Automaticaly /msg ident NS yourpassword when you connect or services come back from death. Use "/mail help" for instructions. In order to get these scripts running on channels on those networks I would have had to configure and run another Eggdrop bot just for that network. The $0 in -botcmd specifies the first found bot in the list. Needs /proc/net/dev. Are you ever tired of those people who keep changing their nicks? This script shows incoming notices into the active channel. Emails you messages sent/received while you're away or not. Width of client may be specified. shows how many channels you're joined and how many in them you're op, and Supports public #channels, !channels, +channel, querys and dcc chat. Whitelist specific nicks or hosts and ignore messages from anyone else. Automatically downloads and displays long messages from matrix. A script to show playing xmms song in channel or in a statusbar, and also control xmms. A spell checker for irssi. Be sure to read through the script to see all features. All except for the script are built so they can be used separately. Answers to /msg's using Chatbot::Eliza when you're away. Linux system information (with vPenis and other stuff), Replaces \t TAB characters with contents of /set tabstop_replacement, tabcomplete, on an empty input buffer, over /set completion_keep_publics nicks in channel, parts for any reason(kick, part, quit) are removed from the tabcomplete list. This script will set the proper keybindings on /AZERTY and /QWERTY. Script commands: /si, /se, /sr, /unexcept, /uninvite, /unreop (version only for ircd >= 2.11.0). Tarkisteleeä ja sanoo kun sinulle on uusia viestejä. a little interface to irssi's activity_hide_* settings. Implements /go command that activates a window given a name/partial name. on Hybrid & Ratbox IRCDs (EFnet) ppp0.If you are connecting though a router, set it to "router", Move completed dcc gets to the subfolder done. This site is dedicated to the scripts that make him up as of November 2004. The new code should make this happen far less often than before, but one known reason for this is when irssi doesn’t notice that you were unable to join some channel. See the top of the file for usage. shows events happening in all channels you are in that may concern you. Hide the stupid quit/join on QuakeNet when a user registers with nickserv. Usage: /sync-check [channel (servers)|-stop]. Non-standard features are implemented with perl scripts, rather than in the core. If you don’t need the bot masks (ie. In #utah on Freenode, there has been some active discussion lately about Dvorak vs. Qwerty. Roadmap for Version 1.0.0 is to get some feedback and cleanup. Relays DCC messages. Also /see to view what was recorded. The original IRC script was written for IRSSI and contained roughly 200 lines of commented perl code. from &clients or &servers at IRCnet. Prefers active window if they're there with you. Dont like to take decisions? Just do /script load scriptname. Norwegian 8-digit numbers only. translates your messages into Morse code, rot13 and other sillinesses. Fetches the version(s) of the latest Linux kernel(s). Use /u to show all nicks (including. Simple script that removes colors and other formatting (bold, etc) from public channels, Better quoting of content from clipboard (without leading spaces) -- requires Perl/Tk, /CLONES - Display clones in the active channel (with added options), From irssi source, modified by David Leadbeater (dg), when a nick joins #channel, notifies you if there is (or there has been) someone in #channel with the same hostname, Indicator for input prompt if you are inputting a command or text, Jari Matilainen, init[1] Limitations in the original DCC protocol prevented the transfers of very large files, or groups of files. :), Autorun scripts/symlinks created in the scripts/autorun directory, Jari Matilainen, original script by nightfrog, Save current servers, channels and windows for autoconnect and autojoin. Usage: /paste [-all|-msgs|-public] [-c|-b] [-s|-l| where] [lines], Pasting lines to specified targets, type "/paste -help" for help, Paste reformats long pieces of text typically pasted into your client from webpages so that they fit nicely into your channel. freenode-specific script that checks whether someone is banned on some channel, Internet Time statusbar item. I am confused how to manage different chatnets and channels in Irssi Perl scripting. Simulates BitchX's /CHOPS and /NOPS commands. Based on Jan-Pieter Cornets signature version. PostX Gnu/Linux (Was Audax Gnu/Linux) PostX is a lightweight Linux distribution with a Fluxbox desktop based on Debian (7). History. Extends the /foreach command to have /foreach user Based on a script by Peter Krenesky. A verbose away script, displays a verbose away/back message in the channels you are in. Reset window activity status. /RK [-o | -l | -a] - kicks random nick from ops | lusers | all on channel, translates romaji to hiragana or katakana in text enclosed in ^R, Displaye a small, changeing statusbar item to show irssi is still running. XDCC was initially a script written in 1994 for ircII by Xabi. Replaces :emote_name: text in your sent messages into pre-defined emotes (unicode mostly). Adds a /HOSTNAME command; it will list all IP addresses on all interfaces found on your machine, resolve them, and allow you to choose one easily, This controls Music Player Daemon from the familiar irssi interface, Select window[-items] using an ido-mode like search interface, equips Irssi with an interface to mldonkey, Ignore the blob of text displayed when (re)joining a channel. The command line message outputted by Irssi can be comfortably piped to a Linux IRC Channel of the user’s choice. Shows affected nicks by a ban on a new ban and defends yourself because IRC is serious. You leave the rpi and go away, next you connect to the irc anywhere and write the magic word. /dccself ip port, starts a dcc chat with yourself on that Filters msgs which appear the same on different channels. An OnScreenDisplay (osd) it show's who is talking to you, on what IRC Network. See source for options. Jump to the next active window, with tiebreakers. A module named 'set' can be used by the owner to set (almost) any value in the bot's state hash: NOTE: The udp_listen_ip must be specified in IP6 notation. Counts the number of matches in /who lists. I need to establish this single task with Irssi Perl script. -> irc server, Irssi 1.3 settings notes and documentation, Show whatever needs your attention in active window, and cleans your windows afterwards. Answers "$nick: No." if you're away and someone asks are you online on a channel. This can be useful to have a single window to review while also having windows for each channel. A simple mp3 display script that will display what mp3 you are playing in which software (mpg123, xmms, mp3blaster, etc) to your active channel or to a query window. Integrates into the UNIX stack: Your window manager, your terminal emulator, your remote connection, your terminal multiplexer, your IRC bouncer, your IRC adapter. Irssi can range from a functional, no-frills client to a highly-customized and automated client. Requires Email::Sender. From within irssi, type: "/script load" without quotes. ), A command to output content of files in various ways. Note to users upgrading from versions prior to 0.8.5: The blowjob.keys format has changed. Print private notices in query/channel where you're talking to them. Currently playing: "Kieran Halpin & Band - Mirror Town.mp3", Reports WHOIS information and channel list for those who join a channel, Adds a command to navigate to the previously active windows and an optional shortcut to go back when you try to switch to the current window. Emails you private messages sent while you're away. This is a collection of scripts for the irssi IRC-client. If away gathers messages targeted to nick and forwards them to an email address. If you try to get a nick with 11 characters but only 9 are allowed, this script will prevent the nickchange. Irssi is a text-only IRC client. :), now with multiserver support, Jari Matilainen, a lot of code borrowed from by David O'Rourke and Karl Siegemund, Tell people when other people were online, Implements the IRCv3 "server-time" capability. Some of the chatters, including myself, have a join that is "encrypted". Searches for bans, quiets, and channel modes affecting a user. IRC bot implementation based on irssi Perl scripting. fserve leecher - helps you download files from file servers. Give you more control over when to jump to query windows and when to just tell you one has been created. Finds a nick by real name, if he's on a channel with you. Some individual scripts need other packages in order to work properly. Wraith IRC Botpack Wraith is an open source IRC bot written in C++. He is the channel bot primarily built for #13thHour. Useful when you get lots of private notices from some bots. Join #blowtest on freenode ( to get latest stuff available. 4. turns 'll' and 'ls' in the beginning of a sent line into the names or whois commands. Reformats some server notices, which may come i.e. I have my own channel and I want to sent msg directly to that channel in certain scenarios. On my Irssi client I am on 9 networks and sometimes even more than that, and I often found myself wishing I had access to scripts in some channels on various networks where I didn't run an Eggdrop. autodekennyfies /kenny, adds /kenny, /dekenny. a /names display with away nicks coloured, Shows your battery status in your Statusbar. Enhanced autoclose. Provides /timer command for mIRC/BitchX type timer functionality. Package: irssi-scripts (20201016) collection of scripts for irssi This is a collection of scripts for the irssi IRC-client. And since the IRC scripts are very small and simple, this isn't a tough job. Floods the channel about things that are hapening in your hl -server. Peter 'kinlo' Leurs, Uwe Dudenhoeffer, Michiel Holtkamp, Nico R. Wohlgemuth, Geert Hauwaerts. That was all that's required to turn IRSSI into a chess bot. The same for too long topics, kickmsgs, partmsgs and quitmsgs. Enhances /k /kb and /kn with some nice options. Change 'nick: ' prefix if the nick is changed while you're still editing. (in a query and in the bitlbee channel). To use this script, download it (link below) and put it into .irssi/scripts/ and execute from irssi with /run Generates simple tree of IRC network based on the output of the LINKS command. Strips the annoying mentions of your nickname via on irc<->discord bridge, will work for any bridge using botnick: , This scripts sends unknown commands to the server, manage tips ; url ; help in a doc file in the keyword=definition form. the bot is always with the same nick, like chanserv) you can give only the -botcmd option and the command is always sent. Think /window last², Script for kickbanning those who post referral links in a channel, Kicks (and bans) people with >= 4 dots in theirs hostname. For reasons unclear to me this only happens if a script outputs this sequence, not if a user types it in. *@*.TOR possible (e.g. Full configurable FTP advertiser for Irssi, Retrievs song infos and controls amaroK via dcop, optionally running on another computer via ssh. Lyz's Irssi Scripts and Themes Scripts To load an irssi script: /script load /pathto/ Email DB v 1.1 A script for accessing an email mysql database through irc View Script Download Script Gimmie v 1.0 a bot script, using ! Sets nick away when client discconects from the irssi-proxy. You can specify multiple bot masks with -bots option separated with spaces (and remember to quote the string then). Remembers what people said last on what channels. Irssi is free software licensed under the GPLv2, available for Linux, BSD, Solaris, Apple, Cygwin, … Contribute to vanbosse/irssi-bot development by creating an account on GitHub. logs urls to textfile or/and database, able to list, quote, open or `http head` saved urls. By default Turn Irssi clients into a simple botnet. ), URL grabber with HTML generation and cmd execution, Log all urls from #channels and /msgs in a separate window, Adds a usercount for a channel as a statusbar item, David Leadbeater, Timo Sirainen, Georg Lukas, Adds a -cmd option to the /USERHOST builtin command, shows top[0-9]+ irc client versions in a channel, Draws a diagram of the used clients in a channel, Prints some info of a linked video automatically, Silly script, removes vowels, idea taken from #linuxnews ;-), shows what WinAmp is playing with /wa command, Matti 'qvr' Hiljanen, Piotr 'Pieta' Szymanski, warns you if someone kicks you out of a channel. XDCC was developed to allow batching of files together, and requesting/sending those files to others. Auto-op script with dynamic address support and random delay, Print realname of everyone who join to channels, Automatically rejoin to channel after being kicked, after a (short) user-defined delay. (Including YouTube, etc. ), A simple nick banner. use /stopmix to stop. Adds a permanent advanced window list on the right or in a status bar. Have the 8-ball do it for you instead. This script talks to you *g*. Search byident, nick or host. Ben Klein, based on noticemove by Timo Sirainen. Userlist with autoopping, autokicking etc. whois on every query open (and only then), restores the last lines of a query on re-creation, Random quit messages - based on quitmsg (Timo Sirainen), Turns irssi into a quiz bot. Useful for looking at CGI::IRC clients. It features a nice completion. When new send arrives checks if there are old identical sends (ie from the same nick on the same server and with the same filename) and closes them, Displays kills with more understandable messages. Have gpg-based trusting features in your irssi client! xdcc_autoget allows users to store lists of xdcc bots and search terms. handle 005 and 010 server messages and reconnect to that server, Lets you run commands remotely via /msg and a password, Resizes a split window when it is made active (see comments in script for details). Scripts. Staturbar item which indicates how many new messages you have in your centericq, Lists users on the channel matching the specified regexp, Adds new powerful and customizable [Act: ...] item (chanelnames,modes,alias). (c) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 GPLv2+ - There may be dragons. Irssi is written in the C programming language and in normal operation uses a text-mode user interface. This script will automatically detect people using the Tor anonymity network and append ".TOR" to their hostname, to make things like /ignore -time 3600 *! Cross-platform/architecture system information script. Also enables you to send rcon commands to the server from channel. forward incoming messages to another nick, Basicly an autoop script with a nice interface and nick coloring ;), define a permanent text formatting (bold, underline, etc.) Provides RSS feeds with URLs pasted on your channels. /WHOIS anyone querying you automatically. collection of scripts for irssi. This script … This script will notice your away message in response to a hilight. Users can develop personalized scripts in Perl for adding additional features or performing advanced operations. Display account identification status changes using CAP account-notify. run arbitrary shell commands while [dis]connecting to a server, adds public channel command for counting down something, Removes CRAP or CLIENTCRAP messages from your buffer, store fingerprints of know users so can verify, cron implementation, allows to execute commands at given interval/time, allows per-channel control over activity indication, Usage: /CWHO [-a | -l | -o | -v ] [ mask ]. News reader, usage: /article [-s ] [-p ] [-P -U ] [-l ] [-a] [-L ] , brings various newstickers to Irssi (Slashdot, Freshmeat, Heise etc. automatically sends xqf data to irssi and optionally licq. Kickbans or knockouts people who use autorejoin on kick. eg. In channels with a discord bridge, turns " Message" into " Message", and hides spoilers. Send a random fortune cookie to an user in channel. This script will fix the Irssi problem with channel forwarding on the Dancer ircd. Captures urls said in channel and private messages and saves them to a file, also adds a /url command which loads the last said url into a browser. Statusbaritem notifying you about updated binary, Try a little harder to figure out client uptime. Syntax: /foreach user [hostmask] command. Create the database, grant the rights, etc. Like this, you can go and play with all the options this has. irssi scripts/triggers If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Try to get your nick back when it becomes available. a script for accessing an email mysql database through irc, Expand "event mode" and emit "event mode {channel,user,server} *", Adds a setting to automatically terminate a process whose parent window has been closed. I would advise not to run other plugins with this bot, they may clash. Colourise mention of nicks in the message body. Usage: /si, /se, /unexcept [indexes], /uninvite [indexes], Interface to ratbox 2.1+ /monitor command, turns your messages into morse or spelling code, control irssi using mouse clicks and gestures, experimental perl version of the irssi mouse patch, Erik Scharwaechter, Tobias Böhm, Mikkel Kroman, For a configured list of nicks, convert all their messages to a notice, For a configured list of nicks or nicks matching a regex, convert all their messages to a notices, Fernando Vezzosi & Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Helps pasting multiple lines to a channel, Changes messages from myself to appear to come from my username, not my nickname. Sends typing notices to the supported IM networks (the other way arround). /BAN [channel] [-normal|-host|-user|-domain|-crap|-ip|-class -before|-after "cmd" nick|mask] ... - bans several nicks/masks on channel, removes any conflicting bans before banning. script to show ignored message in censored form, adds a statusbar item which show length of the inputline, Automatically lookup IMDB-numbers in nicknames, Intercept misprinted commands and offer to remove the first character before sending it on. Summarizes multiple sequential joins/parts/quits. A Dice Simulator for Roleplaying in Channels or just for fun. Alternatively, you can autoload the script at irssi startup by putting it into .irssi/scripts/autorun/ directory. use, Start irssi, read the script output in irssi status window as it shows the '. This script sends fake ctcp replies to a client using a fake ctcp list. makes all window text start at the bottom of windows, DCC MultiGet, for fetching from XDCC bots, print invites in server, channel, query and active window, provides a statusbar item showing if your server is in splitmode and /splitmode to show details, statusbar item that shows user count (opers, ops, halfops, voice and total) and limit info (with opless/limit warning) in channels, Fix for Irssi not fully supporting numeric 489 ERR_SECUREONLYCHAN, show in channels when users go away/back or oper/deoper, fill windows so scrolling starts bottom-up instead of top-down (screenshots linked in source). Strips the annoying mentions of your nickname on Slack via [cc: ], Improved smart filter for join, part, quit, nick messages, Christian Brassat, Niall Bunting, Walter Hop and Frantisek Sumsal, /ADDSMS, /DELSMS, /LISTSMS and /SMS - phone address-book with smssender, for now supports only Polish operators, This script queries remote hosts (/snmpup ) running snmpd for it's uptime and cpu usage, (tab)complete irssi special variables (words that start with $) by evaluating them. Cache of invites and ban exceptions in channel. Similar to but uses irssis internal scrollback levelclear functionality and is able to clear the previous window automatically after having switched to a new one when levelclear_autoclear is set to true. Requires Net::POP3. Automatically goes away after defined inactivity, Auto add channels to channel list on join. It reads the chat-msgs for you. Dvorak-QWERTY Irssi Script. Print the real IP address of clients when they join/part channels, and whois. Some IRC clients such as mIRC, XChat, HexChat, IceChat, WeeChat and irssi allow you to script extra functionality into the client. Removes and re-adds lines to the Irssi buffer view. Works for both public mentions and private messages.When away, it is very useful in combination with screen_away. This script will authorize you into NickServ. (Similar to weechat's smartfilter). An IRC bot is a set of scripts or an independent program that connects to Internet Relay Chat as a client, and so appears to other IRC users as another user. Auto Identify - changes nick and send identify command, then sets codepage, Chess server for IRC. Write notifications to a file in a consistent format. Ignore messages from people not on your channels.Now people you msg are added to bypass-list. You may need some or all of these Ubuntu packages: irssi, mysql-server, libdbi-perl, libwww-perl, liburi-escape-perl, libhtml-html5-entities-perl, libxml-xpath-perl. At one time during his development he had a slot machine, another part he was a game bot.. but by June 24, 1999, his official "release date" (and birthdate) he was in the form that many of use know and love today, but with the nick R²-D². Call a system command when receiving a hilight, Print hilighted messages to window named "hilight", Timo 'cras' Sirainen, Mark 'znx' Sangster, Kimberly 'rummik' Zick, Translate nicks to HipChat "mention names", Search within your typed history as you type (like ctrl-R in bash), Add a apache page hitcounter to statusbar, responds to "!hl counterstrike.server " command on channels/msg's to query counter-strike servers. Doing this lets us learn that the sequence "%[" causes Irssi to read an invalid memory byte. Periodically sends /who on configured channels to update away state. This script shows a warning in the statuswindow if somebody preforms a /KlINE or /UNKLINE. Warbot should start and provided the config is okay, will announce in the privchan that it's a new bot being run for the first time. You can read his history here. Cache of invites, ban exceptions and reops in channel. On a regular basis, the search terms will be fed to the bots, and their responses parsed, and new files that match each search term will be downloaded for each bot. A script that scrambles all the letters in a word except the first and last. ... # The script will go through each bot simultaneously, and download any packs it finds that matches. Puts people on ignore if they do a public away. execute a command or replace text, triggered by an event in irssi, Notify when a twitch channel comes onlineUses Twitch v5 API, Assign colors to tweet message components, When someone uses s/foo/bar/, this really modifies the text, Juerd (first version: Timo Sirainen, additions by: Qrczak), BitchX /u clone. Every time a WHOIS or WHOWAS is run, this script checks the ident and realname for a hex encoded IP address, then decodes it, reverses it, and adds it to the printed WHOIS/WHOWAS result. /WHOIS all the users who send you a private message. Automatically request op from random opped person with specifed command from list after joining channel, a bot script, using ! tcl eggdrop free download. Allows your client to automatically set desired chanmode upon a join to an empty channel. 2. I think this helps readability. Start irssi, read the script output in irssi status window as it shows the 'unique id' of the bot and how to claim ownership. Swap between green and white format for public messages. This script will display notify messages into the active window or broadcast it so all the windows. His scripts were first generic bot scripts until PrincessLeia2 was able to write her own scripts. My experience with Perl is quite limited so I haven't got this one. Crypt IRC communication with blowfish encryption. (For bitlbee 3.0+), Tijmen "timing" Ruizendaal, Matt "f0rked" Sparks.