help_path If $variable is omitted, it assumes $*, Expands to the number of characters in $variable. Changing irssi themes Page for xShellz . Used to prevent Irssi from flooding you off if you must auto-kick/ban lots of people at once. split_line_end active_window_ignore_refnum See /help levels for a better, probably more current explanation of the different kinds of levels Irssi supports. completion_nicks_match_case timestamps Yet Another Programming and Electronics Blog raspberry pi orange pi esp8266 microcontrollers arduino attiny wemos nodemcu gnu linux windows [-- all --] paste_detect_time Once you’ve found the lines you were interested in, you might want to check the discussion around them. Coekie wanted clarification. All messages that irssi prints have one or more “message levels”. Pasting a programs output to a channel. timestamp_level Set it OFF to require manual scrolling. Summary: Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. A space separated list of targets to exclude from autologging. How long to keep track of pending DCC requests. Start irssi and run: /server add -auto -tls -tls_verify -network freenode -port 6697 Save your new settings with: /save If everything works you will see the "Z" mode set. Nesting is allowed. Since /LASTLOG prints the timestamp when the message was originally printed, you can use /SB GOTO hh:mm to jump directly there. This setting may be desirable if you want to /quit Irssi with the [x] button on your terminal emulator window. It can also be set to 644 if you want the rest of the world to read your logs. Whether to show extended join information (real name and services account) when others users join the channel. When set, Irssi will set your modes to match opermode when you /oper up. Please let us know if we’ve overlooked you. autoclose_windows Set to 0 for as many as fit in your terminal. notify_check_time proxy_string_after wall_format server_connect_timeout,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License, Ignore activity on network ‘tag’ and window ‘exactname’, Ignore activity in named target(channel, query, dcc chat), Ignore activity in all channels on network ‘tag’, Ignore activity in all queries on network ‘tag’, Ignore activity in all dcc chats on network ‘tag’, Ignore activity in named channel/query/dcc chat on network ‘tag’. Turn this on to automatically switch to newly-created windows. TODO - Or is this when more than massjoin_max_joins people join per massjoin_max_wait seconds, regardless of the user mask? See resolve_reverse_lookup issues for more information. The given time has the same format as the scrollback_time setting. Another common window is “messages window”, where all private messages go. This is somewhat similar to a pointer, in that the value of $subvar is taken as the name of the variable to expand to. Still, if you’re an advanced user and you’ve got a lot of personal stuff in your ~/.irssi/config folder, it’s best to keep an encrypted backup. proxy_password Irssi will always bind sockets to this address when answering DCC requests. ctcp_userinfo_reply Automatically create query windows when receiving these types of messages. ignore_signals windows_auto_renumber autofocus_new_items Setting autoclose_query to zero will keep them open until you decide to close them yourself. There is no required relationship between window and server. is replaced by national representation of either ante meridiem or post meridiem as appropriate. dcc_file_create_mode referred to as expandos. /STATUSBAR ENABLE|DISABLE enables/disables the statusbar. quit_on_hup You don’t need to make more than one server with -auto option to one IRC network, other servers are automatically connected in same network if the -auto server fails. Whether to store the format and arguments for printed text in the scrollback, or the final rendered text instead. Don’t display quit messages if they’re the product of a netsplit. colors_ansi_24bit There is the connection to the Freenode network already set up. The message to log when a new day begins. scroll join_auto_chans_on_invite Server tags beginning with RECON- mean server reconnections. It is a text-based client as it lacks a graphical user interface (gui) such as XChat, Chatzilla and others. Whether to show account changes of other users in the channel. See this issue for details. hilight_nick_matches_everywhere If you want to remove it immediately, just /WINDOW CLOSE it. 644 is read/write by you, and readable by everybody else. (You need to manually scroll to the bottom in each window first.). Here’s some examples: After that you need to add your servers. key_timeout Code. %n is usually too, except in themes it changes to previous color, ie. recode indent log_close_string When on, create new windows for certain operations, such as /join. query_track_nick_changes capsicum_port_max How can I save all texts in a window to file? actlist_names proxy_string dcc_autochat_masks lag_check_time Source file. Accepted values: old - the old built-in calculation (may be preferable on old systems) show_nickmode For example. 1. 600 is read/write by you, but nobody else can see them. The Accepted values: Added in Irssi 0.8.12. You can configure it with: Easiest way to start logging with Irssi is to use autologging. paste_verify_line_count use_status_window If you want to move the windows or channels around use commands: When everything looks the way you like, use /LAYOUT SAVE command (and /SAVE, if you don’t have autosaving enabled) and when you start irssi next time, irssi remembers the positions of the channels, queries and everything. settings_autosave [-- proxy --] scrollback_time For example: Another useful form is ${}. dcc_port can be two ports, separated by a space. So, if you for example have network connection with password ircpass and OFTC connection with oftcpass, you would do something like this: The server name and port you give isn’t used anywhere, so you can put anything you want in there. If you have Irssi compiled with recode support and Irssi believes that a message you received did not recode properly in your terminal default character set (or the specified one), it will recode the message using this character set. lag_min_show The Irssi project. See autoignore_time to set the amount of time someone will remain ignored if it’s determined that they’re flooding. If a strict match can’t be found, Irssi will look for nicknames that match when their leading non-alphanumeric characters are removed. log_close_string --- Log closed %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y. show_nickmode_empty Contribute to irssi/ development by creating an account on GitHub. server_reconnect_time Note that if the buffer is bigger than 1000 lines you'll need to use /lastlog with the '-force' option like so: Code. log_day_changed flood_max_msgs Expands to a matching entry in the client’s command history, wildcards allowed. The amount of time to leave timestamps on after a timestamp_level message triggered timestamping. This setting allows you to disable Irssi’s recode functionality, if you prefer your messages not being messed with. is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (1-12); single digits are preceded by a blank. Is literally ‘\’ and ‘t’ when expand_escapes is off, but it’s the tab character (chr 9) when expand_escapes is on. Server tags are prefixes to some messages (server messages?) term_charset How to tell your proxy to initiate a connection. Turn on to allow *more than one word bold* and _multiple underlined words_. This keeps your window list tidy, but it means that query windows may rearrange as people log off then privately message you later. [-- misc --] scroll_page_count That is, the partial nickname you enter must be at the beginning of a nickname in one of Irssi’s lists. %s and %d can be used with both of them. For example: The text that Irssi puts after a tab-completed nickname, or that it uses to detect nicknames when you have completion_auto turned on. split_line_end If the type is window, then a statusbar will be created for each split window, otherwise it will be created only once. rawlog_lines Otherwise the message will appear in every window you share with the away person. Knockout_time is the default amount of time before each temporary ban is lifted. Just write /connect Ubuntu, /join #ubuntu, and repeat for other favorite channels. proxy_port server_connect_timeout You should see a list of something like: Here you see that we’re connected to IRCNet and OFTC networks. capsicum_port_min You can specify the logging level yourself with, By default irssi logs to ~/irclogs//.log. print_active_channel window_number_commands emphasis /LASTLOG has a lot of other options too, see /HELP lastlog for details. ~/.Xresources and ~/.Xdefaults files might also work. Windows can be scrolled up/down with PgUp and PgDown keys. Attempt to rejoin a channel if it’s temporarily unavailable. The scrollback_time setting will be used even if scrollback_lines is zero. When on, only show /away messages in the window that’s currently open. show_account_notify autocreate_own_query channels_rejoin_unavailable Only affects servers that send extended joins information. to the MSG text. The path to a directory where Irssi will store DCC downloads. This method is known to have issues in Mac OS X. Closing windows can create gaps in the window list. window_default_hidelevel [-- dcc --] When the IRC network isn’t known it’s some part of the server name. When off, not even timestamp_level will trigger them.