The two warriors engaged in an ever-escalating conflict, each one tapping the power of Unicron to grow larger and more powerful. Accessories: Cumbersome. Omega told Optimus that he was now ready to face the trials that lay ahead, and the two of them used their Combination Sparks to achieve a new Powerlinxed form—Optimus Supreme. Prime used Galvatron's hatred of him to overwhelm Unicron's influence on the Decepticon leader's mind, keeping Galvatron interested in the conflict. Aside from a more traditional gray, red, and yellow color scheme, Omega Supreme now has a new head and a massive, articulated claw arm, both based on his War for Cybertron design. It is unknown if the smaller robot is Omega Supreme and the large form merely boosts his size and power, or if "Omega Supreme" specifically refers to the union of all three, though the combined Omega Train and Omega Battleship have the ability to form the robot Omega Grand without him. Regaining his sentience for a brief instant, Shockblast was struck down by Unicron himself, whose incalculably large fist struck down from space, killing the warrior. Transformers Collector's Guide: Supreme Class Omega Supreme (Transformers, Energon, Autobot): realtime price guide with history, pictures, and info for all … Ambition They arrived on Cybertron and battled the newly-enhanced Galvatron until clouds of Autobot-killing energon gas were released into the atmosphere, driving Omega Supreme and his comrades to retreat. Moving along, they first encountered another drone who activated the base's "security mode," alerting the resident Autobots, Bulkhead, Tow-Line and the now active Omega Supreme. Formidable, Omega Supreme and Optimus spent a brief time recuperating on Ocean Planet once more before launching back into the struggle against Galvatron. BIG BOXED MFT MF 34 34i 17D DA06 Omega Prime Supreme (opened box) $49.99 to $65.99. Omega Supreme was the guardian of the Omega Gate, which gave access to the Core of Cybertron.Omega lay inactive during the war until Megatron's forces invaded Iacon seeking what they thought was the Omega Key, which would allow access to the Core, forcing Sentinel Zeta Prime to activate the false Omega Key and awaken the sleeping giant. Eddig 517 alkalommal nézték meg. Tap to unmute. His two vehicular components also have the ability to transform into the mighty Omega Crusher and Omega Force Gun weapon platforms respectively. Omega Supreme was an ancient Autobot warrior who single-handedly battled and defeated Unicron in times long ago. Omega made short work of several Decepticons as the Autobots fought to prevent Unicron from being reactivated. HASBRO Transformers Energon Omega Supreme 2003 Action Figure (Missing Head) Sign in to check out … Transformers Energon Omega Supreme NO HEAD. Omega Supreme's larger head turns into a smaller robot. Ironhide Team Six Shot dispatched the Autobots indirectly with a massive explosion, caused by a build up of energon gas in the pipline under their feet. Rodimus suspects it's Omega's influence, as powerlinked Autobots increase their strength tenfold. $64.99. Voice actor: Scott McNeil (English), Kenta Miyake(Japanese) Omega Supreme is an ancient Cybertronian who single-handedly battled and defeated Unicron way back in the distant past of Cybertron. Note #2: Before Energon was officially released, advance packaged samples of Ultra Magnus with a repainted Street Speed Team appeared on eBay. Perspective, Omega Supreme's existence began as an "artificial construct" whose construction was jumpstarted in response to Optimus's disappearance. It is unknown if the smaller robot is Omega Supreme and the large form merely boosts his size and power, or if "Omega Supreme" specifically refers to the union of all three, though the combined Omega Train and Omega Battleship have the ability to form the robot Omega Grand without him. His incredible size and strength have earned him the respect and admiration of all that know him. Franchise: Optimus Supreme was the only Autobot still functional enough to oppose Cybertron's accelerated journey towards Alpha Q's planets. Subsequent to this, he spent millions of years in stasis below the surface of the planet. Complete (head and missiles included but not picutred). His incredible size and strength have earned him the respect and admiration of all that know him. Free shipping. Omega Supreme Voiced by: Scott McNeil Omega Supreme is a giant ancient Autobot who one fought and defeated Unicron before Armada. He used the power of Unicron to match Galvatron's proportions, pulling him down to Jungle Planet where they continued to battle. His two vehicular components also have the ability to transform into the mighty Omega Crusher and Omega Force Gun weapon platforms respectively. Affiliation: Shipping and payments. Details about HASBRO Transformers Energon Omega Supreme 2003 Action Figure (Missing Head) 2 viewed per hour. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. $9.20 shipping. Ironhide gets the energon to Primus, who wakes up and energizes Optimus so he can merge with Omega Supreme, becoming Optimus Supreme and defeating Galvatron and the Decepticons. FigureRestorer , Sep 22, 2019 Prime declined and, reading between the lines of Prime's bravado, Kicker deduced that he was in trouble. HASBRO Transformers Energon Omega Supreme 2003 Action Figure (Missing Head) Item Information. Due to their own incompetence, none of the three Decepticons managed to make it to their targets. Omega Sentinel was a member of the Primus Vanguard. I want to tell you about the Transformers! Figure is c9. Thus the energon was saved from Decepticon hands... for now! More information on Omega Supreme at,, Also according to Archer, the main toy's body has that little pop-up head because he never liked how if you lost the, Omega's Headmaster partner has detailing in his robot mode based on. ;-P This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. Eventually, Optimus Supreme pulled back so that Galvatron could leave Cybertron as he intended, cutting down on the planetary devastation. At least, Snowcat managed to get a brief glimpse of the project while it was still unde… He then becomes guardian of a large supply of energon, and spent millions of years in stasis below the surface of Cybertron. Omega Supreme The Autobots attempted to gain entry to Unicron's interior, but were forced to retreat when the Planet-Eater crashed into the energon grid around Alpha Q's worlds, super-heating his outer surface in the process. It does "transform" if the legs switch sides. Destructive Power. The rest of the Autobots head for Unicron's surface, searching for Megatron. Watch later. The Omega Force Gun provided Superion Maximus with some much needed firepower in combat, while Omega himself used the Omega Crusher to drive off Starscream. He was awakened when Primus guided Doctor Jones to his location, and embued him with the Spark of Combination. Fast & Free shipping on many items! "Yellow" half of body: Omega Train / Omega Crusher"Blue" half of body: Omega Battleship / Omega Force GunHead: Headmaster-like robot Omega"Yellow" and "blue" halves combined in alternative mode: Omega Battle Train Omega Supreme and Prime continued to Powerlinx until Optimus chose to face Galvatron alone. Autobots Ironhide gets the energon to Primus, who wakes up and energizes Optimus so he can merge with Omega Supreme, becoming Optimus Supreme and defeating Galvatron and the Decepticons. He was pulled to safety, but remained determined to stop Unicron, no matter the cost. Two of the Super Energon's guardians, Bruticus Maximus and Constructicon Maximus, awake from stasis and side with him, … $39.95. He is composed of Omega Train, Omega Battleship, and a small robot named Omega that transforms into a larger head for their combined robot mode. He transforms into cybertronian battleship, cybertronian unknown construction vehicle, cybertronian crane, cybertronian turret and cybertronian train. Whites: whiter. The terrorcons got into the super energon and grow in size. How many Omegas can be in one set? Omega Supreme was the legendary Guardian of Crystal City. "I am sick and tired of all these jokes about my giant hand. Omega Supreme Omega Supreme is a gigantic and powerful Autobot protector. How many Omegas can be in one set? Copy link. Though the Decepticons called in Mirage for reinforcement, Omega Supreme first made short work of this newcomer, and then fired at Sharkticon while he fled, taking out both his target and the space-bound Shockblast with one shot! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A Heroic Battle, Optimus Supreme faced his first test upon infiltrating Megatron's throne room and being confronted by Shockblast. Transformers Energon: Omega Supreme [VHS]: VHS. Omega Grand is the robot mode of the Omega Train and Omega Battleship. Multiplicity, Pt. G1 Transformers Autobot Omega Supreme vs Devastator Fight Picture Poster 11x17 . Superion Maximus is one of the 4 5-character combinations who guarded Super Energon, and the only one who joined Optimus instead of Megatron since Megatron destroyed his inert brother. 1. Seller … Omega Supreme is a free-thinker, and though he is lacking in terms of personality, he is a powerful Autobot that believes he can tip the war in the Autobots' favour. He, and others like him, are classified as the Guardians of Cybertron. Optimus suffered serious injuries after overtaxing his capabilities in battle, and so Omega Supreme and the others watched over him in stasis on Ocean Planet. Report item.

I am a transformers collector, customizer, and i specialize in refurbishing toys people throw away. Optimus Prime nevertheless continued trying to reach the access shaft alone, before succumbing to his injuries. At Kicker's suggestion, Omega Supreme retrieved Optimus's trailer and joined him on the field of battle, providing Optimus and Wing Saber with some much needed support. Energon Omega Supreme: Thew's Awesome Transformers Reviews #80 - YouTube. Optimus Supreme Constructing an arena out of energon upon which they could do battle, Optimus Supreme struck out at Unicron over and over again., Also according to Archer, the main toy's body has that little pop-up head because he never liked how if you lost the. A(z) "TransFormers Energon 35.rész" című videót "override_chan" nevű felhasználó töltötte fel a(z) "film/animáció" kategóriába. Alternate Mode: Armageddon Part 4 Omega Supreme joined the battle against first the Quintesson war-fleet and then Unicron. Omega Supreme (Energon) Allegiance: Autobot Size: Supreme Difficulty of Transformation: Easy Color Scheme: Dull yellow, black, dark navy blue, red, brownish gray, and some silver, transparent orange, metallic bronze, bright orange, and metallic light blue Powerlinx ports: 4 Rating: 8.0. They met up with a small band of Autobot soldiers and fled underground to avoid the full effects of the gas. He regained control long enough to throw himself into the energon sun, and Unicron's last bit of influence was destroyed. He believes that unyielding resolve has no conqueror and will not hesitate to engage even the strongest foe. archieboy has also supplied some comparison shots with Generation 1 Overlord and Maketoys Yellow Giant . Omega Supreme is the last of the mighty Omega Sentinels, but was always unique amongst them. The Omega Train, Before they reached Central City, Kicker radioed Optimus Prime to see if he could rendez-vous with them. Expand your options of fun home activities with the largest online selection at He is composed of Omega Train, Omega Battleship, and a small robot named Omega that transforms into a larger head for their combined robot mode. Break Through, At some point, in an Autobot combat training simulation, Omega Supreme and Optimus Prime tag-teamed against a variety of opponents, making it to the final round opposite Rodimus and Hot Shot. Ironhide's team takes a beating by Scorponok and Ironhide's three rhyming buddies are taken out. During a mission, Omega Sentinel joined his leader in interrupting a battle between Star Convoy and Ultra Megatron. Item guaranteed original and not a re-issue or knock-off unless stated in this description. Find great deals on eBay for transformers energon omega supreme. Distribution, After meeting up with some reinforcements, Optimus Prime assigned Omega Supreme to work with Kicker, Hot Shot, and Arcee in penetrating the Decepticon defenses around Central City. They got a little too caught up in their stock animation transformation sequences, though, and left the arena floor, thereby accidentally forfeiting the match. The face shield is not completely transparent, but still looks really cool. $29.86. Zum Hauptinhalt Hallo, Anmelden. Bulkhead was a member of the Autobots who got involved in defending the Earth from the Terrorcon invasion. The tiny Omega consoled Optimus Prime after their loss. When word of a "Project Omega" made their way to Megatron, he sent out Slugslinger, Mirage, and Snowcat to sabotage it. He and Optimus can powerlink. Condition: Used “ Preowned condition, no head ” Price: US $39.99. Omega Supreme got a new toy as part of the Energon line, and this figure is a repaint and remold of it, giving it a new right arm and a new head that more closely matches how the character looks in the recent "War for Cybertron" video games. When Megatron resurfaced on Cybertron, however, Omega joined the Autobots on the Miranda II in returning to Cybertron. Cyber… I have seen TONS of these Omega Supremes with missing heads, so I made one. Optimus called upon Primus for help, and the Core of Cybertron somehow manipulated the energon gas into power for the Autobot leader, transforming Optimus Supreme into a planet-sized warrior once more. Entdecken Sie. Shockblast targeted Optimus Supreme in his berserker fury, and their battle fell to Blizzard Planet below. Energon Volume 3, Later, Omega Supreme battled Constructicon Maximus. Ironhide's team takes a beating by Scorponok and Ironhide's three rhyming buddies are taken out. That said, he's worth the price; he maintains the original figure's articulation and action features, and looks good alongside of his old counterparts. Shopping. Galvatron refused to allow the sacrifice, however. Roadblock informs Kicker that he is the upgraded and reformatted form of Inferno. Energon Crash Course, Reawakened, Omega Supreme traveled to the other side of the spatial rift to join forces with Optimus Prime and his Autobots as they battled Megatron. If you’ve never owned the mold of this figure before, review these pictures to see what you have in store. Their goal was to find Kicker's family and retake control of the command center and the energon towers. Prime and Omega managed to arrest Cybertron's forward momentum, bringing its flight towards the other planets to a temporary halt. 9 watching. Superion Maximus(Superion) At one point, Optimus evolved himself into Optimus Supreme, despite the fact that Omega Supreme was still watching the battle from the sidelines. Decepticon Army, The Autobots continued to struggle with the Decepticons on the surface, until the efforts of Dr. Jones and the Omnicons recharged Primus at Cybertron's core. Energon Omega Supreme: Thew's Awesome Transformers Reviews #80. This page was last modified on 19 December 2020, at 21:36. Episode 34 - Guess who's waking up to join the Autobots ... title says it all! Ironhide gets the energon to Primus, who wakes up and energizes Optimus so he can merge with Omega Supreme, becoming Optimus Supreme and defeating Galvatron and the Decepticons. When Kicker and the Omnicons opened a gap in the energon gas, Omega Supreme descended to the planet below with Optimus Prime's team. We buy toys! Alpha Q prepares to protect his planets by re-energizing them with energon.. As the Miranda II lifts off, Optimus fills the others in on Omega Supreme's history: eons ago, he fought Unicron. Armageddon Part 3 After Kicker was secured, Omega Supreme was finally activated and obliterated Unicron's Four Horsemen with its great firepower. Ironhide reported he was putting the finishing touches to the new super-weapon, though he still had trouble handling the artificial Matrix necessary to bring the 'bot online. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Weapons: He, and others like him, are classified as the Guardians of Cybertron. This remotely revitalized Optimus Prime's Combination Spark, and he took advantage of this to combine with Omega Supreme once more and deliver a stunning series of attacks against his foes. Omega Supreme - Transformers Energon - YouTube. - opens in a new window or tab. Kicker hopes that he might know how to beat him now, but Rodimus is pessimistic: waiting for Omega might give Megatron the extra time he needs.. One of Alpha Q's planets suddenly explodes, and … Tags: Omega Supreme,Transformers,Energon,Supreme Class,2004: $70.00: December 31, 2019: Complete. During the fight, Omega displayed his rarely used weapon platform modes. Galvatron Terror In their absence, Galvatron had dunked himself in the Super Energon pool, and was growing to colossal proportions. Galvatron! You can help Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki by expanding it. Description. Guided by Unicron's consciousness, Megatron is led to a subterranean reservoir of Super Energon, which transforms him into Galvatron. Continuity: $12.95 shipping. Wishes The Miranda II moved to the upper atmosphere, where the Autobots prepared to drop Kicker and the Omnicons (who were immune to the energon gas flooding the planet) down to the world below. The Optimus Supreme combination grew to enormous size, matching the Planet-Eater pound for pound. The terrorcons got into the super energon and grow in size. Robot Mode:Omega Supreme ist just huge, as big as Unicron, meaning he towers over just about any other Transformer except for Fortress Maximus.And while he is not quite as posable as the aforementioned Unicron, he can still strike a pose better than most G1 toys. The ambitious Decepticon had attempted to absorb Unicron's power for himself, developing tremendous size and power, but also being driven hopelessly insane. Omega Supreme As the threat of Unicron began to surface once again, Dr. Brian Jones located Omega Supreme's resting place deep within Cybertron thanks to the guidance of Primus. Item guaranteed original and not a re-issue or knock-off unless stated in this description. Galvatron and the Decepticons attacked, and Omega Supreme fought to delay them long enough for Cliffjumper to get the Miranda II into position for the drop. Subsequent to this, he spent millions of years in stasis below the surface of the planet. Shop with confidence. Learn more... Orders. Eventually, Optimus Prime used his Combination Spark to absorb all the essence of Unicron they were channeling, forcibly reducing him and Galvatron back to their original size and power. Omega Supreme is a gigantic and powerful Autobot protector. Optimus Supreme and the Unicron-possessed Galvatron grappled in the path of Primus's Super Energon sun, as Optimus prepared to sacrifice himself to hurtle Unicron into the star. A BigBadToyStore/Amazon shared exclusive, Platinum Edition "Year of the Snake" Omega Supreme is a redeco/retool of Energon Omega Supreme. Within, Rodimus and Optimus Supreme are closing in on Megatron's position. Discussion in ' Transformers Toy Discussion ' started by FigureRestorer , Sep 22, 2019 . The first such incident occurred in 1956, when...". The final US packaging shows these toys, and a small batch of these Mini-Cons were created, making them some of the rarest repaints in the world with a handful of units seen on the collector market. Transformers Energon Omega Supreme NO HEAD. By converting into his train mode, he provided his teammates with armored transport straight into the heart of the city. Spark, Despite Omega and Kicker's efforts, Galvatron once again gained the power of Unicron by absorbing a small orb fragment of the Chaos-Bringer that had been left in space. Unicron Trilogy Ironhide's team takes a beating by Scorponok and Ironhide's three rhyming buddies are taken out. Omega located a transit station and decided to make good use of the rail tracks. Due to their own incompetence, none of the three Decepticons managed to make it to their targets. He believes that unyielding resolve has no conqueror and will not hesitate to engage even the strongest foe. Omega Supreme is one of the Guardians of Cybertron who serves under the command of Omega Sentinel and is a powerful Autobot protector. The "Year of the Snake" Omega Supreme Platinum Edition is an homage to the original, using a modified mold of the Energon Omega Supreme which invokes Omega Supreme from the Transformers… Brights: brighter. At least, Snowcat managed to get a brief glimpse of the project while it was still under construction before being expelled from the Autobot base. This War For Cybertron inspired remold of Supreme Energon Omega Supreme is decked out in Generation 1 colors and features a new head and new claw weapon. Info. Figure is c9. He was awaken… Doomsday Redux! Armageddon Part 5, When Eclipse-Team, composed of Slugslinger and Sharkticon, infiltrated an Autobot energon refinery plant, they encountered Omega Supreme's inert body and assumed it was "some sort of Autobot sentry drone" that had been knocked offline by an e.m. pulse, courtesy of Shockblast, who was directing their mission from space. Figure is c9. Unicron Perishes. Related: transformers omega supreme siege transformers metroplex transformers siege transformers omega supreme g1 transformers omega supreme head transformers siege wfc omega supreme transformers fortress maximus transformers trypticon transformers energon omega supreme transformers g1 transformers unicron transformers lot Image of actual item can be seen here and here and here. Armageddon Part 1 By the time Omega Supreme was ready, the Autobots had been put in an impossible situation; the super-weapon was needed on their Mars base to repel an enemy attack, but by dropping the Earth's planetary shield to allow Omega passage, they risked letting Demolishor get away with a kidnapped Kicker. Image of actual item can be seen here and here and here. Super Megatron comic 3 At some other point, Omega Sentinel flew to Blue Big Convoy's position after his battle with three Specters. Great deals on Hasbro Omega Supreme Transformers & Robot Action Figures. IN STOCK New MFT MF 34 Huge Dragon Mini Omega Supreme Action figure. Prime Einkaufswagen. Omega Supreme was one of the more popular transformers in the first generation of Transformers. Once Optimus Prime arrived (having merged with the Combination Sparks of all his warriors), Omega joined him for the Ultimate combination as Optimus Supreme one last time. The Energon towers arrive with Roadblock at the head. Furthermore, the two vehicles can Transform into a special combined vehicle mode known as Omega Battle Train, Omega Supreme is an ancient Cybertronian who single-handedly battled and defeated Unicron way back in the distant past of Cybertron.