Fairywill CrystalBlack – Testbericht. A password will be sent to you by e-mail. I was looking for a sonic electric toothbrush for a long time and came across the Fairywill FW-507 in pink on Amazon. The electric toothbrush from Fairywill is a sonic electric toothbrush. Fairywill 507 is an electric toothbrush using the sonic technology with up to 40.000 micro-brushes pet minute. 1 Fairywill 507 Electric Toothbrush Crystal Black Handle. 1 Premium USB Charger cable. Then here is a possible solution to your problem. it takes care of any cleaning requirement all on the same device, and with long battery intervals between recharging cycles. As an Amazon partner honest-tests.de earns qualified sales. Doch, mit der CrystalBlack liefert das chinesische Unternehmen Fairywill genau das. Für meinen Test habe ich mir die Variante in Schwarz zugelegt, welche schon auf Produktbildern ähnlich elegant wirkte, … Real-time updates are technically not possible. Durchschnitt aus I still prefer the smaller one to P11. The sonic toothbrush from Fairywill FW-507 promises a long battery life. The brush head is constructed like a wave, the bristles are made of Dupont nylon manufactured. Does she clean the teeth cleanly and thoroughly? Fairywill are always striving to develop and offer high quality dental health products at an affordable price. Battery pack: 4 hours charging time (lithium battery)Battery life: up to 30 days when used twice a dayCleaning programs: 5 with 2 minute timerWaterproof: IPX7Charge: USB-C cableSound: pulsates up to 40.000 times per minuteTo brush: made of Dupont nylon. Im Lieferumfang sind ein stabiles Reise-Etui, das Handstück mit 3 Bürstenköpfen sowie ein Ladekabel enthalten. Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Angaben des jeweiligen Händlers und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert. The rounded bristles are used for gentle and thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums. The 7-day #UK #Deal of Fairywill Black 507 Mar 30--- Apil 5th https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07MNM8HXQ Immerhin könnt ihr dank dieses Hilfsmittels deutlich effektiver gegen Plaque vorgehen und euer Zahnfleisch vor möglichen Entzündungen schützen. Posted on November 4, 2019 Categories Uncategorized. Buy Cheap Fairywill Hard Brush Heads X4 For Model FW 917 FW 507 FW 508 FW 959 Black Reviews. Zahnreinigung (60%): „befriedigend“ (2,9); I found that the sonic toothbrush has a USB-C connection very positively. Click on an affiliate link and you will be redirected to the external shop, without any disadvantages. Der Käufer hat dadurch keine Nachteile, aber unterstützt mit jedem Kauf dieses Informations-Portal. Eine Schallzahnbürste mit verschiedenen Putzmodi und praktischem USB-Anschluss für unter 30 Euro gibt es nicht? Das ist mehr als üblich – der Standardwert liegt bei 33.000. Zahnreinigung (60%): „durchschnittlich“; All four options are available for less than half of what you would expect to pay from some of the major manufacturers. Elektrische Zahnbürste Test Fairywill. 000 Mikroborsten pro Minute entfernt unsere Zahnbürste bis zu 100% mehr Zahnbelag und Flecken im Vergleich mit herkömmlichen Zahnbürsten. The FW-507 and FW-508 are the most powerful and feature rich handlesin Faiywill. Erste Meinung verfassen. If you are short of time, the answers to the following 3 questions should let you know all you need to about the Fairywill FW-507 electric travel toothbrush set. Eine elektrische Zahnbürste werden euch viele Zahnärzte aus gutem Grund empfehlen. Immerhin hält eine Akkuladung circa 30 Tage durch, das ist überdurchschnittlich lang. – Danke eTests-Team. Automotive insurance could end up paint job and being, and miles you may be able to so eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ehrliche_tests_de-leader-2','ezslot_8',116,'0','0']));Reading tips: than Advice read | kitchen Tips | You like product testing read? Im Bad ist solch ein Anschluss eher selten zu finden. wie bei der Sonicare Flexcare Platinummit UV-Desinfektion) fehlt hier leider. The P11 feels as powerful as my smaller Fairywill which is model 5W-507. The functions of the Fairywill FW-507 electric sonic toothbrush is very easy to use. 000 Bürstenkopfbewegungen pro Minute, entfernt unsere Zahnbürste bis zu 300% mehr Zahnbelag und Flecken im Vergleich mit ... Fairywill Sonic Electric Toothbrush Model 507, zu Fairywill Sonic Electric Toothbrush Model 507, Hap­py­brush Rotie­rende Zahn­bürste Star­ter­kit, Oral-​B Sta­ges Power Kids Bat­te­rie-​Zahn­bürste Dis­ney Cars, Fai­ry­will Elek­tri­sche Schall­zahn­bürste mit USB-​Auf­la­dung, Philips Sonicare For Kids Connected (HX6352/42). Fairywill Electric Toothbrush Brush Your Teeth Like At The Dentist ... Fairywill 508 Electric Toothbrush Rechargeable sonic toothbrush with 4 ... Fairywill Kids Electric Toothbrush 3 Modes Indicator Light, Green Sonic ... Test: Koenig ice cube machine KB20 | Ice cubes at the push of a button, TEST: Oral-B Genius 8000N - Electric Toothbrush, Test: LG GSL 561 refrigerator | Side by side, Test: cocoa with caffeine? Wenn Sie auf dieser Website auf Links zu verschiedenen Händlern klicken und einen Kauf tätigen, kann dies dazu führen, dass auf dieser Website eine Provision anfällt. A detailed hands on and opinion video, that comes after several weeks of testing. Highly Recommended. Jul 29, 2020. Wenn Sie auf dieser Website auf Links zu verschiedenen Händlern klicken und einen Kauf tätigen, kann dies dazu führen, dass auf dieser Website eine Provision anfällt. Testalarm: Wir benachrichtigen Sie kostenlos bei Testberichten zum Thema: Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. Mi Eco. The 3 BIG questions about the Fairywill FW-507. Zu den Partnerprogrammen und -zugehörigkeiten gehört unter anderem das Amazon-Partnernetzwerk, eBay-Partnernetzwerk & das AliExpress-Partnernetzwerk. Sonic electric toothbrush | Fairywill FW-507 tested, First impression | Fairywill FW-507 sonic electric toothbrush, Pros / Cons | Fairywill FW-507 sonic electric toothbrush, Conclusion: Fairywill FW-507 sonic electric toothbrush. The Fairywill FW-507 sonic electric toothbrush has 5 modes:“White” = stands for teeth whitening, removes plaque and stains"Clean" = stands for daily cleaning "Sensitive" = stands for sensitive teeth.“Polish” = stands for inter-dental polish. A Powerful Cleaning Like Just Coming From The Dentist. I am a little decoration queen and I really like the vintage style. Die Schallzahnbürste Fairywill Sonic Model 507 nutzen Sie in vier auswählbaren Modi. Haltbarkeit, Umwelteigenschaften (10%): „mangelhaft“ (5,0). 5 High-Performance Brushing Modes to suit different conditions of teeth and gums. Handhabung (30%): „durchschnittlich“; If I have missed something, let me know in the comments. At first I was a bit skeptical about the battery life. eval(ez_write_tag([[320,100],'ehrliche_tests_de-box-4','ezslot_3',109,'0','0']));When I unpacked the Fairywill FW-507 sonic electric toothbrush, I was very surprised how good and light it is in the hand. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ehrliche_tests_de-leader-3','ezslot_9',114,'0','0']));Tip: when attaching the brush head, first attach it straight and then turn it slightly to the right. Im Test hielt das Gerät schließlich nicht lange durch: Sie ging nach der Hälfte der erwartbaren Zeit von 2.250 Putzzyklen (entspricht etwa sechs Jahre) kaputt. Do the same when you drop off. Im Sinne eurer Mundhygiene und Zahngesundheit bis ins hohe Alter ist diese Art v… So if a Fairywill Electric Toothbrush Brush Head x 4 for Models of FW-917/ FW-507/ FW-508/ FW-959 White car ever increasing number one you buy a car. Der Käufer hat dadurch keine Nachteile, aber unterstützt mit jedem Kauf dieses Informations-Portal. The battery really lasts for almost a month depending on usage and modes. Elektrische Zahnbürste Test Fairywill. Combination of both strong mode and gentle mode for adults, children and also seniors making it a Great Choice For Families. The whole set for about 25 €. Mit 40. Anja Lange 2 Wochen vor. I am curious whether the battery will really last 4 days on a charge of 30 hours and whether the sonic toothbrush is really waterproof. Eine Aktualisierung in Echtzeit findet nicht statt, so dass der Preis seit der letzten Aktualisierung gestiegen sein kann. It’s a popular model on Amazon that seems to share a production line with a number of other brands. Home free test drive when the business, and lorries less than reliable, namely tread separation dangers with a discounted price into the new vehicles that has a while others built nothing too. In the shower she proved the waterproofness, everything was great. Im Test glänzt sie vor allem mit dem guten Akku und der intuitiven Bedienung, aber es gibt auch Kritikpunkte. Das geringe Gewicht von gerade einmal 55 Gramm dürfte die Handhabung erleichtern. Are you looking for a new sonic electric toothbrush that doesn't cost more than € 100? The 10 best sonic toothbrushes to buy in the UK. Eine eigene Ladestation wie bei vielen anderen Modellen (z.B. Fairywill does use the same brushing technology as Sonicare, whereas Oral-B’s brushing approach is slightly different. – Danke eTests-Team. Darunter befindet sich ein Sensitive-Programm, das interessant für Anfänger ist. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ehrliche_tests_de-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',113,'0','0']));The 2-minute timer pausing very briefly every 30 seconds is very helpful. (Photo: Amazon) ... said this month that it believes “neither Arizona measure violates Section 2’s results test,” but doesn’t like the way its predecessor analyzed the issues. * Product images & links | Source: Amazon PA API | Last update on 9.03.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX | * = Affiliate Links | Prices quoted on this website may have changed. Fairywill Elektrische Zahnbürste Putzen Sie Ihre Zähne wie beim Zahnarzt. I've tried different sonic toothbrushes before. Jacqui. I find the processing normal to common as with other electric toothbrushes. Designed for family use this set consists of two complete toothbrush kits – one black, one white and each complete with a hard travel case, 4 brush heads and charging cable. 3 ... 5 settings white, cleaning, sensitive, polishing and massage, so that the toothbrush fits your tooth and ... tickles the teeth a bit at the beginning, takes getting used to. Then I went through all modes by briefly pressing the power button. FairyWill Electric Toothbrush Features. The sleek black design, lightweight feel at 55g (albeit this is because the materials used are ridiculously cheap) and easy to … Fairywill and Sonicare have a sonic cleaning action which has the bristles of the brush head sweep side to side at a very rapid pace. It’s a popular model on Amazon that seems to share a production line with a number of other brands. Electric toothbrush Fairywill 5 modes Sonic electric toothbrush with ... Fairywill Sonic Electric Toothbrush Rechargeable One charge of 4 ... Fairywill Electric Toothbrush Brush your teeth like you would at the dentist ... Fairywill 507 electric toothbrush double pack - 10 brush heads 2 ... Electric toothbrush sonic toothbrush Fairywill - 5 different ... Fairywill electric toothbrush brush heads 4 pieces, medium medium soft ... Fairywill electric toothbrush brush heads FW03. Zu den Partnerprogrammen und -zugehörigkeiten gehört unter anderem das Amazon-Partnernetzwerk, eBay-Partnernetzwerk & das AliExpress-Partnernetzwerk. Das geringe Gewicht von gerade einmal 55 Gramm dürfte die Handhabung erleichtern. Finally, clean the sonic toothbrush normally under the tap with the water running. The 507 Electric toothbrush was equally outstanding with 5 modes ! ... Fairywill 507 Elektrische Zahnbürste Doppelpack,...* 49,99 EUR: Bei Amazon ansehen ... Im letzten Zahnbürsten-Test (elektrisch) wurde die Modelle auf unterschiedliche Testkriterien untersucht. Then I chose the White Clean mode and I have to say it tickled a little at first. The Fairywill – FW-507 feels and looks lower-grade than the other brushes we tried. I put the matching brush head on the Fairywill sonic toothbrush and opened up toothpaste. Leider entfernt sie dabei Beläge nicht wie erwartet, wie Stiftung Warentest im Dezember 2020 im Test herausfand. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ehrliche_tests_de-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',115,'0','0']));I am really more than surprised by the Fairywill FW-507 electric sonic toothbrush, you don't always have to spend a lot of money on a sonic toothbrush. - Fairywill FW-507 sonic electric toothbrush- 4 brush heads (3 + 1)- USB-C charging cable (unfortunately without power plug)- Manual. The Fairywill FW-507 sonic toothbrush has a 2 minute timer who regularly pauses briefly every 30 seconds and helps to improve our cleaning habits. Eine Leistungsstarke Reinigung, Als Würden Sie Gerade Vom Zahnarzt Kommen. 1 Guide. This sonic toothbrush pulses up to 40.000 times in one minute and has no rotational movement like that of Oral-B, for example. Tested: Fairywill sonic toothbrush | Fairywill FW-507 | PINK | Test | Inexpensive sonic toothbrush with good teeth result | buy cheap online I was looking for a sonic electric toothbrush for a long time and came across the Fairywill FW-507 in pink on Amazon. The top dealer often sniffs the Amazon shop for good deals! This brush has more than 17,000 positive reviews. In a broad sense, they all occupy a similar vantage point on the price spectrum. Pwr 3.7V Charger for Fairywill Sonic Electric Toothbrush: FW-508 FW-507 FW-917 SG-508 FW508 FW507 D1 D3 D7 D8 E6 E10 E11 P11 Plus Pro 2001 Kids TB-508 TB-507 Replacement Power Supply 4.6 out of 5 stars 72 Here you can find bamboo cutting board savings offers to save money. In the end, I felt like the dentist cleaned my teeth. "Massage" = stands for gum massage. Th… Der niedrige Preis erklärt die Minuspunkte: Für rund 20 Euro lässt sich nicht viel erwarten. The top dealer often searches the Amazon shop for great offers! A Two Minutes Smart Timer with interval pausing … Low... 4 Professional attachment brush Suitable for different rubbers in different conditions. The micro-bristles are very soft and pulsate 40.000 times a minute. 1 Protective bristle cover. Click to reveal full code on your selected orders and win a chance to enjoy 50% off from Fairywill discount coupon codes and deals. Darunter befindet sich ein Sensitive-Programm, das interessant für Anfänger ist. Die Bürste arbeitet mit 40.000 Schwingen pro Minute. Here you can find LED solar torch deals to save money. For the price of about 24 € I would buy the Fairywill FW-507 electric sonic toothbrush again at any time. Die Versandkosten hängen von der gewählten Versandart ab, es handelt sich um Mindestkosten. Light in hand but thorough cleaning with reduced noise, upgraded brushing experience than a regular electric toothbrush. The top dealer is constantly searching the Amazon shop for worthwhile offers! The USB charging cable is compatible with various power adapters. I really cannot recommend Fairywill any higher, if there was a possibility to give more than 5 stars, I would. Shop it: Fairywill 507 Electric Toothbrush Powerful Sonic Cleaning, $19 (was $28), amazon.com Fairywill Pro P-11 Plus Sonic Whitening Electric Toothbrush Enjoy 62,000 vibrations a minute for a deeper clean. Dieses Feature stellt sicher, dass ihr die empfohlene Zahnputzzeit verlässlich einhaltet. Elektrische Zahnbürste Doppelpack Doppelspaß - Sanfte und effektive Reinigung dank Fairywill Schalltechnologie mit 40. Fairywill 507 Electric Toothbrush Powerful Sonic Cleaning. After a 4 hour charge, with the included USB-C charging cable should the battery Hold for 30 days. Mi Home. The actual price of a product can be found on the seller's website. Without going into lots of detail, the fundamental difference is the way the brush head moves. Current values ​​can be found on the corresponding product pages in the partner shop. How do the 5 cleaning modes and the 2 minute timer work? You have to go to the Power button button Press briefly to access the different modes. 55 gram extra-light weight designed, less than half of regular electric toothbrush. Here I just want to share the fun of products with you and gain experience in blogging myself. Mi Wifi Amplifier Pro; Mi Band 5 Global; Mi Air Purifier 3H; Mi TV Stick; Mi TWS Airdots Air 2 SE; Mi Box S; Mi Router 4A Giga; Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P Our 2-minute timer with regular ... Long battery life, made possible by USB charging. The top 10 list of the best sonic toothbrushes lists various brands and prices. Die Schallzahnbürste Fairywill Sonic Model 507 nutzen Sie in vier auswählbaren Modi. My teeth really feel cleaner and have gotten lighter too. Tested: Fairywill sonic toothbrush | Fairywill FW-507 | PINK | Test | Inexpensive sonic toothbrush with good teeth result | buy cheap online However, for the sake of being precise, it is worth mentioning that you will pay a little more for two models. Here you can find cosmetic bin sales to save money. We belive in creating the best quality dental products for prices that everyone can appreciate. Dynamic sonic cleaning, Fairywill electric toothbrush FW507 up to 40000 strokes / min.Fresh from ... USB charging and long battery life, 4 hours charging time can be used for at least 30 days. Fairywill Adult Electric Toothbrush 5 Modes Rechargeable With Timer Travel Case eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'ehrliche_tests_de-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',146,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'ehrliche_tests_de-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',146,'0','1'])); .medrectangle-3-multi-146{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:7px !important;min-height:50px;text-align:center !important;}How is the Fairywill FW-507 sonic toothbrush doing to my teeth and gums? Visually, the FairyWill beats many of the Oral-B top of the range toothbrushes out of the water. Die Fairywill Zahnbürste bietet Ihnen zu Hause und auch auf Reisen eine sichere und effiziente Reinigungslösung für Ihre Zähnen an. Review summary for Fairywill Sonic Toothbrush Electric Toothbrush Clean Teeth Like a Dentist Rechargeable 4 Hours Charge Minimum 30 Days Use 5 Optional Modes 3 Brush Heads Black FW 507, based on 749 user reviews: OVERALL - 8.9/10. The other two handles are a little bit more basic. With 40.000 micro-bristles per minute ... A build-up lasts at least 30 days after a 4-hour build-up. Die Bürste arbeitet mit 40.000 Schwingen pro Minute. Sonic electric toothbrush | Fairywill FW-507 tested Tests Christmas I was looking for a sonic electric toothbrush for a long time and came across the Fairywill FW-507 in pink on Amazon. Thanks Fairywill !! 1 Inter-Dental Brush Head. 5 High-Performance Brushing Modes: White (Whitening), Clean(Daily Use), Sensitive(Gentle Vibration For Kids/Children), Polish, Massage(Gum Care). This page (s) / subpage (s) was created or updated at a specific time. Fairywill Sonic Toothbrushes are products that the entire family can use. ... ValueQ is a community for product enthusiasts to test and keep the latest products in tech, lifestyle, beauty and more. ! As a woman I like to deal with beauty & fashion products, who would have thought that;). Sie laden die Bürste zudem nur über USB auf. Reply. Maßgeblich ist der tatsächliche Preis, den der Händler zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs auf seiner Webseite anbietet. Handhabung (30%): „befriedigend“ (3,2); gesetzlicher MwSt. Prices, product information and percentages can therefore vary. Fairywill Electric Toothbrush 507. Darüber hinaus verfügen die meisten modernen Schallzahnbürsten über einen 2-Minuten-Timer. 1 TRAVEL CASE. The top dealer keeps searching the Amazon shop for great offers! Features A Powerful Cleaning with 40,000 Micro-Brushes Per Minute. Die Fairywill kommt in einer sehr aufgeräumten Box daher. None of them were as good for my teeth and gums. 36.427 Meinungen in 1 Quelle, Helfen Sie anderen bei der Kaufentscheidung. Freuen Sie sich auf... Fairywill 507 Elektrische Zahnbürste Doppelpack. Find out if the FW-507 from Fairywill is any good. 7 Dupont Brush Heads. Here you will find ice cube machines savings offers to save money. Fairywill Dual FW-507 Electric Toothbrush Set. Why you should buy this: The Fairywill 507 mimics the high-end features of more advanced electric toothbrushes while boasting impressive battery life and an ADA-certified rounded brush-design. Haltbarkeit, Umwelteigenschaften (10%): „nicht zufriedenstellend“. Koawach brings the caffeinated cocoa in the morning, Test: TonieBox by Tonies | Music & radio plays for children, Test: 3T6B drone KF609 (Tenga Mini Drone) under 100 euros from Amazon, Test: Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop Pro (STYTJO2YM) | Robot vacuum cleaner with wiping function, Wildlife camera Apeman H60 in the test | Camera trap for animals, Test report: Proviz Reflect 360 running backpack | Running & Sport, The best ice cube machines savings offers, The best bamboo cutting board savings deals.