Words nearby vibe. More 500 Vibe synonyms. ambience. It gave me a nostalgic vibe. Related: Vibes. aura, chi (or ch'i also qi), energy, ki, vibration(s) Visit the Thesaurus for More Find 222 ways to say bad vibes, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021. What are synonyms for vibing? THE CHARACTER, FEELING, OR MOOD OF A PLACE OR SITUATION. What are another words for Good vibes? 1. Synonyms for 'vibe': feature, quality, factor, aspect, nature, component, strand, facet, peculiarity, property, a badge of something Antonyms for vibing. Vibration, aura, atmosphere. The restaurant has a casual vibe. A naturally high state. The state of joy one achieves when a persons actions and beliefs are aligned and all the pieces of their life have integrity and love at it's core. The place had a nice vibe to it. Full list of synonyms for Vibe is here. (plural) signals or messages sent out to someone. Synonyms for vibing in Free Thesaurus. Harmony, sympathy, rapport. More 50 Good vibes synonyms. It has a commercial vibe. vibe. 1 synonym for vibe: vibration. The atmosphere in the conference room was tense. noun 1. rhythm 2. any musical aspect or quality indicative of a genre 3. mood or atmosphere; feeling; aura 4. atmosphere. What are another words for Vibe? 2. 3. Synonyms for vibe. Jamaican vibes . The state of bliss experienced when at full health as a result of being substance free. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary.These indexes are then used to … vibe (n.) 1940, short for vibraphone; attested from 1967 as an abbreviated form of vibration in the 1960s slang sense of "instinctive feeling." … Full list of synonyms for Good vibes is here. Synonyms and examples. Viareggio, viatical, viatical settlement, viaticum, viator, vibe, vibes, vibey, vibist, Viborg, vibraculum. Synonyms: Noun. Urban Thesaurus.