Second, this study used 2 different OCT systems (time‐domain and frequency‐domain OCT). use prohibited. The prevalence of plaque rupture (33.7% versus 30.4%, P=0.896) and plaque erosion (21.1% versus 22.0%, P=0.458) was similar. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. identification of dental plaque v. definition of disclosing agent vi. Cardiology Division, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, Biostatistics Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, Division of Cardiology, Kyung Hee University Hospital, Seoul, South Korea. Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. : 12(13)-EHC144-EF. Lee S, Coleman CI, Limone B, Kaur R, White CM, Kluger J, Sobieraj DM. in plaque remodeling and in the development of plaque vulnerability. 0. answers. Finally, this study did not evaluate clinical outcomes. The omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) possesses TG-lowering properties, but also presents potential beneficial effects on atherosclerotic plaques, as it was shown to decrease characteristics associated with vulnerable plaque by increasing the thickness of the fibrous cap in patients treated with statins, and also to reduce atheroma-associated inflammation. Our results are consistent with previous reports demonstrating that patients with DM have a greater lipid burden in nonculprit plaques7 and higher prevalence of nonculprit TCFA6 compared with patients without DM. 6(5):283-94. . Comparisons of the culprit and nonculprit plaque characteristics based on HbA1c level are shown in Tables S2 and S3. Yersinia pestis used in an aerosol attack … Chlorhexidine (CHX) is the gold standard as an antiplaque agent for its high substantivity in plaque and saliva. I. This product could help you, Accessing resources off campus can be a challenge. IADR members have access to this journal as part of their membership. Verfügbarkeit in einem dm-Markt prüfen ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 3.5 von 5 Sternen. Sharing links are not available for this article. Click the button below for the full-text content, 24 hours online access to download content. This study investigated the relationship between carotid plaque neovascularization and diabetes mellitus (DM) by using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography. Consumer Reports Health Letter (March, 1991). The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Registry, Pathology of human coronary and carotid artery atherosclerosis and vascular calcification in diabetes mellitus, Multiple complex coronary atherosclerosis in diabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction: a three‐vessel optical coherence tomography study, Comparison of nonculprit coronary plaque characteristics between patients with and without diabetes: a 3‐vessel optical coherence tomography study, Severity of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with a first acute coronary event: a diabetes paradox, In vivo diagnosis of plaque erosion and calcified nodule in patients with acute coronary syndrome by intravascular optical coherence tomography, Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus, Features of coronary plaque in patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus assessed by 3‐vessel optical coherence tomography, Prevalence and predictors of multiple coronary plaque ruptures: In vivo 3‐vessel optical coherence tomography imaging study, Consensus standards for acquisition, measurement, and reporting of intravascular optical coherence tomography studies: a report from the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Standardization and Validation, Nonculprit plaque characteristics in patients with acute coronary syndrome caused by plaque erosion vs plaque rupture: a 3‐vessel optical coherence tomography study, Lessons from sudden coronary death: a comprehensive morphological classification scheme for atherosclerotic lesions, Spotty calcification and plaque vulnerability in vivo: frequency‐domain optical coherence tomography analysis, Coronary calcification and plaque vulnerability: an optical coherence tomographic study, Morphologic findings of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in diabetics: a postmortem study, Coronary composition and macrophage infiltration in atherectomy specimens from patients with diabetes mellitus, Effect of diabetes on progression of coronary atherosclerosis and arterial remodeling: a pooled analysis of 5 intravascular ultrasound trials, Plaque characteristics in culprit lesions and inflammatory status in diabetic acute coronary syndrome patients, Comparison of coronary plaque characteristics between diabetic and non‐diabetic subjects: an in vivo optical coherence tomography study, Assessment of coronary plaque characteristics by optical coherence tomography in patients with diabetes mellitus complicated with unstable angina pectoris, Quantification of macrophage content in atherosclerotic plaques by optical coherence tomography, Measurement of the thickness of the fibrous cap by optical coherence tomography, Unstable angina. Methods Study population Hyperglycemia and DM promote vascular calcification in various mechanisms such as advanced glycation end products, oxidative stress, and endothelial cell dysfunction.5 The higher frequency of healed plaque rupture in patients with DM may also be associated with diffuse calcification.32 The patients with DM often develop diabetic nephropathy, and uremia‐related factors such as an increase in calcium‐phosphate products may also contribute to vascular calcification. Some society journals require you to create a personal profile, then activate your society account, You are adding the following journals to your email alerts, Did you struggle to get access to this article? The total length of segment imaged by OCT was comparable between patients with and without DM (62.3±19.1 mm versus 64.8±21.5 mm, P=0.382). In patients with culprit plaque erosion (right column), those with DM had a higher prevalence of lipid‐rich plaque, macrophage accumulation, and cholesterol crystals. Hij mocht niet naar de nachtwinkel en toen sloegen de stoppen door: agent had triviale ruzie met zijn vrouw vlak voor familiedrama Balen. The adjustment for these confounders may have affected our results. In the present study, compared with patients without DM, patients with DM had a higher prevalence of lipid‐rich plaque and macrophage accumulation in the culprit plaques and had greater lipid arc, thinner FCT, and more frequent TCFA in the nonculprit plaques. The Massachusetts General Hospital OCT Registry was approved by the Institutional Review Board at each participating site, and all patients provided written informed consent before enrollment. antiplaque: ( antē-plak ) A drug or compound that inhibits or prevents buildup of dental plaque. When you eat, the bacteria in plaque use the sugars in your food to produce acids that eat away at the tooth enamel. You can be signed in via any or all of the methods shown below at the same time. Chi‐squared test and Fisher exact test were applied. On the other hand, in the culprit erosion group, the prevalence of lipid‐rich plaque, macrophage accumulation, and cholesterol crystals was significantly higher in patients with DM compared with patients without DM. Physicians need to be able to counsel patients concerning these risks and promote informed decision-making prior … Data are presented as number (%) or mean±SD. A total of 322 patients with acute coronary syndromes who underwent preintervention optical coherence tomography imaging of the culprit lesion were included. Figure 1 Comparisons of culprit plaque characteristics between patients with and without diabetes mellitus (DM) based on the culprit lesion pathology (rupture vs erosion). This site uses cookies. The number of nonculprit plaques was similar between the DM group and non‐DM group (0.4±0.6 versus 0.5±0.7 plaques per vessel, P=0.415). A multicenter, randomized, double-blind study of the efficacy and safety of calcipotriene foam, 0.005%, vs vehicle foam in the treatment of plaque-type psoriasis of the scalp. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in a non-antibiotic antimicrobial agent used in clinical medicine. However, the distribution of plaque morphology examined by each system did not differ significantly between the 2 groups. Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have a high prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD), as diabetes is implicated in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Taken together, these findings suggest that plaque vulnerability at ruptured culprit plaques may be increased even in patients without DM. Abstract Statement of the problem: Fluorescein is a plaque detection agent, which The present study represents the largest series so far. With plaque buildup or excessive plaque, a few concerns may occur. Interpretation of Plaque index Rating Scores Excellent 0 Good 0.1-0.9 Fair 1.0-1.9 Poor 2.0-3.0 39 40. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. Caries-Preventive Agents. Plaque is colorless and well camouflaged, especially in hard-to-see areas like the back of the mouth. Bel: +31 344-645675. Our results demonstrated that patients with diabetes mellitus had a higher prevalence of lipid‐rich plaque and macrophage accumulation at the culprit plaques and greater lipid arc, thinner fibrous cap, and more prevalent thin‐cap fibroatheroma at the nonculprit regions, indicating a higher level of panvascular plaque instability. the diabetic (DM) vs. non-diabetic (non-DM) compari-son, peripheral plaques from 14 DM patients and 16 non-DM patients were obtained through the Silverhawk appa-ratus. A frequent cause of coronary thrombosis in sudden coronary death, Traditional risk factors and the incidence of sudden coronary death with and without coronary thrombosis in blacks, Inflammation, neovascularization and intra‐plaque hemorrhage are associated with increased reparative collagen content: implication for plaque progression in diabetic atherosclerosis, Plaque neovascularization is increased in ruptured atherosclerotic lesions of human aorta, Diabetes and vascular disease: pathophysiology, clinical consequences, and medical therapy: part I, Pathophysiology of calcium deposition in coronary arteries, Impact of chronic kidney disease stages on atherosclerotic plaque components on optical coherence tomography in patients with coronary artery disease, Distribution of coronary artery calcium by race, gender, and age: results from the Multi‐Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), Patterns and risk factors for systemic calcified atherosclerosis, Plaque composition and clinical outcomes in acute coronary syndrome patients with metabolic syndrome or diabetes, Impact of diabetes on long‐term prognosis in patients with unstable angina and non‐Q‐wave myocardial infarction: results of the OASIS (Organization to Assess Strategies for Ischemic Syndromes) Registry, Differential clinical responses to everolimus‐eluting and paclitaxel‐eluting coronary stents in patients with and without diabetes mellitus, Diabetes mellitus increases short‐term mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery, Everolimus eluting stents versus coronary artery bypass graft surgery for patients with diabetes mellitus and multivessel disease, Effectiveness of percutaneous coronary intervention with drug‐eluting stents compared with bypass surgery in diabetics with multivessel coronary disease: comprehensive systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized clinical data, Estimating the delay between onset and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes from the time course of retinopathy prevalence, Journal of the American Heart Association, Coronary Plaque Characteristics in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Who Presented With Acute Coronary Syndromes, Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. Albany, NY — One of the FBI agents killed Tuesday morning in Florida began his career in the agency’s Albany field office. These chemical agents vary in dosage form and include mouthrinses, gels, and … Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) Botulism (Clostridium botulinum toxin) Plague (Yersinia pestis) Smallpox (variola major) Tularemia (Francisella tularensis) Viral hemorrhagic fevers, including Filoviruses (Ebola, Marburg) Arenaviruses (Lassa, Machupo) Category B Definition. Da and Dm are odorless, and Dc reportedly has an odor similar to garlic or bitter almonds. Chi‐squared test and Fisher exact test for categorical variables, and Student t test for continuous variables were applied. Adverse effects vary according to the chemical agent and include poor taste, burning sensation of oral tissue, staining of teeth and soft tissues, excess supragingival calculus, oral lesions in young patients, and allergic reactions. Amyloid plaques (also known as neuritic plaques, Aβ plaques or senile plaques) are extracellular deposits of the amyloid beta (Aβ) protein mainly in the grey matter of the brain. Therefore, more aggressive risk including tight control of glucose, lipid, and blood pressure is particularly important in patients with diabetes mellitus who present with acute coronary syndromes. This finding is in line with pathology studies that reported that patients with DM had increased microvessel density, which indicates plaque progression evolving to plaque rupture.29 In contrast, in the culprit rupture group, the prevalence of lipid‐rich plaque, macrophage accumulation, and cholesterol crystals was not different between patients with and without DM. . 1. Antiplatelet agents, oral anticoagulants, and statins have been suggested in the management of atheromas. Data are presented as number (%) or mean±SD. 85. Further details on the incidence of COVID‐19 disease in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis treated with biological agents, clinical course and outcomes of patients who developed SARS‐CoV‐2 infection or who have been exposed to someone with laboratory‐confirmed COVID‐19 will be obtained by the ongoing investigation by the PSO‐BIO‐COVID study group. Biologic agents are effective in treating moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, but awareness of associated neurological adverse effects, though rare, is important to consider. These findings suggest that plaques in patients with DM who present with ACS have a higher level of pancoronary vulnerability. Aortic atheromas (aortic atheromatous plaques) are defined by an irregular thickening of the intima ≥2 mm, and a complex plaque is defined as a protruding atheroma ≥4 mm with or without an attached mobile component. Article: Form of Delivery: PZN-D: PZN-A: REF: Plaque Agent: Bottle incl. DM is associated with a higher incidence of myocardial infarction or cardiac death,2 and worse prognosis after ACS,37 percutaneous coronary intervention,38 and coronary artery bypass graft surgery.39 Panvascular inflammation in patients with DM presenting with ACS explains an increased risk for future nonculprit lesion‐related major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with DM.36 It may also explain the superiority of coronary artery bypass graft surgery to percutaneous coronary intervention in the clinical outcomes of patients with DM and multivessel disease.40 Our results demonstrated a higher level of panvascular instability in patients with DM. These findings are consistent with previous clinical studies.3 The adjustment for these differences in baseline patient characteristics should have corrected the confounder effects on our results. In the nonculprit lesions, the DM group had greater maximal lipid arc (248.9°±83.9° versus 179.9°±58.3°, P=0.006), thinner fibrous cap thickness (103.3±56.2 μm versus 140.7±70.0 μm, P=0.013), and a higher prevalence of thin‐cap fibroatheroma (17.2% versus 6.3%, P=0.031), compared with the non‐DM group. Among 108 nonculprit plaques included in the subgroup analysis, 34 were also included in our previous study,7 and 74 new plaques were added. Any discordance was resolved by consensus with a third reviewer. The comparison of the culprit plaque characteristics based on the clinical presentation showed that ST‐segment–elevation myocardial infarction patients with DM had a smaller minimal lumen area and reference lumen area and a higher prevalence of macrophage accumulation, calcification, and spotty calcium compared with those without DM, whereas NSTE‐ACS patients with DM had no significant difference except a higher frequency of lipid‐rich plaque compared with those without DM. Epub 2014 Jul 17. unlimited download. Plague is a disease that affects humans and other mammals. Für den Gebrauch von miradent Plaque Agent wird der Mundraum mit 10 ml (eine Dosierkappe) Zahnspüllösung für 30 Sekunden gespült. View or download all the content the society has access to. Additional patient characteristics are described in Table 1. the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. 2013 Oct. 89 (4):788-93. . Item Information. plaque disclosing agents 1. plaque disclosing agents 2. contents i. definition of plaque ii. However, studies analyzing carotid plaque morphology based on MRI plaque imaging in relation to type 2 diabetes (DM 2) are rare. National Center Decreased nitric o … Please check you selected the correct society from the list and entered the user name and password you use to log in to your society website. The percentage of lipid-rich plaques was similar among the NGT, IGT and DM groups. In the nonculprit lesions, the high‐HbA1c group had the greatest lipid burden among the groups. It is the aim of this study to investigate whether MRI-based plaque imaging has the ability to detect possible In the culprit lesions, DM groups (both high and low HbA1c) had a higher prevalence of lipid‐rich plaque and macrophage accumulation than the non‐DM group. Conclusions: Coronary plaque characteristics in DM patients showed an increased amount of dense calcium and necrotic core, as well as a higher frequency of VHD-TCFA and VHD-FCA. Da appears as colorless crystals, Dc as a white solid, and Dm as light yellow-to-green crystals. Chi‐square test for categorical variables, and Student t test and Mann‐Whitney test for continuous variables were applied. They include: Tooth decay: If plaque on your teeth builds up, those acids can wear away on your teeth’s enamel and lead to cavities. . Butler T. Plague gives surprises in the first decade of the 21st century in the United States and worldwide. 1997 Oct;105(5 Pt 2):502-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0722.1997.tb00237.x. OCT is the only intracoronary imaging modality that is capable of visualizing features of plaque vulnerability such as macrophage accumulation and TCFA that has been validated by histology studies.24 Our results demonstrated that patients with DM had a higher prevalence of lipid‐rich plaque and macrophage accumulation at the culprit plaques, indicating a higher level of culprit plaque instability, consistent with previous pathology studies.18. Condition:--not specified. ACE‐I indicates angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker; BMI, body mass index; DM, diabetes mellitus; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; hs‐CRP, high‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein; LDL, low‐density lipoprotein; MI, myocardial infarction; NSTE‐ACS, non‐ST‐segment–elevation acute coronary syndrome; STEMI, ST‐segment–elevation myocardial infarction. Previous autopsy studies demonstrated that plaque erosion was associated with younger age,27 female sex,27 and smoking status28 compared with plaque rupture. The high‐HbA1c group had the greatest lipid burden in the nonculprit region among the groups, indicating the importance of control of DM for plaque stabilization. Plague is a disease caused by Yersinia pestis (Y. pestis), a bacterium found in rodents and their fleas in many areas around the world.. Why are we concerned about pneumonic plague as a bioweapon? Association Council on Scientific Affairs Expert Panel on Nonfluoride . Brief communication: dentists’ reproducibility in scoring the plaque index using a fluorescent colouring agent Précis The levels of agreement of the Silness-Löe plaque index measurements using Plaque Test (a fluorescent colouring agent) were fair to good among eight dentists. Atherosclerosis of the target vessel was more advanced in diabetic patients. Dallas, TX 75231 This site uses cookies. Abstract There has been a vigorous search for many years for chemical agents that could supplement or even supplant patient‐dependent mechanical plaque control and thus reduce or prevent oral disease. Patient characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Dr Jang had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for its integrity and the data analysis. dental plaque: a host-associated biofilm iii. See: dental plaque , biofilm [G. anti- against, + plaque, fr. Although the analysis was retrospectively performed, data were prospectively collected. DM indicates diabetes mellitus; FCT, fibrous cap thickness; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; LCX, left circumflex coronary artery; RCA, right coronary artery; TCFA, thin‐cap fibroatheroma. General design and clinical effects, Reduction of supragingival plaque accumulations in institutionalized Down's syndrome patients by periodic treatment with topical kanamycin, Chemotherapeutic agents for controlling plaque and gingivitis, Efficacy of chlorhexidine digluconate in comparison to phenolic and a plant alkaloid compound (abstract), Six-month effects of a sanguinarine dentifrice on plaque and gingivitis, Clinical uses of an enzyme-containing dentifrice, Topical antibiotic control of dentogingival plaque, Chlorhexidine, vantocil, fluorophene and antimycotic agents in an animal caries test, Longitudinal evaluation of sanguinaria: Clinical and microbiologic studies, Salt and peroxide compared with conventional oral hygiene, Oral ulcerations with use of hydrogen peroxide, The effect of dentifrices containing zinc citrate on plaque growth and oral zinc levels, Efficacy of Plax prebrushing rinse in reducing dental plaque (abstract), Oral clinical functionality of enzyme Ap used as a mounthwash, Efficacy of supervised rinsing with chlorhexidine digluconate in comparison to phenolic and plant alkaloid compounds, Efficacy of a prebrushing rinse in reducing dental plaque, The effect of an antimicrobial mouthwash on dental plaque, calculus, and gingivitis, Control of gingivitis and calculus by a dentifrice containing a zinc salt and triclosan, The effect of a mouthwash as adjunct in tooth cleaning, Six month study on the effect of a dentifrice containing zinc citrate and triclosan on plaque, gingival health and calculus, A 1-year study of the efficacy of a dentifrice containing zinc citrate and triclosan to maintain gingival health, The influence of a dentifrice containing a zinc salt and a nonionic antimicrobial agent on the maintenance of gingival health, Effect of stannous fluoride mouthrinse on dental plaque formation, Clinical and microbiological effects of daily brushing with either NaF or SnF2 in subjects with fixed or removable dental prostheses, Delivery systems for agents in supra and sub-gingival plaque control, Chronic treatment with hydrogen peroxide-Is it safe, Effects of hydrogen peroxide on oral carcinogenesis in hamsters, Effect of hydrogen peroxide on developing plaque and gingivitis in man, Some effects of a sanguinarine-containing mouthwash on developing plaque and gingivitis, Effect of toothbrushing with 0.4% stannous fluoride and 0.22% sodium fluoride gel on gingivitis for 18 months. This is an open access article under the terms of the. Introduction. Taken together, these findings are suggestive of pancoronary vulnerability in DM patients, which explains the worse prognosis. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography was performed in 104 patients with carotid plaque thicker than 2.0 mm. Authors A Gaffar 1 , J Afflitto, N Nabi. Contact us if you experience any difficulty logging in.