Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. 1/13. There's a Transformers Movie quiz for everyone. Hi. DRAFT. Played 37 times. Trivia; Movie Trivia; Transformers Trivia ; TIMES PLAYED33. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News, Showing transformers quiz questions (1-100 of 120). which prime was before optimus in war for cybertron? In "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1", several Autobots were attending the first galactic Olympic games. Our online transformers prime trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top transformers prime quizzes. to the quiz link under the stated answer and then click "Report error" at the bottom of that page. What is the name of the planet eating robot? an error, click through 1. In the videogame Revenge of the Fallen, The Fallen told Megatron he'll be a prime if he helped the Fallen. It helps to have seen the movie. In "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1", the new Autobot leader Rodimus Prime was called upon to open the first galactic Olympic games. Quiz by RadShadow Transformers Questions and Answers for Interview. The Decepticons, intent on controlling the planet and eventually the universe, started a war that went on for countless eons, devastating Cybetron and its resources. COMPLETE THE QUOTE: "Apollo, _________, _______, ________, _________, assassinations, that kind of stuff.". Take your time. The test was fine except number 9. What is the name of the ultra powerful being that created Unicron and Primus. DOTM: Who is/are with Optimus when he found Sentinel in the moon? The best transformer quiz on here! © 2006-2021 Fanpop, Inc., all rights reserved. Homework. Megatron would continue to lead the Decepticons during seasons three and four after being reformatted into Galvatron following "The Transformers: The Movie". Are u the ultimite fan of transformers the movie? As a ghost , who didn't starscream posses ? Quiz: Gestalt Characters in "The Transformers". How well do you know Transformers? Soundwave is probably the most loyal Decepticon to Megatron's commands. Home; Electrical Theory. Do you know these G1 Transformer. What is Carly's nickname from Dylan Gould? In g1, who says this "A ginormus weird lookin' planet just appeared"? Questions and answers for Transformers: The Movie (1986). Question 45. In the transformer series who was the creator of cybertron planet and the transformers robot. How much do you know? Why The Open Circuit Test On A Transformer Is Conducted At … Trivia quiz questions on the movie, Transformers. To get 5 points you need to score in the 95th percentile which currently means 192 or better. During the games, mysterious robots launched a surprise attack on the Autobots. This quiz was on the front page a very long time ago and at this point I think the only people who come here are probably huge Transformers nerds. Okay.Who says this "Scavenger knows what he's doing" ? Are u the ultimite fan of transformers the movie? Megatron was extremely powerful and wore a large black fusion powered cannon on his right arm. Those that were originally built as consumer goods became Autobots, and were lead by Optimus Prime. 61% average accuracy. Play our Transformers (2007) quiz games now! From the Autobots to the Decpticons, find out in this quiz! What vehicle is Bumblebee? in the movie Transformers who killed jazz, who said this in the movie,"what is crackin little bitches?". Why Sc Test Is Generally Performed On Hv Side Of A Transformer? The Ultimate Transformers Quiz! In the opening scene of "The God Gambit", which Autobot was shot down by the Decepticons and crash landed on Saturn's moon, Titan? Transformers-Quiz 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Brendon - Entwickelt am: 15.09.2008 - 30.648 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 3,9 von 5 - 51 Stimmen - 6 Personen gefällt es Für alle Transformersfans habe ich ein Quiz über die Realverfilmung "Transformers" gemacht. What Singer likes the movie Transformers? Despite being a 20 ft tall robot, he transformed into a Walther P-38 handgun with various attachments that could shrink down to human size if necessary. Ready for a hard one? Can you name the Transformers (Autobots and Decepticons) from movies 1-3? Arcee and Springer chased after the alien's ship, while Rodimus remained to investigate the mystery. What was Ratchet NOT seen doing in Dark of the Moon? Optimus Prime was the leader of the Autobots. Which of the following is not a routine test on transformers ? Movies … Cosmos was shot down and he crashed near a village on Saturn's moon, Titan. I hope you will like it. Transformers: The Movie (1986) trivia quizzes in the movies category. Edit. Absolute Autobot or Decepticon dud? Who were the three black Suburbans who chased Sentinel Prime down the highway called? The Transformers are sentient robots that come from what planet? The villagers believed he was one of their "Sky Gods" who fell out from the heavens. Which one of these did Megatron not kill in the live-action films? Fanpop has Transformers 2 trivia questions. Ask anything you want to know, or answer other people's questions. In the 2007 film, who does Glenn Whitman's grandmother hate especially the most on the carpet? Live Game Live. These questions are related to the following topics: Transformer Working Principle. Silverbolt, the leader of the Aerialbots had a fear of what? This quiz is incomplete! Here is a quiz testing your knowledge about our favourite Transformers. RATING7.5. EASY. Directed by Michael Bay. ROTF: Leo announces himself to Mikaela .............. How long has the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons been raging on for? Noise level test in a transformer is a (a) special test (b) routine test (c) type test (d) none of the above Ans: c. 68. What dose Skidz and Mudflap call Sam's roommate. Who was commanding the Driller to take down the skyscraper Sam and Carly were on? Who was the original leader of the Decepticons in "The Transformers" animated series? What movie video game were Glenn and his cousin playing? by bee4life. Practice. Here is a quiz testing your knowledge about our favourite Transformers. Which Decepticon was killed by Optimus Prime in the forest battle? An ancient struggle between two Cybertronian races, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, comes to Earth, with a clue to the ultimate power held by a teenager. The Autobots and Decepticons have been at war for a very long time now, and while both sides are equally powerful, a winner has to be decided. Over 25 trivia questions to answer. I'm talking about entirely new names not the ones we all know from transformer. The turn’s ratio is the same as the voltage ratio. Heather Q. Transformers Quiz. Play. Who killed Bonecrusher in the 2007 live-action film? Who was the soldier hero that help in that robbot war at Egypt? Soundwave's voice is awesome! Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen (2009) Transformers 2:Revenge Of … In the 2009 live-action film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, why did the Fallen want revenge? Can Megatron be a prime? In the original comics, Shockwave took control of the Decepticons. This is from the 2007 live-action film, who are the robots who are talking to sam when died in the battle field. Those that were built as military hardware became Decepticons, and were lead by Megatron. Quiz and find out your name from transformer. Other. Do you want Megatron resurrected in the 4th film Maybe not as main villain but one of the cons, maybe upgraded a bit? What is the significance of Barricade's number? Add to library Discussion 7. Megatron was the leader of the Decepticon army and the arch-nemesis of the Autobot leader Optimus Prime. The Transformers Movie is the must-see flick of the summer, but before the Robots in Disguise went live action they were the coolest cartoon on the tube. 218 fans have answered this question No one has commented yet 72%. Add to library 64 Discussion 73. Who is your Transformer Animated sparkmate? Efficiency and Losses in Transformer. Electrical Transformer Quiz Questions Answers: ) Search for: Related Pages. DIFFICULTYAVERAGE. This is from the 2007 film. In the opening scene, where does Rodimus Prime go to seek shelter from the Decepticons? Which Transformer was not seen in season one of "The Transformers"? How much do you know? 12. In the 2007 film, who does Glenn Whitman's grandmother hate especially the most on the carpet? A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. 217 fans have answered this question No one has commented yet … Which one of these transformers will not be returning in ROTF? Take this quiz to find out! Forgot to write a round for your Zoom pub quiz tonight? January 25, 2015 Riptide and Blurr . With Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson. Grimlock. Optimus Prime. Transformers 2 Personality Quiz Transformers 2 Personality Quiz Which Transformer Auto Bot Character Are You? Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker transformed into what in vehicle mode? Technically, it wasn't even a transformer question. 10. Trivia; Movie Trivia; Transformers Trivia; Transformers Quizzes. 4 years ago. 55 film questions and answers for your virtual home pub quiz. Megatron was the leader of the Decepticons throughout the first two seasons of "The Transformers" cartoon series. By using Fanpop, you agree to our use of cookies. October 13, 2019 Alyssa . Users also Played . Test your knowledge on this television quiz and compare your score to others. Share practice link. The quiz starts with easy questions and then some which are based on the movies: Transformers 1 until 5. They ended up abducting Ultra Magnus, Kup and which human character? DOTM: What name did Sam want to call to Mr. Matsumoto? How does Dylan Gould die in Transformers 3? Which one of these quotes is from Frenzy? How well do you know YOUR Transformers trivia? What lie did NEST tell Shanghai, China to have them evacuate in Revenge of the Fallen? (60609) 522 days ago ... Optimus is the most well known and have these people even seen the 1986 movie. a. Available Formats. A comprehensive database of transformers prime quizzes online, test your knowledge with transformers prime quiz questions. Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Quiz by CheshireCat346 Quiz by CheshireCat346 Transformers G1 Characters (Cartoon) Quiz - By CheshireCat346 What animal does Laserbeak kill when he arrives in Africa in DOTM? To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Play this quiz to find out,NOW!!! I'm actually impressed by that, too. Cookies help us bring you Fanpop. Here's all the film questions you need! True or False? If the answer to that question is yes, this is the quiz for you. CREATED BYtiger101. Which Decepticon makes up plans to destroy the Autobots? During the competition, a small alien set off a flash bomb which blinded everyone. A transformer can have zero voltage regulation at These are just some questions from 'Transformers: The Movie'. POPULARITY5.83. K - University grade . What are the following relationships in an ideal transformer? 10 trivia questions, rated Average. Tranformers Trivia. What did Glenn Whitman tell his grandma to do in the 2007 film? 5. Related quizzes can be found here: Transformers (2007) Quizzes Which Decepticon produces the energon cubes from his chest? Edit. The Transformers are a race of sentient robots that inhabited their planet, Cybetron, for millions of years. Test your skills with this rousing robo-quiz! medium. The Aerialbots were created to match and oppose Devastator. What does "The Fallen" need to activate his machine called The Sun Harvester? Based on Transformers Prime. Are you Optimus Prime, the courageous leader of the Autobots? © 2006-2021 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. When Megatron died in the 2007 movie, who survived the war and flew back to space? AVERAGE. (Includes the following Autobots as answers: Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, and Arcee.) Solo Practice. Movies Transformer G1. Police Car; Camaro; Semi-Truck; Helicopter; 2. Play Transformers Movie quizzes on Sporcle, the world's largest quiz community. Who is the leader of the Autobots? Take this What is My Transformer name? Transformers Quiz. Play this quiz to find out,NOW!!! Answer : The rated current is less on HV side. Take this quiz to find out which Transformer you are! Ultra Magnus leads after Optimus. Can you name the Transformer questions based on the first animated movie? If you find Finish Editing. Thus that show's Transformers are seen as young versions of the movie Transformers (while most of the characters are similar, the character of Bulkhead is treated as a young Ironhide). Soundwave. DOTM: Who is Agent Simmons ex-girlfriend? Delete Quiz. A quiz on the new Transformers movie. !The fate of mankind rests in your hands!!!! This quiz is all about who your Transformers parents and siblings would be! Transformers Online Test - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers,online quiz,online bits,interview questions and answers pdf free download for EEE students Skip to content Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf free download. This will also permit to use ammeter and wattmeter of lower current range. Of the following words describing characters, places or objects, which were actually used in the original series, including movie? He is obedient yet somewhat uncharismatic. In "The God Gambit", he was being pursued by the Decepticons near the planet Saturn. What are the Seekers and the names are????? Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker were known as "The Seekers" by "Transformers" fans. Save. Or are you more like Megatron, the charismatic, arrogant founder of the Decepticons? Play our Transformers: The Movie (1986) quiz games now! Astrotrain (along with Blitzwing) was the first triple changer. XD . So which side would you be on or better yet, which Transformer are you? Who's the real leader of the Decepticons? In the animated series, Who was a double agent for the decepticons? Over 110 trivia questions to answer. By Optimus-Prime. Find out which Autobot Optimus Prime would deem to be your guardian. Ever wondered what your name would be if you were a transformer? 1. Who did Optimus Prime give the Autobot Matrix of Leadership to before he died in battle? Turns ratio and voltage ratio? Test your knowledge on this movies quiz and compare your score to others. 1. Transformers Trivia Questions & Answers : Television Q-T This category is for questions and answers related to Transformers, as asked by users of How does Optimus Prime Die in Micron Legends? Image by Transformers | Hasbro | Tomy. TIMES RATED5. Why did Sentinel Prime want to kill Ironhide? In The Movie Who Saves Sam From Megatron? TRANSFORMERS 3: Which foot of Sam's lucky bunny is the lucky one? Everyone loves transformer movie, So want to know what is my name in transformer. T/F: Sam was upset when Bumblebee nearly died? 1. Optimus Prime was a freightliner in vehicle mode. Quiz by AustinK Trivia Quiz - The 'Transformers: The Movie' Category: Transformers: The Movie (1986) Quiz #123,837. The quiz starts with easy questions and then some which are based on the movies: Transformers 1 until 5. FunTrivia is a collaborative community effort, where we are constantly updating questions to keep them accurate. Transformers (2007) Trivia Questions & Answers: This category is for questions and answers and fun facts related to Transformers (2007), as asked by users of In the movie, was does Sideways transform into? Is Thundercracker the only Decepticon with the Cyber planet key? Who rescued Sam in the first film when he was attacked by Megatron and fell from a building? who was the first one to talk in transformers dotm. … Caramac. The mini Autobot Cosmos, who transformed into a green UFO, seemed to crash in nearly every episode he was featured in, this one being no exception. Related quizzes can be found here: Transformers Quizzes 7.5. Which Decepticon turns into a police car? 67. Who did hotrod become when he claimed the matrix of leadership. Voltage Regulation of Transformer. In Armada, who took-over the leadership of the autobots when Optimus Prime died? He was voiced by Peter Cullen, who also did the voice for Ironhide. Test your knowledge with our Transformers (2007) trivia quizzes in the movies category. Frenzy is an autobot. Silverbolt was a concorde in vehicle mode and was the leader of the Aerialbots who made their debut halfway through series two. 2/13. It's kinda hard! In Transformers (2007) movie, what role did: "Johnny Sanchez" have? Several silhouetted robots (Sharkticons) attacked the Autobots and took Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike Witwicky as prisoners. In Japan, the Transformers: Animated (2007) series is presented as a prequel to this film. !The fate of mankind rests in your hands!!!! How well do you know Transformers? Test your knowledge on this movies quiz and compare your score to others. Choose one to start playing: Take Trivia Quiz: Single Page HTML format. Where was megatron and shockwave both born on cybertron. See how well you do in the Transformers 2 quiz. In the 2009 live-action film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, why did the Fallen want revenge? Question 46. Astrotrain first appeared in season two. The object was an Autobot mausoleum which entombed the bodies of Optimus Prime and other Autobots who had perished in the attack on Autobot City during "Transformers: The Movie". In "Dark Awakening", Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Arcee, Kup, Spike and Daniel Witwicky are aboard a damaged starship attempting to flee from Galvatron's warship. (a) Core insulation voltage test (b) Impedance test (c) Radio interference test (d) Polarity test Ans: c. 69. His three modes were train, shuttle, and robot. Play the quiz. They were three of the original Decepticons who crash landed on Earth in first series. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. After they launch the escape ship, they see a blip on their screen and go there to seek shelter.