Prep Regimens - Preparative Regimens and Stem Cell Infusion (BMTCN ®) CE PROGRAM. These offerings do not need to be divided among multiple categories. 0000004952 00000 n
0000324049 00000 n
The differential diagnosis for a patient with cancer who presents with acute conditions includes medical emergencies not related to the patient's diagnosis of cancer. Need an Account? It’s common for a CNE offering to cover more than one topic. Blood or Marrow Transplant for Myelodysplastic Syndromes: Treatment Options and Psychosocial Support. If you’ve renewed your certification by ONC-PRO since January 1, 2012, you’ll need to take your Individual Learning Needs Assessment. If you’ve taken your Individual Learning Needs Assessment (ILNA), your assessment results report shows the number of points you need for renewal and the subject areas. 0000316590 00000 n
0000311366 00000 n
You will not take an assessment, but you must submit your renewal points in LearningBuilder. ILNA Subject Area Points Basic Concepts for Transplantation 1* Care Continuum Care of the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Patient Coordination of Care Diagnosis and Staging Disease-Related Biology Early Post-Transplant Management 1* End-of-Life Foundation … 0000013302 00000 n
0000021639 00000 n
0000018860 00000 n
Be the Match. 0000224940 00000 n
CPON candidates - 50 points in pediatric oncology. The User’s Guide explains the LearningBuilder features, and offers instructions on how to enter, edit, or delete information about ILNA points. Future renewals will require 50 points in adult oncology. Cynthia Miller Murphy, MSN, RN, CAE, FAAN, executive director of the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC), talks with ONS’s Barbara Lubjeko, MS, RN, about the most common questions for certification, how ILNA points work, where to find free CNE, and more. Communication is the cornerstone of oncology nursing. 0000030623 00000 n
Others may require registration with the provider. Since the first COVID-19 cases were reported in December 2019, more than 37 million individuals have been diagnosed worldwide, including nearly 8 million cases in the United States alone (World Health Organization, 2020). The Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) grants certification to oncology nurses, and they have updated the renewal process. See for complete details on certification. * Part 1 — Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. 0000010306 00000 n
0000010792 00000 n
0000016627 00000 n
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The total amount of ILNA points claimed may not exceed the total amount of NCPD awarded from this course. ONS and some other providers include this information for their programs. An oncologic emergency may be defined as any acute potentially morbid or life-threatening event directly or indirectly related to a patient's tumor or its treatment. Let Us Count the Ways, News, Views, and Advocacy From the Oncology Nursing Society, © Copyright 2021 Oncology Nursing Society. AOCNS® certified nurses: Complete your current learning plan. ILNA POINTS ALLOWED. ONCC/ILNA Certification Information. You may need to look at the subtopics listed in each major category for a specific topic. 0000242837 00000 n
ILNA Subject Area ILNA Points Coordination of Care 2.75* Diagnosis and Staging Disease-Related Biology 2.75* End-of-Life 1* Health Promotion/Screening and Early Detection 1* Cancer Continuum 1* Oncology Nursing Practice 2.75* Oncologic Emergencies …
0000017324 00000 n
ONCC will accept both CNE and NCPD for initial certification or renewal points as long as the CNE or NCPD credit is approved by an acceptable approver/provider of nursing education (see list, below). 0000017712 00000 n
First Annual Oncology Nursing Retreat 2019 ONCC/ILNA Certification Information. 0000311752 00000 n
The total amount of ILNA points claimed may not exceed the total amount of NCPD awarded from this course. 0000017162 00000 n
0000019959 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
0000315926 00000 n
See for complete details on certification. startxref
0000242207 00000 n
ONCC/ILNA Certification Information. xref
0000321224 00000 n
Create Account . The total amount of ILNA points claimed may not exceed the total amount of NCPD awarded from this course. 0000242069 00000 n
0000241838 00000 n
End-of-life care? ILNA Point Coding Official Statement: “The program content has been reviewed by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) and is acceptable for recertification points.” If you are certified by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC), you may use this program to meet your Individual Learning Needs Assessment (ILNA) requirements for renewal. PROVIDER. 0000314641 00000 n
0000242759 00000 n
The ACA and Breast Cancer: Access, Treatment and Prevention. 0000008626 00000 n
If the program is four contact hours or less, choose any one of the applicable subject areas and apply the points to that category. Many other programs may apply as well. The numerical value indicates the maximum amount of points that can be claimed in each domain. Acceptable Approval Bodies/Providers of Nursing Continuing Education verify ocn certification 0000018028 00000 n
0000256288 00000 n
The program content has been reviewed by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) and is acceptable for recertification points. 0000015344 00000 n
To report a content error, inaccuracy, or typo, email Total ILNA Points 2 *Note that the course content applies to multiple subject areas across multiple credentials. 0000225003 00000 n
For example: a six contact-hour program on biotherapy may address both treatment and symptom management. 0000012489 00000 n
What is this program or course generally about? ONS and some other providers include this information for their programs. The total amount of ILNA points claimed may not exceed the total amount of CNE awarded from this course. No more than 6 total points … 0000242324 00000 n
ILNA Point Coding. ONCC offers detailed instructions for dividing points and lists of helpful keywords at the ONCC website. 0000033834 00000 n
The numerical value above indicates the maximum amount of points that can be claimed in each domain. Official Statement: “The program content has been reviewed by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) and is acceptable for recertification points.” If you are certified by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC), you may use this program to meet your Individual Learning Needs Assessment (ILNA) requirements for renewal. Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation offerings. 0000228815 00000 n
ONCC review is only for designating content to be used for ILNA points … Up to 0.5 ILNA points may be applied to Professional Practice OR Oncology Nursing Practice. Certified nurses can claim no more than 0.5 total ILNA points for this program. Up to 0.5 ILNA points may be applied to Professional Practice. 0000317778 00000 n
0000014252 00000 n
439 93
0000317455 00000 n
Decide what an offering is about at a high level, then look for that concept on your credential’s test content outline (i.e., blueprint). The following are examples of CE offerings that apply in the categories of Coordination of Care. Create Account . 0000238026 00000 n
0000012375 00000 n
STATEMENT OF NEED Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is an oncological emergency characterized by hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia. 0000002943 00000 n
You are not required to complete any of these programs for certification renewal. 0000317163 00000 n
One contact hour of accredited CNE equals one ILNA point. Look at the objectives to help you determine how much of the program applies to each category. 0000034376 00000 n
BigListofFreeCE4.pdf (113.98 KB) Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey is the state's only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. 0000024448 00000 n
You can also email to hear directly from one of our customer service team members. If the offering is worth more than four contact hours, divide the points for the program based on the amount of content that addresses each subject area. 0000009193 00000 n
4.3 OR 8.7. 0000013961 00000 n
Up to 2.7 CE may be applied to the following content areas: Diagnosis and Staging; Disease-Related Biology Instead of using ONCPRO logs to … See for complete details on certification. 1. 0000319695 00000 n
0000008097 00000 n
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0000011886 00000 n
0000318166 00000 n
File. 0000311868 00000 n
0000004338 00000 n
Although you weren’t required to take the assessment, your learning plan is where you’ll record your points for renewal. BTK Inhibitors and Cardiac Considerations in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 0.5 Points See for complete details on certification. You can find the ILNA breakdown for many conferences and popular CNE offerings on the ONCC website. It’s as easy as that. 0000315061 00000 n
Then ask yourself the following questions. Roles of APN - Roles of the Advanced Practice Nurse (AOCNP ® /AOCNS ®) CE PROGRAM. 0000021758 00000 n
Sign Into My Account. 0000019534 00000 n
Up to 0.5 ILNA points may be applied to Treatment OR Symptom Management OR Scientific Basis for Practice. The program content has been reviewed by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) and is acceptable for recertification points. 0000006089 00000 n
0000013739 00000 n
h�b``�``��������� "l@Q�E>곏9e����@2�y���̸;��G�JR)�.�j��=5F���Q;����8'� �:�}��9a���Ŭ�b�5,�(���h$hO�2OI��%����*:�l���1 �P�����M�2 J��M\. CPON® certified nurses: 50 points are required in pediatric oncology. If two-thirds of the program is about treatment, apply four points to treatment and two points to symptom management. Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (AOCNS ®) Note that some of the course content applies to multiple content areas. 0000242425 00000 n
ILNA Subject Area Points Basic Concepts for Transplantation 1* Care Continuum Care of the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Patient Coordination of Care Diagnosis and Staging Disease-Related Biology Early Post-Transplant Management 1* End-of-Life Foundation … 0000314266 00000 n
Hide Show 0000002756 00000 n
0000255860 00000 n
You may also contact ONCC staff at 877-769-6622 or for help in using LearningBuilder. 0000316235 00000 n
Up to 6.0 ILNA points may be applied to: Oncology Nursing Practice. 0000311686 00000 n
0000039683 00000 n
The total amount of claim ILNA points for the same activity twice . When applying points for larger CNE offerings such as conferences or comprehensive online courses, first look to see if the provider lists the ILNA points for the offering. Up to 4.5 ILNA points may be applied to: Psychosocial. 0000014754 00000 n
0000317856 00000 n
For example, a program on ethics would fit in the professional performance category on the OCN® content outline. The numerical value indicated above is the maximum amount of points that can be claimed in each subject area. 0.5 PointsAutoimmune Complications from Cancer Chemotherapy: An Emerging Field ILNA Works If you passed a certification test in 2012 or later, your test score report identifies the points you’ll need for renewal, and if those points need to be in specific subject areas. Advocacy 101: Making a Difference. STATEMENT OF NEED Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is an oncological emergency characterized by hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia. Are you AOCN ®, AOCNS ®, or CPON ® certified? 0000009751 00000 n
0000006734 00000 n
ILNA Breakdown. 0000005355 00000 n
Hide Show 0000015734 00000 n
ILNA points in those categories. Experience based on chemotherapy education shows that education is essential for patients with cancer to understand how to best care for themselves by managing treatment side effects and contacting healthcare providers (HCPs) for assistance (Valenti, 2014). STATEMENT OF NEED Cancer patients often experience a range of symptoms that negatively impact their quality of life. ONS. Access Devices: The Virtual Clinic. The total amount of points claimed may not exceed the total amount of nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) or CME awarded from this course and may only apply to the credential you are renewing. Please note: ONCC provides the Big Lists of Free CE to help you find free CE programs you can use for certification renewal points. The Children’s Oncology Group (COG) implemented long-term follow-up guidelines for childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Practice; Psychosocial; Symptom Management Treatment; Please note that some of the course content applies to multiple content areas. Free NCPD (nursing continuing professional development) (aka CNE) Up to 1.5 ILNA points may be applied to Oncology Nursing Practice OR Symptom Management. When you can access LearningBuilder 0000012197 00000 n
AOCNS candidates - 50 points in adult oncology. Content in this learning activity is applicable to meeting individual requirements for certification renewal through the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation's Individual Learning Needs Assessment (ILNA) renewal method. 0000325471 00000 n
0000016296 00000 n
Up to 3.0 ILNA points may be applied to: Care Continuum OR Professional Practice OR Scientific Basis for Practice OR Symptom Management. 0000005405 00000 n
You can find the ILNA breakdown for many conferences and popular CNE offerings on the ONCC website. Don’t delay– some of these offerings are time-limited. 0000011365 00000 n
Have you heard of ILNA for re-certifying your OCN? 0
195 Little Albany Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2681 732-235-CINJ (2465) 439 0 obj
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The differential diagnosis for a patient with cancer who presents with acute conditions includes medical emergencies not related to the patient's diagnosis of cancer. ILNA Breakdown Candidates may claim 5.4 NCPD or ILNA points in any area of their choosing on the following blueprint areas: Disease-Related Biology, Oncologic Emergencies, Professional Practice, Scientific Basis for Practice, Symptom Management, Treatment, Preparative Regimens, Early Post-Transplant Management, Graft-versus-Host Disease Prevention and Management, Late Post … PROVIDER. Up to 1 CE may be applied to the following content areas *: 0000014574 00000 n
0000009836 00000 n
0000020470 00000 n
Up to 0.5 ILNA points may be applied to Professional Practice. Sign Into My Account. 0000256175 00000 n
0000242390 00000 n
To discuss the information in this article with other oncology nurses, visit the ONS Communities. STATEMENT OF NEED Cancer patients often experience a range of symptoms that negatively impact their quality of life. Effective patient education during the initial diagnosis and treatment can improve anxiety and self-care decisions, decrease side effects, and enhance quality of li… 0000002200 00000 n
When applying points for larger CNE offerings such as conferences or comprehensive online courses, first look to see if the provider lists the ILNA points for the offering.