Cybertron is the third and final Transformers franchise in the Unicron Trilogy.. Les Blentrons vont donc envoyer 3 agents sur place: Elephorca, Ratorata et Dancron. Beware the inescapable clutches of the mighty Unicron! Bee in the City 2: Electric Bugaloo: Toys Cybertron "Throw your hands up in the air, you can surrender but I just don't care." Unicron was ultimately defeated by the Mini-Con Matrix, boosted from the additional power of two universes' Mini-Cons. The teleportation equipment he'd created was used by the Autobots to finally end the war. After falling in some goo, Prime located the sensor array that was keeping Megatron's consciousness from entering his new body. En utilisant le corps de Galvatron II. The Quintessons were destroyed, and the Transformers managed to delay Unicron enough for the warhead to explode, destroying the planet. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Though Unicron briefly lashed out towards those housed within him when he became starved with energon, he otherwise remained incapable of attacking them. Revelations Part 4 When Sentinel Maximus led a team of Autobots to stamp out the escalating conflict, Unicron's involvement was revealed, and he joined the battle himself alongside Soundwave. The super energon mass, having now received Unicron's spark, ignited into a powerful red sun which gave new life to Alpha Q's worlds. The Autobots flew into Unicron's maw and blasted their way into his energy core, damaging it enough to send Unicron spiralling out of control and destroying him. Dans cette version, Unicron est un personnage neutre, qui se nourrit du Chaos et de la Guerre, et tente de dévorer les Autobots comme les Decepticons. The Mini-Cons joined together to form the Matrix Cannon, the Vanguard Booster and the Nemesis Shield for the Autobots to use against Unicron. Ripped Up Space Farewell Inferno, Unicron's body, damaged once more, lay in the dark reaches near the fissure, and the Decepticons began to raid Alpha Q's new planets for the Energon necessary to revive Unicron again. Among these were Pods, weak individually but strong in numbers; Tentacle Pods, more advanced versions of the previous units possessing ranged attacks; slow moving but strong Tendril units; heavily armored Spiderbot units; and immobile but powerful Shocktowers. Unicron next pushed Galvatron to use the planet's systems to propel Cybertron towards Alpha Q's planets. While they did not grant Prime his army, they did permit him to travel to Earth alone. He is redecoed in colors similar to the 2010 Transformers Unicron figure, replacing his orange plastic with a darker, metallic shade, his dark gray with a muted blue, and his tan with gray. Unicron va être réactiver grâce à une grosse quantité d'Energon. Withered Hope, When a team of traveling cyborgs appeared before the High Senate, TransTech Minister of Higher Dimensional Sciences Rhinox was asked to provide background to the Cataclysm. as well as the tainting of the Matrix caused by Thunderwing, created a great many splinter timelines. The already formidable hands of the Chaos Bringer will now have 15 points of articulation, 3 per finger, so Unicron can better grasp the inferior bots he wishes to devour. In the aftermath, several human scientists were examining one of Unicron's horns only to be approached by Quintessa in a human guise. The Viron universal cluster was not particularly notable for instantiations of Unicron. Achetez en toute sécurité et au meilleur prix sur eBay, la livraison est rapide. Chase Sideways then continued to escalate the conflict by manipulating control of the three Mini-Con weapons, the Star Saber, the Skyboom shield and the Requiem Blaster, but eventually arranged for all three to be returned to Cybertron, where he stole them and used them to reawaken Unicron. Autoplay is paused. High Noon, After the Autobots defeated the Decepticons on Earth and had secured the majority of the Mini-Cons there, Unicron made his appearance above Cybertron, intent on destroying the planet. Return to Cybertron: Part 3, The downed Autobots regrouped with Stockade's Decepticons and worked to take away the Nucleon that was powering Unicron's physical form. Cybertronian legend referred to an attack by Unicron on the planet that was ultimately thwarted by the mighty Autobot warrior, Omega Supreme. The first modern retelling of the origins of Primus and Unicron did not come from Generation 1-oriented media, but from a set of Armada trading cards released by Fleer. In preparation, Quintessa moved Cybertron into Earth's solar system, its presence causing Unicron's six horns to sprout on the Earth as he reacted to the presence of his old enemy. Transformers Cybertron Red Alert - Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site Though they were too late to save this Cybertron, they could return home and prepare for Unicron's coming there. In return for the chance to gain revenge on Gigantion, the survivors swore loyalty to Unicron, and "Planet X" became something of a code-phrase that identified those in the service of the planet-eater. Malheureusement, il ne parvient pas à l'ouvrir, et Unicron attaque en riposte la partie de Cybertron qui est sous l'influence Decepticon. In addition to strengthening the Decepticon leader, the Armor of Unicron apparently gave Megatron access to a few of the Chaos Bringer's reality-warping powers, including the ability to unleash a devastating Energon aura, Starscream Showdown create new Transformer bodies, upgrade and repair fallen Transformers Darkness, and tap into the power of the Cyber Planet Keys. Unicron will destroy... will destroy, The animated film and the following season of the cartoon are extraordinarily consistent about Unicron never actually moving his mouth while speaking, suggesting his voice may be. Megatron has always sought power at every turn, and this … Additionally, Unicron sent a group of heralds—incarnations of Bludgeon, Dirge, Galvatron, Scourge, and Thunderwing—to this second universe to find the Mini-Con Matrix and kill that universe's Optimus Prime and Megatron. The Cybertronians would then be subjugated through the Mini-Cons' influence. This Evil Reborn, Optimus Prime, who received a telepathic message from the disembodied Megatron, turned to the Autobot High Council for permission to dedicate an army towards Unicron's return and his intent to consume alleged huge amounts of energon on Earth, but the Council dismissed these concerns as paranoia. Unicron Perishes, None of the Transformers were aware, however, that Unicron lived on in two forms: his miniscule Spark, floating in space, and his consciousness, which lay buried in Megatron's mind. Plus tard, Rodimus prime affronte Galvatron, et récupère la Matrice, dont il se sert pour détruire Unicron. Craignant que le conflit n'ai été vain, Primus chercha alors un autre moyen de vaincre son ennemi, et eut l'idée de changer son propre astéroïde en une planète nommée Cybertron, où se développeraient des êtres mécaniques qui, comme Unicron, pourraient changer de formes. This universe overwrote the universe home to said dimensional travelers. What Lies Beneath, Part Three, Alpha Quintesson was secretly working for Unicron himself, and he sent the corrupted forms of Airazor, Cheetor, Rhinox, and Terrorsaur, his "Four Horsemen", to Cybertron to distract the Autobots from Unicron's revival. D'occasion. swirling, infinite torrent of nothingness, but not before integrating what remained of Unicron's body into himself, Ask Vector Prime, The Complete AllSpark Almanac, Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron, Transformers Animated: The Complete AllSpark Almanac, Ask Roberto Orci Roundup January 14 - Mythology, Money Shots, Jolt, Military, and Bringing Chaos,, Unicron is frightening. The Armor of Unicron is a material from the Cybertron portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family. Ask Vector Prime, 21/06/2015, Liner notes included with the DVD release of. Vector Prime thus returned to normal space for the first time in millions of years to aid his homeworld. The Covenant of Primus unveils a prophecy that foretold Unicron's awakening on Earth, though the details failed to mention that it was actually referring to Unicron and Earth. The first time the Primus/Unicron backstory appeared was in the UK comic continuity, from Unicron himself, in the story "The Legacy of Unicron! Transformers War for Cybertron Unicron Reveals New Features and Accessories! [4] Various permutations of Unicron can spawn into existence outside the trappings of the larger entity, hailing from a more mundane origin but possessing the same consumptive traits. Formidable, After a series of failed battles, Galvatron proceeded to expose himself to the Super Energon once again, and this time grew to a gigantic height. Knights of Unicron, Vector Prime considered it distasteful that the Knights of Unicron would name themselves after something that was very much not a joking matter. Il a été vaincu par Oméga Suprême 10000 ans avant le début d'Armada. Ask Vector Prime, 28/07/2015. Within Unicron is a set of organic caverns strewn with his internal defenses. Jump to: navigation, search. Armageddon Part 5. Only time would tell if the Transformers could possibly defeat him! For the first time, it would be possible for Unicron to strike at Primus in all realities simultaneously, ending their cosmic feud once and for all. 10 ans après sa destruction dans Armada, Alpha-Q et Scorponok utilisent de l'énergon pour le faire renaitre, mais trop tard, car Mégatron, qui est ressuscité, arrête la réparation et prend le contrôle d'Unicron. The heralds did not realize that their target Optimus Prime had been accidentally transported to the initial, dying Cybertron. Craignant que le conflit n'ai été vain, Primus chercha alors un autre mo… Armageddon Part 2 Within Unicron, Optimus gambled that he would need to make contact with Cybertron if he had any chance of escaping the malevolent planet. They were intent on unleashing the Dead Matrix upon Primus's vulnerable essence—as the Matrix was the antithesis of Unicron, so too would the Dead Matrix ensure the destruction of Primus, thereby totally destabilizing the multiverse and reducing it to a sea of entropic chaos. Transformers Cybertron Override - Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site To explore the fledgling universe, he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then subdivided him, creating his twin, Primus. To escape Megatron's fury, Alpha Q jettisoned Unicron's head and escaped in it, Megatron Resurrected while Megatron took over Unicron's body, and continued to gather Energon in order to rebuild Unicron to use as his ultimate weapon. By the end of the film Unicron after having Transformers (revealing he too is a Transformer) and attacked Cybertron is destroyed by the power of the Matrix of Leadership with his head in orbit of the now Autobot controlled Cybertron all without mentioning his origin. Rad White, Carlos Lopez, and Alexis Thi Dang planted the seed of sentience and free will within the Mini-Cons, who ultimately rebelled against their creator and fled Cybertron, crash-landing on the planet Earth. Using the power of the Mini-Con Matrix, Prime and Jetfire were able to combine into Jet Optimus and fire a powerful shot into the heart of Unicron. They succeeded in this by causing it to blow up and catch fire, which caused Unicron to draw on more Nucleon to recover, which fueled the fire and so on until the source ran out. Here, the entity Fleer had called the "Allspark" was redubbed "The One", and the modern iteration of the myth detailed above was firmly established, and went on to form the backbone of subsequent fiction such as Universe and Fun Publications' Cybertron comics. The first was the Robots in Disguise series, followed by three shows (Armada, Energon, and Cybertron) that constitute a single universe called the "Unicron Trilogy". Since time immemorial, the Thirteen, children of Primus, fought Unicron. Omni-Potent Optimus Prime argued with Megatron, denying that he would ever help his thought-dead foe inhabit his new body. Often, his incarnations would attack Cybertron during the conflict for the Mini-Cons, be the subject of a revival campaign involving energon and the Terrorcons, and then be trapped in the Unicron Singularity. Though Unicron's time adrift in space he bled Dark Energon which itself went adrift. Unicron will not be sated until his ultimate goal is attained: to bring an end to the annoying creation boasting independence around him, and find peace by becoming the living center of a swirling, infinite torrent of nothingness at the end of all things. The version recounted above is the current iteration, which has slowly solidified across a wide swath of media (beginning around the time of Armada). The Power of Unicron The Autobots made a valiant but futile attempt to stop him, and Unicron swatted them like gnats. The Lord of Chaos. He is also the twin brother of Primus. Netflix has released a trailer for Transformers: War for Cybertron "Earthrise," the second part of the series, which happens to tease both Galvatron and Unicron.. Alpha Q: Identity Recreating the armies of Planet Q as "Terrorcons", Alpha Q had them attack Autobot facilities on Earth and throughout the Solar System to gather the energon that would be necessary for his plan to work. Per Unicron's telling of events, he was a primal force of evil at the dawn of the universe, who led a legion of Dark Gods against his mortal foe, Primus, Lord of the Light Gods. I AM THE KARATE MASTER! Dans le comic Unicron était originellement un être demi-dieu cherchant à consumer le monde, et s'opposant à son équivalent bon, Primus lorsque leur affrontement commença à devenir dangereux, tous deux furent emprisonnés dans des astéroïdes pour limiter les dégâts. A final unit, The Cortex, held Megatron captive. Unicron is a large Cybertronian god that is the ancient enemy of Primus/Cybertron. Although despite this jokester persona, the thought of his mission to avenge Planet X can cause him to become …
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