Stability is one of the fundamental properties of an emulsion, if the product doesn’t remain emulsified then no claims of its youth enhancing or taste bud tantalizing properties (emulsions are used in so many ways) will matter. Krantz and Gordon found that the concentration of the sodium chloride affected the stability of some emulsions. Emulsion Stability Testing: ... • Mayonnaise The purpose of this research attempts to observe the emulsion stability, antioxidant, and oxidation stability of low fat mayonnaise prepared using rice bran oil and kefir during storage. Under certain circumstances, oil and water can be mixed to a homogenous and stable solution, called emulsion. However, as emulsions are thermodynamically unstable systems they may easily break when … Since the coarse emulsion step is present in both kitchen-made and industrial production of mayonnaise, coarse emulsion phase inversion can occur in both of these production methods. The most obvious physical characteristic of an emulsion is the size of the oil droplets. A low oil addition rate is therefore recommended in order to avoid getting broken mayonnaise. al., 2004). OSA-starch produced a stable emulsion in a pH range of 3–8 compared with the one with arabic gum and serum protein. In making mayonnaise, several factors affect the formation of the emulsion, its stability, and ease of making.The major factors may be listed as follows: (1) degree and kind of agitation, (2) the method of mixing, (3) the ingredients used, and (4) temperature. Creaming, sedimentation, flocculation and coalescence: four clear signs that spell failure for a formulation. the double emulsions. An emulsion is a stabilized mixture (dispersion) of two or more immiscible liquids, like oil and water. ... A common example is mayonnaise, which is an O/W emulsion containing 80 percent oil. In mayonnaise, when egg yolk is used as the emulsifier and with the proportion of salt given in Experiment 52, it has been found that the addition of the salt to the egg yolk before the addition of any oil tends to stabilize the emulsion. In addition, by the help of double emulsion, it was possible to reduce oil content of mayonnaise to 36.6%. Everyday examples of emulsions are butter, milk, and mayonnaise which all … Oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions, like mayonnaise-, and other food emulsions, constitute a significant part of the products in the food industry (Friberg, 1997; Thanasukarn et. generally improve food emulsion stability • It is therefore crucial to identify the major instability mechanism for the specific food emulsion of interest • Knowledge of emulsion science and technology facilitates problem solving. The research methods using experimental design. emulsion it is very sensitive to the oil addition rate. The result shows the addition of kefir can create low fat mayonnaise by increasing emulsion stability. The Emulsion Stability Index and oil-phase crystallisation temperatures of mayonnaise with RBO alone and with 30% CNO replacement did not change when stored at 30±2°C for 4 weeks. The critical subject of emulsion stability is impossible to avoid. OSA-starch: 10: Oil/Water Mayonnaise-like emulsion: 10: The long-term emulsion stability was lower when starch was used instead of Arabic gum and soy soluble polysaccharides. Mayonnaise sample containing sodium caseinate at a ratio of 4:6 were not different from control mayonnaise in terms of stability and particle size.