I also got the flight path in Stonetalon Peak. The OP is correct in the sense that patch 1.11 did add new flight masters, including the one in Ratchet and they also made changes to the flight paths. In addition, you can visit a specific zone's page and display all flight paths via "Show on Map…" Durotar[58, 50], the land named after Thrall's father, Durotan,[1] lies on the eastern coast of Kalimdor. I played horde for years never had a problem making my way to a zone. Im finally playing allaince and it seems so stupidly put togetehr that to get to alot of zones I have to run for 45 mins to reach a new zone. For some reason, it is not recognized that Ratchet (The Barrens) is a valid flight path for me. Im getting so fraustrated. It's strange to think of it this way now, but not all online games had flight paths. For example I just got to Tanaris yet I hae no connecting flight path. What flight path connects to Tanaris. The land of Durotar is rocky, and the soil is cracked and red, not unlike the orcs' homeland of Draenor. Make friends with a Mage. Unlike boats, zeppelins, and the Deeprun Tram, you’ll need to pay for travel when you use a flight path. WoW Classic General Discussion. The land has many crags and canyons, where various dangerous creatures take residence. Both factions can access the flight points in Ratchet and Booty Bay. If time is of the essence and you want a quick trip, higher level Mages can port players to the various capitol cities. You can check the patch notes at WoW wiki. I have already discovered 3 other flight points in Kalimdor (Auberdine, Astranaar, Stonetalon Peak). Flight Paths. If you’re concerned with time do what the other guy said, get the flight path in plague lands and then run to the border. Today I want to go back to Ashenvale, so I took the boat back to Theramore, went to the flight master, and was told "You don't know any flight locations connected to this one." Flight Paths The images below show the Alliance and Horde flight paths for each continent--click on the images to interact with their zone maps.You can mouseover each flight point on the new zone page to see the exact coordinates and location name. WoW Classic Interactive Map showing all Herbalism Nodes, Mining Veins, Quest Markers, Repairers, Flight Paths, Vendors plus much more. Problem of course is no repair but a death or two won’t break the bank nor your gear. Like the others, you’ll need to already have learned all the flight locations along your path in order to fly all the way there. Back in the day when World of Warcraft was new, the addition of the flight paths was a novelty. History. Unlike boats, zeppelins, and the Deeprun Tram, you’ll need to pay for travel when you use a flight path. WoW Classic. Flight Paths. It borders the Barrens to the west and the coastal lands of Azshara to the north. This can be potentially costly when you’re at lower levels and trying to pay for skills, buy new equipment, and more. Yesterday I made the run from Theramore to Ashenvale, and picked up the flight path in Astranaar while I was there. Built from equal parts of industry and decadence, the goblin port city of Ratchet sprawls along nearly a mile of coastline where the eastern Barrens poke between Durotar and the Dustwallow Marsh to the sea. Ratchet is the main goblin port in Kalimdor, it is a medium sized harbor city located on the eastern shore of the Barrens directly between Durotar and Theramore. Immersion into the world required a lot of walking. This can be potentially costly when you’re at lower levels and trying to pay for skills, buy new equipment, and more. The second I discovered Ratchet, I went immediately to the flight master and I keep getting "You do not have any connecting flights from this point."