Fanpop Опрос Results: They killed off IronHide!! Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? However, over time, he became as corrupt in his own way as Megatron, although he prefers subtlety and deception to Megatron's brute f… Autobots consider humans their new friends, which apparently Sentinel can't accept, because he considers them weak. How many inches tall is a sixteen Oz monster energy can? "He will pay for that"after he survived the fall in the hole. I like pretty much everything about this answer (last paragraph most). When Sentinel is revived he betrays the autobots and made a deal with Megatron. When Sam Witwicky launched into a rambling lecture on the nature of space and time while in a trance brought on by the knowledge of the AllSpark entering his mind, he recalled an \"expedition\" led by Sentinel Prime which took \"fourteen galactic convergences\" to get \"an echo.\" Revenge of the Fallen What war destroyed, we can rebuild! He attended planetary security meetings and led ground troops against an invading alien species, but generally was uninvolved with rise of Optimus Prime and the betrayal of Megatron. Before the war, Ironhide served as a Captain in the Cybertronian Defense Forces. The thing I don't understand is why Starscream destroyed the arc with him, but that could have been a double cross there. Ironhide: This is worse. The behavior of the for loop split between switch cases. And as prime does not share his vision he will be the ONLY god there is. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. - Read the results on this pesquisa and other transformers 3 pesquisas Bumblebee Have any Autobots changed sides to the Decepticons? What are the four features of bacteria that enable them to survive in a wide variety of habitats? And Ironhide just stood in the way. As we see in the movie, Sentinel Prime is an Autobot - and yet he agreed with Megatron to resurrect Cybertron. Ironhide, the second most interesting character in the entire film series. He was present during the torch lighting which signified the kindling of a new Well on the first colony of Archon. Sentinel Prime as he appears in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. In the heat of Toy Fair 2011 and the subsequent unveiling of Leader Class Sentinel Prime and Ironhide, our insiders overseas have given us a heads up … Last and not least. This takes place after the freeway chase scene and after Ironhide takes out the Dreads. Megatron told him to take his Space Pillars (machines that can teleport anything) to the planet Earth and they'll recreate Cybertron there. Ironhide and Megatron secretly fought and Ironhide shot Discussion in 'Transformers Movie Discussion' started by AutoSlasher101, Mar 18, 2012. And as Autobots usually are loyal... it was clear that it would be better to eliminate them in a surprise strike. Why did Optimus Prime order Sam to 'push the cube into me' - instead of using it as a weapon against Megatron? So he killed Ironhide (according to what I read he even killed the "twins" from Transformers 2). How can I raise my handlebars when there are no spacers above the stem? As we see in the movie, Sentinel Prime is an Autobot - and yet he agreed with Megatron to resurrect Cybertron. shot Megatron and Megatron fell into a hole, Megatron later stated So he probably considers weak also the Autobots, and so he allies with the one he considers stronger: Megatron. Sentinel Prime wanted to turn Earth into Cybertron and lead the decepticons. have never lost his arm. - Read the results on this Опрос and other Трансформеры 3 Опросы Then some time later they found an ancient artifact and decided to go the moon to get Sentinel. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Will RPi OS update `sudo` to address the recent vulnerbilities. Ironhide (Transformers), a fictional character from the Transformers science fiction robot media franchise; see List of The Transformers (TV series) characters; The Transformers: Ironhide, a comic book published by IDW from the Transformers science fiction robot media franchise; Ironhide Game Studio, a videogame studio software company Why did he change his allegiance? Sentinel betrayed the Autobots many years ago, when he fled from the dying Cybertron. In Transformers 3, Sentinel made a sorry face Sentinel Prime killed Ironhide because before the war in Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? - Read the results on this poll and other Transformers 3 polls And also anyone who stood in his way. Second. In the film he states it himself a few times that he wants to be regarded as god. Security risks of using SQL Server without a firewall, Movie where a man is injected with alien DNA that heals his wounds, coproc and named pipe behaviour under command substitution, How to compensate students who face technical issues in online exams, Short story with monsters in the stratosphere who attack a biplane. Being a fan of Sentinel Prime, this idea popped into my head. But at the near climax, Sentinel Prime betrays Ironhide. Optimus: No, it’s not the only way. How dare you kill ironhide. That Sentinel did it for cybertron. In Dark of the Moon, we see that Sentinel Prime is good at the first half of the film. For the sake of our planet's survival, a deal had to be made with Megatron! At some point, he came to the decision that, for the good of the species, a new leader must emerge, and he would be that leader. Sentinel Prime killed Ironhide because before the war in chicago. For those of you who either don't remember this line of work I do or only recently watched me for the ponies, this is Sentinel Prime from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, but in the style from the show Transformers Animated. For our home! Dude was totally melted. How was Sentinel Prime supposed to save humans from gravitational disturbance caused by Cybertron? - Read the results on this encuesta and other transformers 3 encuestas Sentinel Prime is an ancient Autobot who betrays the good guys and tries to destroy the Earth. What is the relevance of NSTP community immersion to the goals and aims to the NSTP? 1,393 likes. bee dodge from Sentinel was either facing towards his head or his fanpop encuesta Results: They killed off IronHide!! How does acceptance of responsibility influence effective communication? On the Planet Cybertron, there was a great war between the Autobots (led by Sentinel) and the Decepticons (led by The Fallen) that practically destroyed Cybertron. Overlord Balder, Mar 18, 2012 #41. Why do atoms arrange themselves in a regular fashion to form crystals? We must defend the humans! rev 2021.3.5.38726, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. In spite of his death, Sentinel, Dylan Gould, and the … To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Which relative pronoun is better? Why does ReliefPlot not have a version for functions? During the battle between prime and Sentinel, Ratchet Sentinel Prime then goes on a roaring rampage of recollecting the pillars which starts by backstabbing and terminating Ironhide, delivering an entire army of Decepticons through a portal and warns Optimus to stay away from him brutally beating him down to the ground and at the end decides to kill Optimus. Ironhide was one of Optimus Prime's oldest friends, and fought alongside him in the Cybertronian War.. Transformers [edit | edit source]. What does the concept of an "infinite universe" actually mean? [points to component] Optimus Prime: So why was this found in human possession? Decepticons, instead, want to rebuild Cybertron. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. attacked Sentinel then went towards Bumble bee until Side Swipe So he decided to double-cross his allies even before setting foot on Earth, what happened on Earth later (Autobots friends with humans) only made him angrier and his betrayal more vehement. Why "их" instead of "его" in Dostoevsky's Adolescent? So all in all... no surprise betrayal if someone knows the truth, but more sort of an ambush by a camouflaged (as Autobot) enemy. fanpop pesquisa Results: They killed off IronHide!! p.s. There was also a conflict in … Who had 5 number 1 hits on billboard charts in his first year? Fanpop Poll Results: They killed off IronHide!! There was a huge fight between humans and autobots with the decepticons. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Megatron in the face where he was injured. In short... because Ironhide was in his way, and with Optimus not there, there was no one there with the firepower to stop him. Why did Sentinel want to kill Ironhide when clearly he could have killed either bumblebee or the other bots. A little mourning scene and a speech from Optimus could have helped. Over the centuries, he has come to believe both Optimus and Megatronhave lost sight of what is best for the Cybertronian race, and simply pursue their own agendas. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Ironhide became bridgemaster for the Iacon Port space bridge connecting to other colony worlds established thr… Ironhide emerged from the Well of All Sparks sometime during or before the Golden Age. Chess. So that's why he didn't try to kill him straight away until the end of the movie. In Transformers, why didn't Optimus use the Shard of the Allspark to heal Jazz? Sentinel: So lost you are, Optimus. There was also a When did organ music become associated with baseball? Anyway, Optimus tackled Sentinel and had a little brawl, and Sentinel held his sword to Optimus' throat, but decided not to kill him. In Dark of the Moon, we see that Sentinel Prime is good at the first half of the film. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Would it be Possible to Extract Helium in a World Without Fossil Fuels? He explains it in the movie (even if I acknowledge that dialogues often get lost between Bay's beloved explosions): Sentinel: For Cybertron! Safety of taking a bicycle to a country where they drive on the other side of the road? Why did Megatron transform into a Mack Truck? Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Long live the mighty IRONHIDE! Could my employer match contribution have caused me to have an excess 401K contribution? It only takes a minute to sign up. Ok see, at one time Sentinel Prime was a leader of the autobots. Nobody and I mean nobody did any form of effort whatsoever to save Ironhide. Reason to why Sentinal shot Ironhide. Sentinel Prime was killed by Optimus Prime.The dreds are killed by Dino, Sideswipe and Ironhide.Starscream by Sam with his dyamite stick Does Ironhide come back in transformers 3? Audience-specific texts for custom close reasons: Scientific Solutions or…. Back soon after Sentinel betrayed the Autobots, Sentinel activated the 5 pillars for the first time over that pond in Washington D.C. Sentinel claimed that he just wanted to save Cybertron. PLEASE CLICK FOR FULL VIEW! Disclaimer: Transformers belongs to Hasbro/Michael Bay. [bangs fist on top of Optimus's cab, Optimus transforms] Ironhide: He's pissed. Thus it is not for cybertron...that is only an excuse imho, but instead he is as powerhungry as the next decepticon and was never worth the autobot symbol. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Ironhide and Megatron secretly fought and Ironhide shot Megatron in the face where he was injured. @Thomas, maybe I should rethink my answer... March 2021 Topic Challenge: Cornelia Funke. Sentinel is not the only one that changed side in the Transformers franchise, so his betrayal is not so "strange". Thay never mention, nor talk about it again whatsoever. Sideswipe, alongside the other Autobots, left Earth in the Xantium, which was destroyed by Starscream. Tasked with finding other Autobots scattered throughout the galaxy and rendezvous on Earth, they left Cybertron in various escape pods. interfared and cut Sentinel off and later went back to Ratchet. He told Optimus that "he'd understand why he didn't kill him in the future." Overlord Balder Voices Slugslinger! Chicago. He also kills a lot of people, including Ironhide (more on him later). Joined: Jan 1, 2011 Posts: 6,306 Trophy Points: 176 Likes: +12. Optimus Prime: [pounds the ground] You lied to us! Megatron met Sentinel and told him to kill Ironhide and try to Everything humans know of our planet we were told had all been shared! But at the near climax, Sentinel Prime betrays Ironhide. Defiance issue 1 But hearing Megatron speak of co… What is the mission statement for the African sandals business? when pulling out his rust rifle after that he went for Bumble bee Later conflict in Transformers: Dark of the Moon the game where Ironhide Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? However, Sideswipe and the Autobots hid in a booster rocket that separated from the shuttle before it was blown up. In this role he seemed to serve a post between Lord Protector Megatron and Commander Starscream (see notes). and try to shoot his spark as in the movie, each bullet that bumble Sentinel betrayed the Autobot cause a very very long time ago on Cybertron. On Cybertron, we were gods. And here, they call us machines. No. Can you think of other common practices and policies that might interfere with exchange efficiency? Ironhide was among the Autobots fending off a wave of Decepticon forces led by Shockwave and Soundwave and was eventually ordered to retreat by Optimus Prime. Why didn't Sentinel Prime take the Matrix of Leadership when offered? Did the Nostalgia Critic accurately predict “Transformers: The Last Knight”? Why use 5 or more ledger lines below the bass clef instead of ottava bassa lines for piano sheet music? I swear to Primus I have no clue why the BG is all black in the preview! Wanting to save his dying homeworld, Sentinel Prime previously made a secret pact with Megatron (the Fallen's apprentice) to help him recreate Cybertron in the name of the Decepticons. Prime, make something of yourself! What is the importance of being treated humanely and why such treatment is important for human conduct? Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Optimus Prime, no stranger to death, metes out justice by simply decapitating Sentinel Prime … Why didn't Sentinel Prime kill Optimus Prime? But come on, Optimus Prime is the strongest Autobot in the Bay movies so yeah, that is why Sentinel didn't kill Optimus Prime at first, but when he did try to kill him he could only have the strength to give him a strong match. In Dark of the Moon after Sentinel Prime reveals that he's made a secret pact with Megatron and the Decepticons to sacrifice Earth in order to revive Cybertron, he betrays the Autobots by blowing Ironhide's brains out.