads us into the Wave 5 battle card bonus round: Precision Fire; Disassemble; Read Scott’s column for more details, then share your deck plans on the 2005 boards! Captained by Thundertron, it is a massive vessel-larger even than the Nemesis-and is described as a large black wedge.Thanks to the Star Seekers' enslavement of several Junkion-based Cybertronians, it was later equipped with a Space Bridge.. History Transformers: Exiles. Transformers TCG Tidal Wave. Rarity: Rare Number: P04/2020 Description: Stealth (Enemies attack other characters if able.) Transformers TCG Wave 5 Character Card Set List “Titan Masters Attack” Here is a Transformers Character Card Set List – with images – for the Wave 5 Characters – Titan Masters Attack. Despite his impressive size, firepower, and nigh-impenetrable armor, the Autobots managed to do enough damage to Tidal Wave's one weak point—his face—to cause a chain reaction that caused multiple explosions inside him, sending him falling face-first to the ocean floor. The other Terrorcons brought him before their master, and Tidal Wave met with Alpha Quintesson for the first time. Dash, After that, Tidal Wave was assigned a squad to Decepticons and sent to clear an area of Autobots. mobile fortress indeed. His benefactor healed his wounds and granted him an upgraded "hyper-mode," boosting his offensive capabilities. As he readied to finish off Strongarm, Sharkticon rose up from the nearby body of water... and went belly up. Tidal Wave (and Components) Guest writer Joel Grizzelle tells us about his deck and EIQ win from Texas with an interesting deck build that uses both a Micromaster and Battlemaster to great effect! He was by far the biggest and most powerful Decepticon, nearly taking out the entire Autobot crew during his first appearance and making an impressive showing in the Armada video game, too. This prompted Starscream to toss the Star Saber to the Autobot leader which he used to slice off one of Tidal Wave's chest guns and forced the Decepticon to retreat again. The Terrorcons were then dispatched to Earth, in order to retrieve the energon that lay there, and revive Unicron. Following. Ironhide Team Mirage then rejoined the Decepticons to shoot Autobots on the surface. While passing near Torax Prime, the Star Seekers rescued Tornado and Ferak from an Autobot fighter, the two signing aboard. Optimus Prime and his Autobots then traveled to Earth to battle the Terrorcons. They foiled Mirage's attempt at toppling this second tower, and the Decepticons were forced to flee as the energon grid came online. The social game known as Spirit Nexus has the ability to contact A.I. He later alerted Scorponok to the return of Battle Ravage, who had caught the humans Kicker and Alexis while on a hunt. Operating from the ocean, he became a mobile base for the smaller members of Mayhem, with his internal workings hosted a portal that gained access to Tarantulas's Noisemaze. Warping to the Galadria Space Bridge Outpost, the pirates met with Flamewar, using the space bridge to warp into Unicron's severed head, leaving their ship behind. They were dismissively ordered to simply keep at their Energon-gathering tasks. Nonetheless, thanks to Tidal Wave's and the other Decepticons' efforts, Optimus was forced to sacrifice himself to stop the super-weapon's blast from reaching the planet.Crisis Tidal Wave later combined with Megatron to defeat Side Swipe, Miracle and again when they found themselves on Nemesis Prime's world. Demolishor, one of the Decepticons, was to be a boss, and Ramjet, Tidal Wave's Minicon partner, was meant to be an enemy harassing the player prior to entering one of the stages. Kicker burst forth from the aquatic Decepticon, charged with incredible power from the subterranean energon well beneath them. Tidal Wave VOICE. After fighting for a while, both Unicron and the Miranda II arrived at Cybertron where both sides fell back to regroup. As soon as they met, Shockblast immediately took charge of the operation, sending the Decepticons to smash various towers. Open Comms. Some time after this battle, he received a message from Snow Cat that he had found energon on an icy planet and so the Decepticons set off in pursuit. Their battle was cut short when Ramjet pointed out the gigantic form of Unicron in the sky. Tidal Wave is a Decepticon from Transformers: Armada. To Tidal Wave's chagrin, the other Terrorcons got to destroy them all while he prepped their equipment. In the aftermath he helped Starscream save Megatron from Shockblast's attempted coup and then followed Megatron into the rift in space that had opened up in the meantime. This page was last modified on 17 January 2021, at 14:47. Arriving at planet Shut-Up-Tornado-I'm-Trying-To-Think, the Star Seekers found only a Quintesson who bargained passage on the Tidal Wave in exchange for the location of Starscream's spark. The Autobots initially assumed both Decepticons were part of a combined attack, but eventually came to Starscream's assistance against Tidal Wave when the Decepticon shot him down. Both efforts were undermined by Six Shot's pettiness and insubordination, and Cybertron was brought to a halt. TRANSFORMERS - Decepticon Tidal Wave Share I'm primarily doing these cards under the mindset of a Transformers cartoon with the primary cast being the following - Optimus, Arcee, Cheetor, Strongarm, Rhinox, Windblade, Slash, Blackaracknia, Shockblast, Soundwave and Megatron. that scene when you first in counter him in transformers the game will always be ingrained in my mind. The Autobots were soon to find a way to break through the gas shroud and return to Cybertron; Mirage took part in the battle that followed, which concluded with the Autobots escaping underground. In battle he is merciless, an unyielding engine of destruction. As the two titans crashed down on Jungle Planet, Mirage tried to step in anyways, only to be stopped by Starscream, who assured him his leader wouldn't want them to interfere even if they could. Mirage helped his fellow Decepticons make war against the Autobots even as the now Unicron-sized Galvatron took to space, fluttering about like skirmishing insects around the colossus. Tidal Wave (sometimes Mirage) is a colossal powerhouse, one of the largest Decepticons under Megatron's command. There, Mirage advised Megatron not to release Shockblast; Megatron agreed, threatening to 'rewire' the traitor which inspired Shockblast to offer to capture an Autobot as proof of his loyalty.
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