Transformers were a toy line and cartoon series from 1984 produced by Hasbro and became one of the best-selling toys of all time. Last updated: June 14, 2020. Conception. 1985 set many of the toys in a diorama of rugged Earthen terrain, while others were against a black background. Nominated. Joe and Transformers; It featured an elite crime fighting task force, M.A.S.K., that … This Is A Quiz Based On The Transformers Toys From HASBRO Quiz by MaddoxRocks135. Of course, there were a few flops as not every cartoon was a success and thus their toy line suffered. Joe, Thundercats, Masters of the Universe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and more. Transformers- A brand of toys that has become as indelible in pop culture and the minds of young boys as the likes of Star Wars or G.I. Fight! The catalog came in two sizes, a 2-fold and a 3-fold version identical in content and layout. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) was a unique toyline pioneered by Kenner in 1985, capitalizing on the rising themes of action features and transformation in the action figure market.The series pits the heroic M.A.S.K. The Transformers toy line was created from toy molds mostly produced by Japanese company Takara in the toy lines Car-Robots and Micro Change ().Other toy molds from other companies such as Bandai were used as well. Made by: Kenner (1985–1988) The toy line was an awesome mix between G.I. The Generations variant of Unicron is an upgraded version of his Armada toy. 1986 featured webs of lines connecting each subgroup's sections. During 1985, fifty-three new characters were available in the 'States, and together with a second release of the 1984 toys, there were over 80 different toys available throughout the year! Generation 1: 1985-1992. Transformers led to an animated movie in … In 1984, Hasbro bought the distribution rights to the molds and rebranded them as the Transformers for distribution in North America. The final page of the catalog is dedicated to the Decepticons in all of their menacing glory. All the toys released in Japan during this segment of Generation 1 were also released in the US Generation 1 Transformers toy line. Rate: Nominate. Those were just for the boys as there were slews of girl-themed toy lines that also took off huge. Joe. Super Robot Life Transformers (1985) The Japanese were a bit better about numbering systems on their Transformers Toys, and matching the releases up with the cartoon series of the time. While Shockwave would eventually become a favorite of mine, at the time of this catalogs publication, I was all about Soundwave. Though he first appeared in 1985, he wouldn’t get a toy until Transformers: Armada. Transformers were a toy line and cartoon series from 1984 produced by Hasbro and became one of the best selling toys of all time. (Vicious Evil Network of Mayhem), led by turncoat tyrant Miles Mayhem. That led to such epic hits as Transformers, G.I. led by wealthy philanthropist Matt Trakker, against the renegade V.E.N.O.M. More quiz info >> First submitted: June 13, 2020: This catalog featured a diorama of various toys battling around a lit sparkler. Originated in the ‘80s, with roots in the ‘70s, and major cultural refreshes in every succeeding decade, Transformers have become relevant to … After a red-letter year in 1984, The Transformers had even bigger plans for 1985.They would rapidly spread worldwide, and double production of new characters. Transformers led to an animated movie in 1986, many future toy lines and a series of live action movies. M.A.S.K. Transformers 1985 Toyline. Generations Unicron is based more on his first appearance in the animated movie and … Profile Quizzes Subscribed Subscribe? 1985 Transformers Catalog Page 4.