Alive (but killed by Unicron in the film). "He looks at the world through sludge-colored windshields." In battle, lashes out with wings, beak, and claws to cut everything to ribbons. Uses a 400 mph, wind producing cyclone gun. Uses hands and tires' sensors to find new sources of raw materials. Uses Motormaster's cyclone gun and carries an ionizer sword with a 50,000 volt charge. The Throttlebot's self-appointed comedian. Lens barrel converts to powerful light cannon. Puts up a stubborn front to hide deep-rooted insecurities. Fearless, daring, believes himself to be superior to many of his fellow Autobots. Possesses magnificent fighting skills, courage, and a gift for battlefield improvisation. Electro-disrupter can cast illusions altering his physical placement and appearance for up to 6 minutes. Don't touch him if you value your life, 'cause he will smash you. Apparently, death crystals are also the only thing that can hurt it. The Nebulans' first and last appearance was in the three-part episode The Rebirth, which was intended as the pilot episode of the fourth season, but ended up being the season's only episode and the last episode in the entire series. Pinpointer is a Nebulan of few words. Prefers brute force over reason and will NEVER back down from a challenge. Found on Dromedon and Dread, a group of them is referred to as a "wreck" of shrikebats, or, more commonly "aiiiiiieee get them off get them off my eyes oh dear gooaaaarrrrrghkklgkglllll". Strong, rugged, agile – the most macho of all Autobots. Chip uses a. Spike's girlfriend and later wife. Spoiled rotten, Astoria is mostly a figurehead with little control over the company's goings-on. If Aerialbots needed pilots' licenses, he'd never have gotten his... a hazard in the skies. They are slightly smarter than the Sharkticons, even capable of speech, but free will has been pretty thoroughly removed from their programming, to the point where they will malfunction if resisting a direct order, they transform into bipedal, vaguely. He is driven by a desire to win the battle against the Decepticons. Ultra Magnus is all soldier. Not a lot of progress, mind you... Thankfully Peacemaker knows how to be patient, loves a challenge, and is firm in his belief that optimism leads to success. Created by Dr. Fujiyama, she was a non-transforming. Enormous strength – can shatter a brick building with head. Often gets stuck in mid-transformation. Sullen, fatalistic, sees little reason to continue Transformers' war. Extinguisher rifle shoots flame-suppressing foam and an energy damping beam to counter other beams. During the great raid on Darkmount, Warpath was in charge of setting the explosives which brought down the massive tower. Believes the poor should be exploited, the weak oppressed, and the noble corrupted. He guards Edmund Burton's castle and transforms into a 1917 Mark IV tank. Their best known leader is Megatron. Driving recklessly, screaming and laughing. Can instantly teleport up to 2.5 miles. Cerebro-shells can be used against him if removed from victims head. They constructed Ramhorn, the rhino, who can use animalistic force if cornered, and Steeljaw, the lion, who can crawl through the foliage of any alien world, to sneak up on Decepticons. Staunch friend to the Dinobots and a reliable ally for Hot Rod and Kup. Hates seeing any machine in pain – even those who don't know it, like a broken street lamp or an overheated car. Brave, grimly determined warrior, but he struggles to maintain that image in order to hide his phobia. When the call went out for Nebulans who would be willing to take up arms in defense of their planet, Firebolt was amongst the first to volunteer. Leader of the Insecticons. His partner resents his interference, and in his turn, the Nebulan resents Sureshot for his lack of appreciation. In charge of guarding anything of importance. Daring in battle... believes victory will come via technological advancement. Believes in being maximally operational every moment of one's life. Bottom lights can produce strobe effect, full color spectrum with blinding 10,000 watt brightness. Warpath was amongst the troops accompanying Optimus. Immense strength and endurance. Abdul Ben Faisal is the greatest sage in all of. Binary-bonded to Lord Zarak, leader of the evil Nebulans. Transformers: Autobots Unlimited (aired in japan as SUPER ROBOT LIFEFORM TRANSFORMERS:UNLIMITED) was a TV show that will air in March 3 2013. As a Targetmaster, he is paired with Haywire, excitable Nebulan teenager whose impulsiveness makes him a chancy electro-laser cannon, at best. In tank mode, maximum speed: 155 mph. Quick to anger, even quicker to attack. Cackling like a mechanical wildman, this Battlecharger is a twirling, tumbling two-lane terror. Pointblank doesn't feel the Autobots should have involved the Nebulans in the war to begin with, and so disapproves of his partner and his advice on principle. Sometimes overheats as car. Poplock is a member of the Bop Crew. Megatron combines brute strength, military cunning, ruthlessness and terror. War-weary Autobot who must be repeatedly persuaded to join the others. In jet mode, has side-mounted, rapid-fire photon-pulse guns. Alive(Rebuilt as Soundblaster in Headmasters). Doesn't stop blasting until he is hip-deep in smoking rubble. On Nebulos, Monzo was a professional hyperwrestler before he became a nightclub owner. Range: 10 miles. "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's motto. Lightens the situation for all Autobots with his good-natured manner. As robot, can press 60,000 pounds, uses fireball cannons that shoot bursts of 2000 degrees F. blue flame 1.5 miles. Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messenger, scout, and spy. thick carbon-steel, lift 30 tons. Looks cool: check. The Last Knight, the bulldog's long-standing association with Britain, Only redeeming quality is he speaks well of those he is sent to "the great junkyard in the sky," his phrase for destruction. A ruthless businessman and industrialist, Grax was willing to do whatever it took to solidify his place at the top of Nebulan business world. Range: 4 miles. Sole purpose is to protect all life. When Misfire shoots, his fellow Decepticons run for cover. Great strength... ceramic-plated armored skin can take up to 8000 degrees Celsius. Others' pain is his sole pleasure. He is the most energy efficient and has the best vision of all the Autobots. Each foot houses twin mortar shell launchers. Self-centered and boastful. Six-Gun is one of Metroplex's autonomous troops, and is composed of six of the city-bot's guns. As crane can lift up to 35-ton object and position it with precision and grace. Second strongest Autobot – can lift 190,000 pounds and knock down a small building with one punch. Fists shoot laser beams used for welding in surgery. Has twin concussion blasters and sonic sword. Flies at speeds up to 250 mph. In scorpion mode, tail shoots 100,000 volt electric bursts, has twin pulse blasters, claws can crush mountains. Hates waste in any form... will not burn an extra drop of fuel unless he is certain the results will be worth the effort. Doesn't listen to anyone, particularly his friends. Lightning fast reflexes. She is brave, hard as nails and, not surprisingly, in a relationship with Ironhide. Needs to control a situation otherwise, he, too falls victim to fear – making him useless as a warrior! His horns shoot bolts of 20,000 volt electricity. Unsure of Autobot cause... cannot be fully trusted. His mind is a melding together of his six parts, but limited by their competing thoughts. Not even Brainstorm, who shares his psyche, can claim to truly fathom the workings of his partner's mind. When he is on the hunt, his prey is as good as caught. Mudflap(Offline… In robot mode, carries two sonic boom rifles; one blast can shatter foot-thick steel. They were quickly taken captive by Circ… Fires bombs up to 8.3 miles and lightning-like 80,000 volt beam up to 12 miles of limited accuracy. In jet mode, maximum speed: 2400 mph. Sir Wigend du Blackthorne is a hotheaded young noble in sixth-century. In robot mode can fly 30 mph up to 100 miles. Can go 120 knots, 4000-mile range. Always feels better afterwards. Loves the ocean and its creatures... unhappy when he returns to land and reverts to robot form. In car mode, emits thick smoke from tailpipe... attracts to metal. Shoots cluster bombs and null-rays which disrupts the flow of electricity. Given that he joined the Transformer conflict for the money because there was no one left on Nebulos that could stomach appreciate his "talent", he has an incentive to not screw up, Slugslinger treats his partner fairly well, mostly due to the direct link between the condition of the Decepticon's backbone infrastructure in combat and the condition of his weaponry. In wolf mode, nose module is equipped with various tracking scanners. Lonely in outer space... relieves boredom by scaring humans by hovering over their backyards at night or zig-zagging through meteor showers. The Autobots (also known as Cybertrons in Japan) are the heroes in the Transformers toyline and related spin-off comics and cartoons.Their main leader is Optimus Prime, but other "Primes" have also commanded the Autobots such as Rodimus Prime. Quick temper and mean disposition. In robot or creature modes, uses slime gun to shoot stream of corrosive liquid. Gives a ride to remember – in your nightmares! Wheels allow limited land travel. Speaks with the savvy of seasoned veteran. Warpath was a member of Perceptor's resistance cell on Cybertron. Feels his role is the protection of all life, including Earth-life. Wields powerful x-ray laser cannon. Although dedicated to the Autobot cause, resents authority. The battle that ensued later came t… The dependable, resourceful, and stoic Duros is a great addition to the Autobot army, but his eager desire for action and love of combat have made him an outsider among the naturally peaceful Nebulans and has led him to be shunned even by his family and, most painfully, his now estranged wife. In robot mode, uses two corrosive acid rainmaker rifles. Enjoys melting enemies into pools of liquid metal. Jazz loves Earth culture. Slow and methodical – weathers artillery fire with the same calm he endures criticism of his apparent laziness. Finds fault in everything and everyone. Pinpointer, his dual rocket-propelled grenade launcher, can lock on target in less than .0003 seconds, but usually trusts Crosshairs to decide when to shoot. Jetfire (voiced by Jeremy Levy) - Autobot Air Guardian. The alternate version of the Cassette warriors' origin is stated in the animated series. Impulsive, loves to take chances, put his life on the line. Paired with Blowpipe, a powerful compressed-air cannon who is also the conniving, envious brother-in-law of Lord Zarak, the Nebulan leader of the Decepticon Headmasters. Gets into many accidents. 15,000 mile range, 40 knots maximum speed. Takes Autobots on dizzying, death-defying flights to scare information out of them. Autobots who never made it to Earth: 1. Loyal to Megatron, he was left in charge of Cybertron when Megatron left. Can refashion digested materials and spit them out as crude missiles. What does interest him are those new-fangled flying robots. Civil and sophisticated yet very cruel and destructive. He is a professional partner to Dr. Mark Morgan, and has a professional, and perhaps romantic, relationship with Morgan's daughter, Jessica. Able to analyze and advise on complex combat situations almost instantaneously. Anything less than dangerous is boring to him. Uses semi-automatic glue gun. Tags: autobot, transformer, transformers-megatron, transformers-age-of-extinction, transformers-optimus-prime He especially hates poetry, which puts him at odds with his Headmaster partner, Weirdwolf. In robot mode, carries electro-shield and semi-automatic sonic boomer gun. His devotion to warfare makes him hard to deal with on a personal level. Selected by Optimus Prime to command so he'd be too busy worrying about others to worry about himself. He is a very close ally to human Spike Witwicky, Often seen as an underdog and not the biggest bot he has more courage than any soldier from Cybertron. Has most sophisticated logic center of all Autobots. The unexpected can often scramble his circuits. In robot mode, has two shatterblasters that shoot diamond-hard shards. Impervious to most artillery, can surround himself with force field for brief periods. Motivating him to fight is always a problem. The Transformers (Generation 1) Primes. Professor Greene is a scientist who just wants to help the Autobots defend Earth against the Decepticons. In battle, gets close enough to count the bolts in Decepticon armor plates. A lumbering, powerful Transformer like Trypticon has many important things to attend to (like destruction). In the 3rd season, Ultra Magnus became second-in-command of the Autobot’s, and an advisor for Rodimus Prime. Bumblebee(Online; Formerly Killed By T.R.F.) High resistance to artillery fire. Has one foot wingspan that can enlarge to ten feet. Ruthless, cold-blooded, and treacherous. Suppresses thought of the five Aerialbots that comprise him, directs his thinking to one purpose: destruction of Decepticons. Scientific specialties are metallurgy, molecular chemistry, electrical engineering. Usually makes reckless driving a way of life. In vehicle mode, maximum speed: 160 mph, range: 750 miles; built for traversing rough terrain. Carries turret-mounted mortar cannon that shoots armour-piercing shells. High-quality cotton, available in a range of colors and size XS to XXL. Can roll his drums to produce a high-pitch, grating sound of 200db. Can, within the limits of his design, duplicate the flying motion of anything he sees... maybe most skilled flyer of all Transformers. Steam comes from his nasal ducts when he is enraged. Voracious appetite for new data to analyze. Slow... uncooperative nature hinders others from helping him. In car mode, has a plasma-energy blaster. When he needs some small task done, he calls on Wipeout to do it. Easily distracted by a beautiful car – because he wants to destroy it, not admire it. Acts as radio link for others. Slow, not too clever – often victim of the calamities he causes. Bounty hunter. Not well-suited to function on ground as robot. They have scaly skin and are nearly as large as the average Transformer. Compassionate, cautious – will restrict an Autobot to repair bay for faulty directional signal. Considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of Decepticons. His fire truck hose shoots high-pressure water 1200 feet. Skids(Offline; Killed in deleted screen By Sentinel Prime) 3. Transforming into an electro-laser cannon, Haywire is just as hyperactive as his partner in combat, often more concerned with how often he fires than where he is aiming or how effective his shots are. Prefers eating non-living to living things... doesn't like anything that might still be wriggling about after he swallows it. Helped Smokescreen save the Autobots from certain death. In vehicle mode, maximum ground speed: 250 mph; maximum air speed: 580 mph. Befriends, Friend of Spike Witwicky. Bonnie Carlson is a news anchor for KSUN TV. Trivia: Don Messick had a 2-word spoken line in The TF Movie as Scavenger, where he calls Daniel a "human germ", but was not credited for it. Great strength, uses jaws to break almost anything in two. Has highly developed infra-red vision that can record images in darkness, through camouflage and at great distances. In robot mode has blinding light-burst gun. In robot mode, uses "viper pistol"—shoots streams of neuro-circuitry paralyzing liquid. "He gives me the creeps," says Ramjet. Can electromagnetize himself in cassette mode. He is got some sharp moves. Thinks everyone is staring at him, even Earth cars and stoplights. Has high-energy plasma-pulse gun and shattering vibro-ax in robot mode. Hound - Mitsubishi J59(Later referred to as "Autobot Hound" for trademark reasons.) Is cool: check. The Autobots also used Mammoth Tanks, Harbinger Gunships, mass-produced Autobot bodyforms that turn into F-15s and many other various vehicles in their military. Fights when called upon despite anti-war feelings. Often burns himself out due to carelessness. Dion is an earnest dock worker and best friend to Orion Pax. Fears quiet, prone to tire blow-outs. Uses ferrocobalt magnet under hood to be pulled by and within a few feet of other vehicles, reducing his fuel use to near zero. Worked with the mysterious Nebulan medical doctor, Arcana, to whom he is binary-bonded, to devise new technology that created the Headmasters. Megatron would sooner melt him than talk to him, but knows he is even worse company for the Autobots. Has six forms: robot, armored carrier, ramming-tank, jet-propelled laser pistol, star fighter, and wolf-creature modes. As car goes 280 mph... uses wings under rear fenders for sub-sonic flight. He sees a career on his homeworld as an inventor as his ticket off his planet, and he is not above lying, stealing, and cheating to get what he needs to make it happen. In, “Transformers: The Headmasters”, Hot Rod became Rodimus Prime again. Transforming into a version of Kup's original old-style musket laser, Recoil has found a good match with the crusty Autobot, both seeking the respect they feel their age and experience deserves. Believes Decepticons should rely more on guile and speed rather than brute force to defeat Autobots. If Autobots had drivers licenses, his would have been revoked. Back-mounted rocket thrusters allows speeds of 300 mph, 2000 mile range. He always makes the right choice... but takes several minutes to make it, since he first completely analyzes input from the 5 Technobots who comprise him. Punch, the Autobot, transforms into Counterpunch, the Decepticon, to infiltrate enemy installations. Though dim-witted, he is the most lethal fighting machine devised by the Decepticons. Dinsmoore is Lord Chumley's somewhat addled manservant. Uses underhanded tactics when absolutely necessary. His rival is Sky-Byte. Takes most dangerous missions. Nebulans are aliens from the planet Nebulos who co-operate with the Transformers. Pure brutality – sole purpose is to crush all in his path. Peacemaker is an upbeat, almost contagiously positive Nebulan police officer. Now he suffers from "robot dementia", still thinking it's the war, and bits crumble off him when he transforms. Only the wolf creature has no need for Sixshot's two hypersonic concussion blasters, the wolf mode prefers to rip apart enemy Autobots with his razor fangs. Has 10,000 degrees Celsius solar energy beam rifle. Carries four air-to-air missiles and two automatic missile launchers in robot mode. Usually too busy laughing uncontrollably and drooling out oil to look where he is shooting. Left rear tower transforms into tank, Slammer, who has rocket-propelled mortar cannon. Possesses acute military prowess. In car mode, engine emits vibrations that cause mechanical failures in other vehicles; prone to leaky fuel pump. Has no friends, only business partners... his only allegiance is to himself. The Autobots' secondary objective, however -- destroying the Space Bridge -- could not be completed, and instead Warpath and his team were forced to flee over the bridge to Earth. Took a Level in Jerkass: In-Universe in the 2005 IDW Continuity. In vehicle mode, uses two gravity-rod rifles to cause objects to float away or crash to the ground. Range: 500 miles. Feels literally and figuratively above the other Transformers as he soars through outer space. No one else shares his confidence. A giant (the TV show doesn't do his size justice; see the comic) six-changer Decepticon with a vile, nasty, murderous disposition. Seeking revenge, Vorath gained the chance to do so and continue his experiments with the arrival of Transformers and the creation of the Headmasters, when he agreed to binary bond to Mindwipe. Would rather read about jet fighters than be one... fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. Shows his true malevolent genius by incorporating defeated Autobots into his buildings' structures. Charming but cruelly clever... makes friends so he can influence them to do his bidding by digging up facts he can hold against them. Like his fellow Dinobots, resents authority. In robot mode wears head-mounted mortar... throws 50 pound explosive shell eight miles. A greedy, mean-spirited bully. Understands the reason for the Autobot-Nebulan alliance, but disapproves of it. The WFC-S6 Autobot Battle Patrol figures Autobot Topshot and Flak convert in 7 and 4 easy steps from robot mode to tank modes. Can jam radio transmissions. Incredible maneuverability... delights in displaying his dazzling aerial virtuousity, to friends or foes... just wants their appreciation of his talent. Rumble — Robot / Microcassette 3. Gentle and shy, but terrifying and unstoppable in battle. Projects 80,000 volt electric field around himself in jet mode. Likes to party, give backtalk, but does any job as well as anyone. Injury to one module is felt by the other two. Known as "Scourge", after being injured and recreated with a new form during the battle of Autobot City. She is eternally in love with the heroic Optimus Prime. His findings are often invaluable to fellow Autobots. He is supposedly hyper-intelligent with an infinity of intricate plans nested within plans, but he sometimes over-thinks things to the point of coming off as rather dim, his major claim to fame is being responsible for building Unicron at the dawn of the galaxy.
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